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已有 115 次阅读2021-5-16 23:25 |个人分类:全球化

蒙古族是一个不平凡的民族对以前的历史是非常骄傲  The Mongolian is an extraordinary nation and is very proud of its previous history.


Sep 22, 2016 at 6:36 PM

蒙古族有英雄气概民族! Mongolian has a heroic spirit!

Jackie让我讲蒙古和美国的关系你们哪位决策者又开始天马行空乱想了? 给我出这么个难题在美国有从世界各地来的人,却很少遇见蒙古人但有一次,朋友的朋友的妻子居然是蒙古来的大夫,不是”蒙古大夫”是从她那儿才知道有蒙古人在西洛杉矶聚会问我要不要去看看那时候 Jackie小,我反正有空,就带她去见世面结果我们跑去看了很高兴,一个一个搭起的帐篷里,他们卖蒙古特色产品他们甚至搭起了一个货真价实的,美轮美奂的蒙古包从里到外一层一层的,他们的fence 是可以伸缩的,展开来一圈就是蒙古包的支撑墙,上面用棍子像筷子那样从中心撒开来撑着,上下围着包一层厚厚的帆布,里面辅上地毯,就可以在里边遮风避雨了给我印象最深的是那次去的所有蒙古人,每一个都衣着光鲜,跟我以前在国内看到的蒙古族的衣服既相同又不相同,比国内人穿的蒙古族衣服更加豪气而高雅得体!男人膀大腰圆,穿上蒙古袍子显得更加器宇轩昂的!而在国内的蒙古族人,却显得有点猥琐,唯唯诺诺的!而且他们所展示的民族的东西非常精致,讲述的是他们的历史和丰功伟绩,充满了民族自豪感!可以感受得到,作为蒙古族,他们对以前的历史是非常骄傲的,是充满霸气的活动中间还穿插着他们表演节目,用民族乐器表演,女孩子跳动人的舞蹈,他们唱嘹亮的悠远的歌,他们是有深厚文化的在活动快结束的时候,全体在场的蒙古人都聚在一起绕场三周,在蒙古音乐中缓缓地走,最后停下来,长者向天敬酒!我看的呆了,这是一个英雄的民族!在这里的中国人是很少有这种气概的,只有从大陆来的表演团队,有时候才使观众会感到这种精神上的自信!


Jackie asked me to talk about the relationship between Mongolia and the United States. Which of your decision makers started  unrestrained thinking again, gave me such a difficult topic. In the United States, people from all over the world rarely meet any Mongolians. But once, my friend's wife was actually a Mongolian doctor, not a fake Mongolian Doctor. It was from her that there was a Mongolian gathering in West Los Angeles. She asked me if I would like to see it. At that time, Jackie was little, and I took her to see the world when I was free. As a result, we went to see it, very happy. In the tent one by one, they sold Mongolian products. They even set up a genuine and beautiful yurt. From the inside to the outside, their fence was scalable, and stretched around to be unfolded wall supporting the yurt. The sticks were spread from the top center around the fence wall like  chopsticks, and they were covered with a thick layer of canvas. It was covered with a carpet inside and can be sheltered from the wind and rain. I was most impressed by the time that all the Mongolians, each dressed in glamor, were the same and different from the Mongolian clothes I saw in China before, and were more heroic and elegant than the Mongolian clothes worn by the domestic people! The man’s waist was round and the Mongolian robes look even more imposing! The Mongolian people in China, however, it seems a bit cumbersome, and humble! Moreover, the ethnic things they display were very refined, telling their history and great achievements, full of national pride! I could feel it. As a Mongolian, they were very proud of the previous history. They were full of domineering. They were also interspersed with their performances, performing with national musical instruments, girls dancing dances, and they sang songs bright and distant, they had a profound culture. At the end of the event, all the Mongols who were present gathered together for three rounds, slowly walking following Mongolian music, and finally stopped, then elders toasted to the sky! I was stunned, this was a heroic nation! The Chinese people here rarely have this kind of spirit. Only the performance team from the mainland sometimes makes the audience feel this kind of spiritual confidence!






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