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邀请各类访谈人物 (1)

已有 71 次阅读2021-5-8 22:49 |个人分类:领袖精英

邀请各类访谈的人物  Invite people from various interviews

Sep 15, 2016 at 3:33 PM

不同的访谈形式  Different forms of interviews

亲爱的主席,88,中秋节快乐,你们回北京了吧天宫2号发射成功,向你们恭喜!昨天小Jackie又在房间里嘻嘻哈哈,这次是亲爱的主席在讲笑话段子!哈哈哈哈 鼓掌喝彩!好样的,就应该这样!亲爱的主席天生就是段子手,性格里边有乐观的一面,这是亲爱的主席吸引人的魅力之一亲爱的主席到哪里一开口,不讲段子也吸引众人大家都围着你不肯离去上网找了一下,埃及总统是四个孩子的爸爸,当然是大调皮鬼孩子王,逗起孩子来一只顶的他们一定是喜欢孩子的,不然不会生那么多!然后我问Jackie让她写访谈录,被她打断,“ The Egyptian president asked me to write something of him..,and Xi and Wang will teach me today " 请替我谢谢埃及总统,他真是深知父母心也谢谢你们,sweet kiss, French kiss! 你们应该可以写访谈写介绍写心得, 88, 这是你最擅长的方面,你应该组织一批高手为世界顶级人物写自传和拍纪录片,既留做保存又宣传文化! 我想我的手机有问题,今天在手机里面写了好一大段,突然间就消失了真奇怪!我家门口又有人放奇怪东西,是一张电影 “the ministers" 的海报,上面有人拿枪指着,背景是黑色十字架 ,下面一行字 “ Lord, forgive us for what we are about to do" 我挺担心的,觉得又有人在威胁我十几年来一直胆战心惊地过日子!没完没了的我对你们的访谈节目有点想法:你们可以有好几种形式,A. 可以象中国好声音那样的,访客在讲谈,可以有几个评委,提问和讲评. B. 可以象奥普拉那样,专门就一个客人来进行访谈,提供舞台让他展现才艺.  C. 可以象电台专题评讲一样,同时连线几个客人同时实时地让他们评讲.  D. 在一起就某一主题开小party, 请人来表演,放置工艺品亲爱的主席和88,你们是主持,但讲评的人可以是孩子也可以是专家孩子可以分为八岁以下,912岁,13岁到16岁,大学以上的青年让他们评讲,给出的角度不同,会有戏剧和喜剧效果我在想,央视可不可以开一个节目,可以是官方的,私下的全方位的,在全世界交朋友.

Dear President, 88, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, are you going back to Beijing? Tiangong II was successfully launched and congratulations to you! Yesterday, Jackie was laughing in the room again. This time, my dear chairman was telling a joke! Hahahaha applaud! Good, it should be like this! Dear Chairman,  was born with a sense of humor, and there is an optimistic side in you character. This is one of the charismatic charms of the dear chairman. Dear chairman, wherever you went, just open mouth, not to mention the jokes also attract everyone, everyone around you will not leave. Go online and find out, the Egyptian president is the father of four children, of course, he is a naughty ghost child king, teasing children well. They must love children, or they will not give birth so many! Then I asked Jackie to let her write an interview and was interrupted by her. "The Egyptian president asked me to write something of him.., and Xi and Wang will teach me today" Please thank the President of Egypt for his understanding. He really knows parentsheart. Thank you, sweet kiss, French kiss! You should be able to write interviews, write introductions, write your thoughts, 88, this is what you are best at. You should organize a group of masters to write autobiographies and documentaries for the world's top people. Keep it for preservation and promote culture! I think there is a problem with my cell phone. I wrote a big paragraph in my  phone today and suddenly disappeared. It’s weird! There is another strange thing at the door of my house. It is a poster of the movie "the ministers". Some people pointed at something with a gun. The background is a black cross. The following line is "Lord, forgive us for what we are about to do". I am worried. I feel that someone is threatening me. I have been living with trepidation for more than a decade! Endless. I have a little thought about your talk show: You can have several forms, A. You can be like "China's good voice", visitors are talking, there can be several judges, questions and comments. B. Like Oprah, you can interview a guest exclusively and provide a stage for him to show his talents. C. You can connect several guests at the same time as the radio commentary, and let them comment in real time. Open a small party on a certain topic together, invite people to perform, and place crafts. Dear President and 88, you are the host, but the person who can comment can be a child or an expert. The child can be divided into under eight years old, 9 to 12 years old, 13 to 16 years old, young people aged above the university. Let them comment, from different angles, there will be drama and comedy effects. I am thinking, can CCTV open a program, can be official, private , all-round, making friends all over the world.


1. 政治人物: 所讲的题材可以有 α. 童年和当地的文化. b. 个人兴趣浪漫史,怎么迈入政治生涯. c. 现在的世界政治,还有你们智库的对全球未来的规划这是骨架,是给出整个世界的一个结构层次枝干,是需要血肉丰满才行的这是需要尽全力大力宣传的,是需要广泛深入人心的就像伊斯兰教每天要五次大喇叭广播,每个人都要诚心诚意朝麦加朝拜一样,要在世界范围内让大家对新的蓝图规划心领神会有共同的梦想是要通过不同的方式和在不同领域来进行丰富和充实的尤其是通过经济,来输送营养血液

2. 经济人物所讲的题材可以是 a. 童年和为什么对经济感兴趣. b. 世界的宏观和微观经济,如何调整现在的经济结构来实现新的规划,这些经济人物可以让世界知道这个规划的可行性,可以指出具体的运作过程和步骤,以及可以期待的具体的成果比如一带一路将有什么规划,经济该如何发展,五年以后10年以后有什么大的项目可以建成,沿线一带人民的生活会有什么根本的提高改善政治人物应该高瞻远瞩,引领前进的道路,要象摩西一样带受苦受难的犹太人去流着奶和蜜的地方,那这些国家的民众就愿意跟随你们了,就不会跟你们作对了.

3. 宗教人物: 可以讲谈的题材有α. 童年和入教的故事. b. 宗教的历史文化,事件和影响. c. 宗教的未来和规划.  宗教人物有巨大的影响力,通过他们的形象,广泛传播你们的世界一体化的理念规划,让宗教人物来替你们背书,这是受到神的祝福的,是大众神喜闻乐见的,神会帮助大家,让大众能消除隔阂,万众一心,携手奋斗

4. 科技界的领军人物: 可以讲的题材是 α. 如何培养对科学的兴趣. b. 现在走在前沿的科技. c. 在现在的社会结构中,哪些领域需要有科技的突破,会对人类生活有什么影响科技界包括的领域很多,医疗,信息,航太,生物,机械,地球物理,能源,等等等等 这些都有关人类文明的进步,是服务人的各种需要的告诉大家,越是最基本的对人类的影响就越大真正能改变人类文明的是提高科技水平,人类知道的越多,就发现自己不知道的越多政治领袖可以改变的是一时的一地的社会结构和现实, 但是科技改变的是整个人类的命运要让所有科技界的人才们能为你们高瞻远瞩的蓝图和规划设计创造更新的科技,让孩子们有理想有抱负来投身这个领域己所不欲勿施于人,对吧,88,试想以后可以全世界都划分航天轨道,超音速飞机,全球智能控制,想见谁去哪里两小时内就能到达. 88,试想以后有光子通讯,意念传送,我都不用每天花时间写短文,我脑子里想什么,就以概念的方式传送给你们,你们就会心有灵犀一点通, 完全懂得明明白白的, 甚至还可把我这些灵感转送给更多人去inspire them! 试想以后画动画,在脑子里形成一系列表情动作,智能程式就能自动地转换为动画形象和行为过程,不用你一幅一幅地去画,要知道现在是1秒画24个画面啊!所以,一定要请科技精英们来展现最先进的文明产品让全世界人看得心痒痒地迫不急待想得到的下回再写!


The people you interviewed can also have different kinds.

1. Political figures: The subject matter can be α. Childhood and local culture. b. Personal interest in romance, how to enter a political career. c. Current world politics, as well as your think tank's planning for the global future. This is the skeleton, which is a structural level of the whole world. It needs to be full of flesh and blood. This is something that needs to be vigorously promoted. It needs to be widely rooted in the hearts of the people. Just like Islam has five big broadcasting for pray every day, everyone must be sincere to worship towards Mecca. To make everyone share the dream of planning a new blueprint in the world, it is necessary to enrich and complete in different ways and in different fields. It is through the economy to transport nutritious blood.

2. Economic figures: The subject matter can be a. Childhood and why is it interested in the economy. b. The macro and micro economy of the world, how to adjust the current economic structure to achieve new planning, these economic figures can let the world know the feasibility of the plan. They can point out the specific operational processes and steps, as well as the concrete results that can be expected. For example, what plans will be carried out in the Belt and Road, how should the economy develop, and what major projects can be built after 5 years and 10 years later, what fundamental improvement of the lives of the people along the line  will be made. Political figures should be far-sighted and lead the way forward. Just like Moses, taking the suffering Jews going to the place where milk and honey were flowing, the people of these countries will be willing to follow you, and they will not be against you.

3. Religious figures: The subject matter that can be talked about is α. The story of childhood and how he entered religion. b. The history and culture of religion, events and influences. c. The future of religion and planning. Religious figures have great influence through their Image, widely spread your concept of world integration, and let religious figures endorse for you. This is blessed by God. It is loved by the public. God will help everyone, let the public eliminate the barriers, unite and work together.

4. Leading figures in the scientific and technological community: The subject matter that can be taught is α. How to cultivate interest in science. b. Technology that is now at the forefront. c. In the current social structure, which areas need technological breakthroughs, what is the impact of human life? There are many fields in the scientific and technological community, such as medical, information, aerospace, biology, machinery, geophysics, energy, etc. These are all about the progress of human civilization and the various needs of the service people. Tell everyone that the more basic the impact on human beings, the more you can change human civilization is to improve the level of science and technology. The more humans know, the more they don’t know. The political leaders can change the social structure and reality of a place  for a while, but technology changes the fate of the entire human race. Let all the talents of the scientific and technological community create new and advanced technologies for your forward-looking blueprints and planning and design, so that children have the ideal and ambition to join this field. Do unto others, do not impose on others, right, 88?  Imagine that the world can be divided into space orbits, supersonic aircraft, global intelligent control. Whoever I want to see, wherever I want to go, it can be reached within two hours. 88, Imagine that there will be photonic communication in the future, and the idea will be transmitted. I don’t have to spend time writing essays every day. I can send them to you in a conceptual way. You will be minds think alike,  you know exactly what I mean, and you can even pass on my inspiration to more people to inspire them! Imagine drawing animations in the future, forming a series of expressions in your mind, and the intelligent program can automatically convert into animated images and behavioral processes. You don't have to paint one by one, you know that it is 24 pictures in 1 second! Therefore, we must invite the elites of science and technology to showcase the most advanced and civilized products. Let the people around the world see what they can't wait to find. Next time write more! 






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