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已有 77 次阅读2021-5-14 22:26 |个人分类:领袖精英


Sep 21, 2016 at 6:39 PM

感受到中国总理在联大的魅力  Feel the charm of the Chinese premier in the UN General Assembly

亲爱的主席,88,今天看见大李哥在纽约联合国总部演讲,给他大大的赞!  还有潘基文秘书长亲自在私邸宴请李大哥夫妇,程姐姐好秀气漂亮!我们感受到中国总理的魅力你们跟奥巴马会谈好像不怎么融洽奥巴马隐忍不发,大李哥一直激动地在用手比划着说什么,为什么呀?淡然一点对他们就行,大总理要有气度今天在看大李哥跟纽约的美国工商界人士会面,好像大李哥有点跟他们呕气,把腿朝另一边cross,他们那帮人也是满脸狐疑心事重重的,只有基辛格兴高采烈的是美国工商界内部有分化吗?大李哥是总理,跟亲爱的主席,88,不同,是真正掌握政策和将之贯彻执行的,是对很多细节进行掌控的,是手中有实权有资源有规划有头脑的,是不能得罪的,不然大李哥一翻脸不带人玩了,他们就要吃不了兜着走,喝西北风了!看大李哥踌躇满志胸有成竹的,好戏还在后头呢,是吧? 给程姐姐提个建议好吗?Jackie每次上台,不管是跳舞还是弹琴,都要化浓一点的妆,把有闪亮宝石的耳环戴上,因为这样在亮的灯光下才能出彩才有精神的!所以不管穿得多素雅多配合气质,但衣服一定要有一个点睛之笔这也是我教Jackie画画的时候,每个画面一定要有一个吸晴重点一样,在艺术上心理上,这样才觉得完美比如中式旗袍一定要加一个精细的繁曲的花式盘扣,或者袖口和下摆加中式锦缎或黑丝绒的滚边,或胸前要别有宝石的胸针,或戴别致的项链中国珠宝的精工制作水平,是口碑在外的,是要showoff一下的!这些是我的建议,下次可以试试看吧,这又不是去参加学术会议,总理夫人是应该靓丽高雅的. Jackie不是一个特别好看的女孩子,虽然没有几个女孩子是真正好看的,但是她一打扮出来,一上台,完全是另外一个人!鼓励程姐姐做知性美的代言人!而且大李哥有点黑黑的,更可以衬托程姐姐的亮色!嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿! 不过话说回来,亲爱的主席你在联大的演讲,so far, 那是最棒的,大李哥要更有气势一点,Jackie什么时候能好好向你学呀!

Dear President, 88, I saw Big Brother Li’s speech at the United Nations Headquarters in New York today and gave him a big compliment! And Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon personally invited the Big Brother Li couple in private banquet,  Sister Cheng was so beautiful! We felt the charm of the Chinese premier. You didn't seem to be in good contact with Obama. Obama was not in good mood. Big Brother Li has been excited keeping moving his hands, why? It’s okay for them to be a little bit, and the Prime Minister must have a temper. Today, I’m watching Big Li’s meeting with American business people in New York. Be a little cold to them, and the big prime minister should have tolerance.  It’s like Big Li is a little angry with them, crossing his legs to the other side, and those of them are also suspicious, heavy hearted, only Kissinger was elated. Was there a differentiation within the American business community? Big Brother Li  is the prime minister. Unlike the dear chairman, 88, he is the real mastery of the policy and its implementation,  the control of many details. He has real power, resources, planning, and brains. Can not offend him, or Big Brother Li would  turn his face without taking you to play, you can't afford it, will lose your jobs!  Look at the Big Brother Li, who is full of ambitions, and the good play is still coming, right? Can I give Mrs. Cheng a suggestion? Every time Jackie comes to a show, whether it is dancing or playing the piano, she must have a heavy makeup and wear the earrings with shiny gems, because in this way, under the bright light, she can have a spirit! So no matter how much you wear, you need to have a finishing touch. This is also the time when I teach Jackie to draw, each picture must have the same focus, in art, psychologically, it feels perfect. For example, Chinese Qipao must be accompanied by a fine and fancy fancy buckle, or cuffs and hem with Chinese brocade or black velvet piping, or a brooch with a gem in the chest, or a chic necklace. The exquisite Chinese jewelry level of production is reputation, it is to showoff! These are my suggestions. You can try it next time. This is not to attend an academic conference. The Prime Minister’s wife should be beautiful and elegant. Jackie is not a particularly good looking girl, although not many girls are really good-looking, but as soon as she dresses up and comes to stage, she is completely another person! Encourage  sister Cheng to be the spokesperson of intellectual beauty! And the Big Brother Li is a bit dark, and it can also show the bright color of  sister Cheng! Hey! But then again, dear chairman, your speech at the UN General Assembly, so far, that is the best, Big Brother Li was more imposing. When Jackie can learn from you?






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