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已有 160 次阅读2021-5-17 23:14 |个人分类:全球化

Sep 22, 2016 at 11:58 PM

北韩要渐渐开放,先改变人的思想  North Korea should gradually open up and change people's minds first.

Jackie还要我讲金正恩昨天我就觉得,对金正恩这样的老大难,一次交流是不够的要象对小孩一样的多来几次花言巧语,软硬兼施并威逼利诱因为他本身就是小孩没想到昨天Jackie对他讲的话起作用了,进到他心里去了!本来就是吗,是人就有人性,谁会忘记自己儿时生活过的地方?再苦难的回忆也是甜的我想一定有什么东西触动他心灵深处的柔软的地方,一定昨天晚上他一夜没睡好觉,一定是金正恩他们要求再与Jackie讲话的是不是?他想确认一下,世界是真的变色了吗? 北韩人自我封闭久了,很多在观念上跟外部世界差了一大截就像一个饿了很久的人不能一下子给他吃很多东西,要一点一点地进补刚刚改革开放的时候,中国是怎么做的?中国把中上层干部一大批一大批地放出国考察让他们认识到自己的不足,让他们开始改变观念金正恩也不用去国外,可以去附近的南韩日本走一圈,也就可以起很大作用了要跟他商量,看他希望走什么样的道路如果他希望跟从基督教,那也不是坏事,但底线是不跟中国作对一旦人的头脑开放灵活了,在一起合作搞经济少多少麻烦和阻碍!人心齐泰山移在经济上看有什么合作项目可以把北韩的经济带动起来,看看他们有什么资源,有什么人才优势,比如文艺人才,什么样的产业比较适合,然后看他们希望用什么方式来打开市场说实在话无关政治朝鲜半岛的位置挺好的,就像长城的起点是在老龙头,你们一带一路陆路的起头可以从朝鲜半岛开始,因为那边已经有亚洲的大港釜山港那边的旅游项目除了可以开发陆地上的,还可以从胶州湾向下绕一圈朝鲜半岛,再去日本绕一圈,这样的游轮坐下来一周,也挺有意思的!朝鲜族文化非常有特色,前几年为了发展文化,韩国拼命地搜集文化,甚至把有些属于中国的文化项目也去抢来申请在自己的名下!韩国人一直在有预谋,有规划全方位大规模地发展自己的软硬实力希望朝鲜也加入韩国,一起把朝鲜半岛建成一个文化璀璨的区域

Jackie wants me to talk more about Kim Jong-un. Yesterday I felt that only once was not enough for  big and difficult man like Kim Jong-un. Just like treating a child, you have to spend a few more words, both hard and soft, and coercive. Because he is a child himself. I didn't expect what Jackie talked to him yesterday, it worked, and went into his heart! It’s just that people are human, who will forget where they lived when they were children? Even the memories of suffering is sweet. I think there must be something that touches the soft place in the depths of his heart. He mustnt have slept well last night. It must be Kim Jong-un who asked to talk to Jackie again. Is it? He wants to confirm, is the world really changing colors? North Koreans have been self-enclosed for a long time, and many of them are conceptually different from the outside world. Just like a person who has been hungry for a long time, you can't give him a lot of things at once, and he has to bd supplemented little by little. How did China do it? China has released a large number of cadres from the middle and upper level of the country go outside for investigation. Let them recognize their own deficiencies and let them begin to change their minds. Kim Jong-un does not have to go abroad, and can go to the nearby South Korea and Japan to take a walk. It’s time to talk to him and see what path he wants to take. If he wants to follow Christianity, it’s not a bad thing, but the bottom line is not against China. Once the mind is open and flexible, working together to engage in economics will be less troublesome and hinder! Once people's hearts are together, it will move the mountains. In terms of economics, what kind of cooperation projects can drive North Korea's economy, is to see what resources they have and what talents are there, such as literary talents, what kind of industries are more suitable, and then what ways they want to use to open the market. To be honest, put aside politics, the location of the Korean peninsula is quite good, just as the starting point of the Great Wall is in the LaoLongTou. The East Asia part of your Belt and Road, the beginning of the land can start from the Korean peninsula. Because there is already big port of Busan in Asia. In addition to developing land-based tourism projects, you can also take a circle around the Jiaozhou Bay and go to Japan for a circle. This is a week of interesting cruises!  The Korean culture is very distinctive. In the past few years in order to develop culture, South Korea has been desperately collecting culture, and even some cultural projects belonging to China have been grabbed and applied to UN for their own name! The Koreans have been premeditated, planning, omni-directional, and developing their own soft and hard power on a large scale. I hope that North Korea will also join South Korea and build the Korean Peninsula into a culturally prosperous region.






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