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已有 59 次阅读2021-5-13 23:38 |个人分类:全球化

印度有足够的细节,但缺好的系统 India has enough details but  lack of good system

当然光靠你们肯定是不够的,中国应该全方位地跟世界接触交朋友你们现在世界政坛创造的是一个顶层平台,给世界顶层人物表现自己并大家互相认识交朋友的!可是还有次顶层和中上层的呢?谁来设立平台啊?而且光设平台不够啊,认识交朋友是第一步,接下来就要互通有无,大家一起做事情啊,这才是关键所在呢!象中国现在有好多个新型大型的建筑项目,你们有没有請川普或他女儿去看一看呢?他们想在世界各地搞房地产是什么样的呢?还是传统的吗?比尔盖兹提倡世界经济社会主义,我在想说,全球的大学可不可以也来高等教育社会主义,让某些大学是有其特别的科系,或特别优秀的科系,这些科系跟当地的工业紧紧相连现在很多中国人让小孩子很小就出国去读书,是为了学习外语可不可以跟菲律宾总统商量引进一大批说英文的 菲佣,可以让他们在家里带孩子,也可以去托儿所幼儿园做老师,这样小孩子就不用很小就离乡背井而得不到家庭温暖,就可以在家里稳稳当当学英文.香港人的英文走遍天下都可以的,因为那边很多菲佣孩子小的时候跟父母在一起是最好的. 88,不知道为什么我很想教男孩子数学,因为很强的逻辑和很严密的思考,才会有很优化的决策!希望男孩子长大了,有一个很清醒的头脑,做政治经济,或者军事方面的事情,那是举足轻重的领域,非常powerful,你觉得呢?能让我教吗?周琪,佳灵是怎么期望孩子的呢?女孩子呢?啊,我有点太多虑了对不起只是,期望孩子怎么长就要从小怎么教的讲到印度的贫穷印度人的手工是很精致的印度缺的是现代化的高科技试想如果印度有激光的雕刻工具,有智能化的系列生产车间,而且可以成批生产,那是没人比得过他们精美工艺的印度现在生产的金银首饰就已经很精美了,你看他们新娘的首饰,还有新娘衣服上的各种绣花,多美呀!所以印度人是不笨的,他们需要改善的是引进各种各样的科技.  在美国的印度人之所以成功,那是因为美国这边的系统已经设立起来了,站在巨人的肩膀上发挥他们的最后一里细节的特长,就会有事半功倍的效果印度国内缺的就是那个系统! 


Of course, it is certainly not enough for you only. China should make friends with the world in all aspects. You are now creating a top-level platform in the World Political Forum, let the top people in the world express themselves, and everyone knows each other and make friends! But what about the top and middle layers? Who will set up the platform? Moreover, it is not enough to just set up a platform. It is the first step to know how to make friends. Then you have to communicate with each other, do things together. This is the key! In nowadays China, there are many new large-scale construction projects. Have you asked Trump or his daughter to take a look? What do they want to do in real estate around the world? Still traditional? Bill Gates advocates socialism in the world economy. I want to say that universities around the world can also come to form higher education socialism, so that some universities have their own special departments, or particularly excellent departments. These departments are closely linked to the local industry.  Now many Chinese people let children go abroad to study at a young age, in order to learn foreign languages. Can you talk to the Philippine president and introduce a large number of "Filipino maids" who speak English, so that they can take care of children at home? They can also go to the nursery kindergarten as  teachers, so that the children can leave their homes not so young and have no family warmth. They can learn English at home. Hong Kong people can go all over the world, because they have many Filipino maids. It is best for children to be with their parents when they are young. 88, I don't know why I really want to teach boys mathematics, because of strong logic, and very strict thinking, will have a very optimal decision! I hope that the boy grows up, has a very clear mind, do political economy, or military matters, that is a very important field, very powerful, what do you think? Can you let me teach? How does Zhou Qi or Jia Ling expect children? What is for girl? Ah, I am a little too worried. Sorry. Just, I hope that the child will be as what you taught when growing up. Speaking of poverty in India. The craftsmanship of Indians is very delicate, but lack of modern high technology in India. Imagine if India has laser engraving tools, intelligent series production workshops, and can be produced in batches, no one can compete them with their exquisite craftsmanship. The gold and silver jewelry produced in India is already very beautiful, you see their bride Jewelry, as well as a variety of embroidery on the bride's clothes, how beautiful! So Indians are not stupid. What they need to improve is the introduction of all kinds of technology. The reason why Indians in the United States succeeded is because the system on the US side had been set up and they stood on the shoulders of giants. The specialties of their last detail will have a multiplier effect. What is missing in India is that system!






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