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已有 91 次阅读2021-5-7 23:16 |个人分类:全球化

请儿童心理学专家,儿科医生,教育专家来一起寻找挑选优化设计制造一些适合儿童早期教育的玩具视频和互动项目  Ask child psychologists, pediatricians, and education experts to find and optimize toys and interactive projects for early childhood education.

我是到美国来以后才学着吃辣的,以前每当父母炒小辣椒的时候,我都呛着赶快跑远远的可是 Jackie很小就会吃辣了,买Cheetos还一定要买辣的,不然还不够味!有人说不要给小孩子吃太好吃的东西,会把嘴巴吃刁的我不知道是不是有些种族是有特别的味蕾的,但是胃从小吃惯某些食品,长大别的食物是很难对口味的中国菜八大菜系用料特多,丰富的饮食文化把人的嘴都吃刁了记得有位广东的同事,出差一下飞机就找中餐馆,因为吃不惯汉堡给小孩子多尝一些味道不是坏事,因为这也刺激神经,联系情感,比如吃醋比如称别人sweety. 我在想可不可以,请儿童心理学专家,儿科医生,教育专家来一起寻找挑选优化设计制造一些适合儿童早期教育的玩具视频和互动项目,可以建一个网站,在网上推广和宣传这些产品和应用.  当小孩子开始学语言了,小孩子学母语是最快的,一年不到就可以听懂妈妈的话了记得第一年冬天晚上为Jackie喂奶,她躺着不能喂奶瓶,就用中文跟她说 坐起来吃..”。她居然听懂了一翻身爬起来,然后坐在床边靠着墙,拿起奶瓶咕嘟咕嘟喝起来我很诧异地看着她,搞不明白她是怎么听懂我的话的列宁小时候因为家里有钱,请了九个老师教他不同的语言,他从不同的老师学不同的语言那我觉得如果小孩子请保姆或者托儿所幼儿园请阿姨时,如果你们有这个条件也可以请讲不同语言的阿姨来带孩子并教语言呢然后广播里也多一些不同语言的频道这些阿姨不光教的是外国语, 同时还有这个语言所代表的文化背景如果在市场上还有与这些文化背景有关的相关产品,那小孩子不就在多文化的环境中成长吗?等到他们长大,去哪里都没问题了呀!这比每人花那么多钱出国留学,先要攻下语言关,甚至可能一辈子都功不下,要多有效和来去自如啊!中国孩子多,分班时都是同一年龄的分在一起对小孩子来说,同年龄的可以玩在一起,但要学到东西却不容易我爸爸说以前他们小学是共教师共教室,因为孩子不多也许他年长一些成熟吧,他把老师教高年级的课也一起听了,所以三年就小学毕业了我觉得你们应该提供年幼的和年长的孩子在一起玩的机会,年幼的孩子学得快,而年长的孩子也能学会怎么照顾年幼的,学会怎么承担责任,心理上会喜欢孩子亲近孩子,为将来做父母做准备下一次再继续讲


I learned to take spicy after I came to the United States. Whenever my parents fried small peppers, I rushed to run far. But Jackie would eat spicy even when she was very little. Buy Cheetos for her must also buy spicy favor, otherwise it is not enough! Some people say that don't give children a lot of delicious food, they will be picky on food. I don't know if some races have special taste buds, but when the stomach is used to some foods from young, it’s hard to taste other foods  on growing up. The eight food trends of Chinese cuisine are very special, and the rich food culture has made people picky. Remember that a colleague from Guangdong, whenever for a business trip, the first thing was to look for  Chinese restaurants,  because he was not used to eating burgers. It is not a bad thing for children to taste more, because it also stimulates nerves and links emotions, such as jealousy, such as calling others sweetie. I am thinking about it, please ask children psychologists, pediatricians, education experts to find and optimize design and manufacturing of toys, videos and interactive projects for early childhood education. Can build a website to promote these products and applications online. When a child starts to learn a language, a child learns the mother tongue the fastest, and can understand the mother's words less than a year. Remember to feed Jackie at night in the first winter, I couldn't feed the bottle when she was lying down, just asked her in Chinese , "Sit up and drink..". She actually understood that she had turned over and got up, then sat on the edge of the bed against the wall and picked up the bottle and sucked. I looked at her very surprised and couldn’t understand how she understood my words. Lenin was a child from rich family, they had invited nine teachers to teach him different languages. He learned different languages from different teachers. Then I think if a child is looking for a babysitter or nursery schools are  looking for teachers, if you have this condition, you can also ask teachers who speak different languages to care the children and teach the language. Then there should be more channels in different languages on the radio. These teachers should  not only teach foreign languages, but also the cultural background represented by the language. If there are these cultures in the market related products in the background, do these children grow up in a multicultural environment? When they grow up, there is no problem wherever they go! Everyone spends so much money to study abroad, first to gain language skill, and maybe even cannot have the skill the rest of lives. In this way it would be more effective for them free to come and go! There are many Chinese children, and they are all at the same age when they are studying together. For young children, they can play together at the same age, but do not learn much from each other. My father said that they used to have only one teacher in the classroom. Because there were not many children, maybe he was older and mature, he listened to the teacher’s class in the upper grades, so he graduated from elementary school just in three years. I think you should provide the opportunity for young and older children together to play, so young children can learn faster, also older children can learn how to take care of young, learn how to take responsibility, to like children getting  close to children psychologically, prepare for being future parents. Next time I will continue talking about that.






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