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已有 164 次阅读2021-5-13 23:29 |个人分类:全球化

马克斯所说的社会主义,就是集中资源,优化分配而共产主义就是高度智能化下的无为而治. The socialism that Max said is to concentrate resources and optimize distribution. Communism is the inaction of highly intelligent.



Sep 19, 2016 at 8:10 PM


亲爱的主席,88,昨天在网上看到微软总裁比尔盖兹居然说“只有社会主义才能挽救全球的经济!” 我看了以后莞尔一笑,这不是马列主义吗其实马克思主义的根本原理是按上帝的语言--数学来合理优化设计社会政治结构以前小时候学得稀里糊涂,老师教得也稀里糊涂,反正我们就死记硬背根本搞不清楚,什么按劳分配或按需分配,社会主义或共产主义在这儿,像我这种担惊受怕过日子又从不搞政治的人,根本也不会去看这方面的书!可是从去年遇见88以后,没想到,88,火眼金睛,专门针对我的软肋戳手指,让我张口结舌发懵了!于是赶快临时抱佛脚去啃那些政治经济大著作好不容易弄明白原来马克斯所说的社会主义,就是集中资源,优化分配而共产主义就是高度智能化下的无为而治我们学数学statistics的都知道,在银行里服务客人的方式,在每个窗口门前拉线排队等服务,与只有一条队伍,人随时去有空窗口服务,那两种方式效益是不一样的!当然是后面那个效率高,因为前面那个会出现有个窗口前的队伍空的,而别的窗口很忙的情形,这不是在浪费服务资源吗?在数学上,学过的人都可以用具体的公式和数据来证明哪一种服务方式效率更高!嗯,这是研究生的数学, 应该不算是很难的,不需要很多脑力的东西世界上大多数海关服务都是第二种情形,但是从珠海去澳门的海关却是第一种情形如果把地球上的资源和所在国家当作服务窗口,沙特阿拉伯得天独厚,那边的人可以不劳而获,因为他们地下有丰富的石油资源,世界上可以有很多的需求,那他们却资源过剩躺着也赚钱啊那别的资源差的地方,比如日本,就非得卖劳力或开发高科技这当然不公平,但国家主权规则就是这么定的如果世界上可以实行社会主义的话,全球的资源应该是全球共有的,然后经济应该是以全球合理调整和优化配置资源的,这样经济才能够最优化地运作.  我想沙特和中东地区的产油国,听见了我这话一定会火冒三丈,说不定明天在我门口也放一张持枪的图像其实在金融上也是这个数学原理,大的保险公司所执行的也是金融社会主义啊.  大家买保险把小钱汇融来,就可以有能量进行大额优化投资,100元钱赚一块钱很难,一百万赚一万却相对容易得多马克思很早就知道了,资本主义社会也一直在沿用这个原理,搞不清楚为什么那些人在意识形态上却如此纠结,近一个世纪互相残杀,冷战,流血美国和西方世界那么骄傲自夸,我们自由世界如何如何”. 要知道社会主义的优越性,不光有上帝的数学表达还有中国几十年的实践成果这只是那么一个简单的数学道理,人类为什么要这么愚蠢让意识形态蒙蔽双眼,直到现在才由有超凡数学头脑的比尔盖兹一句话来说明,人类真的需要等这么久吗?所以事实证明,只要按照上帝的法则,你就能成功


Dear President, 88, I saw on the Internet yesterday that Microsoft President Bill Gates actually said, "Only socialism can save the global economy!" I smiled after I heard it. Isn't this Marxism-Leninism? In fact, the fundamental principle of Marxism is to rationally optimize the design of social political structure according to the language of God--mathematics.  When I was a child, I learned and felt confusing, and the teacher taught even made us confused. Anyway, we would memorize it,  impossible to understand what is distributed according to labor or distribution according to needs, socialism or communism. Here, people like me who are  living in panic all day and never engage in politics would never go to read books in this area! However, since I met 88 last year, I did not expect, 88, with such a clear vision, specifically found out my sour point, let me scream! So I hurry up and hurry to slap those big books on politics and economy. I finally understand that the socialism that Max said is to concentrate resources and optimize distribution. Communism is the rule of inaction under highly intelligent. We learn math statistics. Know that there are two ways to serve customers in the bank, one is pull the dividing  in front of each window to let the customer queue up to receive the service. The other has only one line, people can go to the available window for service at any time. The benefits of the two methods are different! Of course, the latter is highly efficient, because there will be a line in front of the window empty, while other windows are very busy, is this not a waste of service resources? In mathematics, people who have learned can use specific formulas and data to prove which service method is more efficient! Well, this is the mathematics of graduate students. It should not be difficult. It doesn't require a lot of brainpower. Most customs services in the world are the second case, but the customs from Zhuhai to Macao is the first case. Saudi Arabia is blessed with resources on the planet and its country as a service window. People there can get something for nothing, because they have abundant oil resources underground. There are many needs in the world, and Saudi Arabia is too resourceful to lay and make money. Ah. There are  other places where resources are poor, such as Japan, they have to sell labor or develop high technology. This is of course unfair, but the national sovereignty rules are so fixed. If socialism can be implemented in the world, the global resources should be shared in the world, and then the economy should be rationally adjusted and optimized to allocate resources so that the economy can operate optimally. I think when Saudi Arabia and the oil-producing countries in the Middle East   hear my words and will be extremely  furious, maybe tomorrow someone will put a picture of gun at my door. In fact, this is the mathematical principle in finance. The big insurance companies are also implementing financial socialism. Everyone buys insurance and integrates the small money, so they can have energy to make large-scale optimization investments. It is difficult to make a dollar from 100 dollars. It’s relatively easy to make a thousand from million dollars.  Marx knew very early on, and capitalist society has been using this principle all the time. It is not clear why those people are so entangled in ideology, killing each other in the past century, fighting the cold war, bleeding. The United States and the Western world are so proud and boastful," Our free world is so and so..." To know the superiority of socialism, not only the mathematical expression of God, but also the practical achievements of China for decades. This is just a simple mathematical theory, why human beings are so stupid to let ideology blind  eyes until now? It was explained by a sentence of Bill Gates with a superb mathematical mind, do humans really need to wait so long? So it turns out that you can succeed as long as you follow the laws of God.






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