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已有 210 次阅读2021-5-13 23:33 |个人分类:全球化

决策者玩愚蠢的低级政治正确  Decision makers play stupid low-level political correctness

今天网上文章说,哈佛的教授出来讲美国的政治民主制度不适和经济的发展!需要哈佛的教授来讲吗?美国的民主制度不能优化配置资源,而更将资源分散比如最近的按学生种族的背景来分配入大学的名额政策,这不就等于在银行窗口前拉更多线吗?本来人才的资源已经不够,应该把好的人才吸收越多越好,如果按族裔成分派名额,这样子更是压抑人才,是故意录取不够格的来滥竽充数吗?为什么这么做呢?因为政府决策者是劣质教育系统出来的低素质者,玩愚蠢的低级政治正确,他们因为不读书所以数学不够好,不认识也看不见上帝!上帝最公正,如不按上帝的规则办事那就失败! 美国两个总统候选人,每人在提出自己的有关改革医疗啦,增加就业啦,等等 政见,可是这是整个一个国家预算资源和经济结构需要相匹配的课题而这应该是有数据所支撑的,是要有系统设计头脑的人给出科学的合理的解决方案这两个候选人,凭什么心血来潮想说什么就说什么来哗众取宠呢?而且很明显,川普不是搞政治的人,他是一个秀场专家,他不太懂这些以数学为基础的科学美国民主制度简直像是个笑话吗? 美国的政治制度不适合经济发展,还表现于政府所花费的钱有巨大的浪费!再富裕的人家也经不起败家子的折腾啊!战争是要烧钱的,美国最近几十年穷兵黩武的,再多的高科技互联网VR,也玩不过败家子的而且政府用一帮饭桶,就是成事不足败事有余.  西方一天到晚称中国是“communist country", 那比尔盖兹是不是现在要闭嘴呀?可爱大婶默克尔的政治团队现在全军覆没,对俄国的制裁及对叙利亚难民的处理,可能德国民众对默克尔厌了吧!


Today's online article said that Harvard professors say that the political democracy in the United States is not suitable for economic development! Need a professor at Harvard for that? The US democratic system cannot optimize the allocation of resources,  but also decentralizes resources. For example, the recent policy of assigning places to universities according to the background of students' races does not mean pulling more lines in front of the bank window?  The resources of the original talents are already not enough. The more talents should be absorbed, the better. If the quotas are based on ethnicity, this is to suppress the talents. Is it deliberately admitting the unqualified ones? Why do you do this? Because government policy makers are low-quality people out of inferior education systems, playing stupid low-level political correctness, they are not good enough because they don’t study, and they don’t know God nor see God! God is the most just, and if you do not follow God's rules, then you will fail! The two presidential candidates in the United States are proposing their own reforms in medical care, increasing employment, and so on, but this is a government topic that to match the needs of the entire country’s budgetary resources in economic structure. There  should be  data to support and people with systematic design minds should give scientific and reasonable solutions. These two candidates, by what kind of whim, say whatever they want to say to please the public? And obviously, Trump is not a political person. He is a show expert. He doesn't know much about mathematics-based science. Is American democracy a joke? The political system in the United States is not suitable for economic development, and it is also manifested in the huge waste of money spent by the government! Rich people can’t stand it anymore for playboy to toss! The war is to burn money. The United States has been arrogant in recent decades, and no matter how many high-tech Internet VRs, it can not stand the ruin of the playboys.  And the government has used a bunch of big eater to make things worse than nothing. The West is called China all the times. "Communist country", is Bill Gates going to shut up now? The cute political team of Merkel is now annihilated, the sanctions against Russia and the handling of Syrian refugees, may be German people tired of Merkel!




网上还说,88 你跟胡春华和韩正联署,力挺习近平连任三届有这事吗?汉高祖刘邦灭秦建立汉朝,但真正汉朝霸业是在第七个皇帝--- 汉武帝刘彻的治下才真正展开的汉武帝时期攘夷拓土、国威远扬,东并朝鲜、南吞百越、西征大宛、北破匈奴,奠定了汉地的基本范围,开创了汉武盛世的局面,另有开辟丝路、建立年号、颁布太初历、兴太学等举措亦影响深远。是啊举大事的要继往开来,要继续向前的!就我和Jackie个人来说,是希望你们一直能在台上数风流人物还看今朝! Jackie告诉我大李哥和程姐姐到了纽约了!所有媒体都一致称赞程姐姐呢!如果说彭妈妈有艺术家的风范,那程姐姐就是属于知性的美按照程姐姐的高智气质穿套装很好看的!干练,成熟,优雅如果能在套装上有中国的元素那就更加出彩!我在想可能Chanel那种式样的套装比较适合,还有简洁优美的长套装,象法国前总统萨克奇太太穿的那种。因为程妈妈比较瘦长,还希望首饰能配得再亮一点,要戴长一点的耳坠和细柔闪亮一点的项链,能穿细跟的高跟鞋就现出人的精致与细巧!人在舞台上或者公众场合,当众人聚焦的时候一定要画亮妆,不然脸色会显得平淡苍白,程姐姐如果戴眼镜,请一定画眉毛,涂口红,戴金丝边的眼镜比较配你的气质!他们说大理哥夫妇俩都不需要翻译,因为你们两个英文都很棒!等待听你们联合国的演讲希望是精彩的演讲! Jackie还说你们去看了大都会博物馆我觉得那边的中国花园太小了,来洛杉矶看Huntington library!对了还有一个地方也很值得去看,那是纽约的自然博物馆,那里边有好多珍贵的藏品,是在中国看不到的!里边的晶体,标本,古埃及的木乃伊等等,好多令人眼花缭乱的东西,一定要抽空去看!大都会博物馆主要是绘画艺术,那是比不过欧洲罗浮宫的


Online also said, 88, you and Hu Chunhua and Han Zheng jointly sign to promote Xi Jinping to serve for three consecutive terms. Is this true? Han Gaozu Liu Bang destroyed Qin to establish the Han Dynasty, but the real Han Dynasty hegemony was actually launched under the rule of the seventh emperor, the Han Wu Emperor Liu Che. During the Han Wu Emperor, During the Han Wu Emperor's reign, the country's prestige was far-reaching. To the east, to annex North Korea, to the south to annex Baiyue, to the west to conquer Dawan, to the north to break the Xiongnu, to lay the basic scope of the Han Dynasty, to create a situation of the Hanwu flourishing world, and to open up the Silk Road, establish the year number, promulgate the beginning The calendar and the construction of the university also have far-reaching effects. Yes, we must continue to do things that are going on and going forward! For me and Jackie personally, I hope that you can always be on the stage, and the number of popular characters still look at the present! Jackie told me that Big Brother Li and Cheng Sister have arrived in New York! All media consistently praised Cheng sister! If Peng Mama has the style of an artist, then  Cheng’s style belongs to the beauty of intellectuality. According to Cheng’s high-temperament, the suit is very good! Sophisticated, mature, elegant. If you can have Chinese elements in the suit, it will be even more brilliant! I was thinking that it might be better to have a style suit like Chanel, as well as a simple and elegant long suit, like the one worn by former French President Sarkozys wife. Because Cheng mother is relatively tall and thin, I also hope that the jewelry can be a little brighter. Better to wear a long earring and a delicate and shiny necklace. She can wear high heels and will be exquisite and delicate! People on the stage or in public, when is focused, she  must have bright makeup, otherwise the face will appear plain and pale. If Cheng sister wears glasses, please draw eyebrows, apply lipstick, wear gold-rimmed glasses to match her temperament! They said that the Big Brothers Li does not need  translator, because both of you are very good at English! Waiting to hear from your UN speech! Hope is a wonderful speech! Jackie also said that you went to the Metropolitan Museum. I think the Chinese garden there is too small. Come to Los Angeles to see the Huntington library! There is still a place worth seeing which is the Natural Museum of New York. There are many precious collections there, which are not seen in China! The crystals inside, the specimens, the mummies of ancient Egypt, etc., a lot of dazzling things, must take time to see! The Metropolitan Museum is mainly the art of painting, which is not better than the Louvre in Europe.






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