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已有 98 次阅读2021-5-7 23:13 |个人分类:全球化

中华文化是比较宽容的,比较人性的,不是那么刚强带棱角的,不是那么一板一眼数学严谨的Chinese culture is more tolerant, more human, not so strong and angular, not so rigid mathematically rigorous

人们互相仇视,有些是因为无知美国人是在生活相对平淡,而生活中选择有限,又自我封闭的环境中长大的很多人对外面的国家,文化和世界是无知的还有些人有恶意是因为偏见,比如从传统的道听涂说而来的对某些族群的刻板印象,或者来自不愉快的经历但是最恶劣的,最难以容忍的,有许多是人为造成的,是恶意中伤和有计划有步骤地打压抹黑比如西方国家一贯地对中国的反面宣传,比如这些人对中国人的如狼似虎恶劣态度.  要改变那些顶层决策者的态度,是要用压倒性强力的,因为人的本性是不见棺材不掉泪强力的作用是短期有限的但给孩子一个正确的世界观和价值观却是有长期的作用的,让孩子受益无穷的比较起来,中华文化是比较宽容的,比较人性的,不是那么刚强带棱角的,不是那么一板一眼数学严谨的我去过东三省,陕西,北疆,四川,云南,广西那边有满族,回族,维吾尔族,苗族,壮族,藏族,从当地导游的口中的实实在在大白话,他们跟汉族关系都是不错的就在乌鲁木齐大巴扎,都没有看见荷枪的士兵影子当时上海有人还说,哎呀那边好危险,不要去而我在以色列的时候,街上到处都有背着枪的士兵,餐馆商场门口有士兵站岗,连死海边上都有女兵巡逻那种民族矛盾之尖锐,民众关系之紧张,让人整天活在恐怖中啊这些都是人为的呀!上次说到怎么样设计全球教育系统,可以一对一的个体化培养教育孩子.  孩子成长有不同阶段,婴幼儿,走路,学语,识字,才艺,少年等等针对不同阶段,教育系统所提供的课程应该是不一样的今天我先从小孩教育讲起我现在就开始为Jackie的出国冬令营夏令营找信息因为她不会说其他国家语言,所以有可能的就是去学语言和了解文化可是就欧洲地区的孩子来说,他们从小就生活在多语言多文化的环境中,瑞典孩子长大去德国读书那是一点问题都没有的


People hate each other, part of it is because of ignorance. Americans grow up in an environment where life is relatively dull, and life has limited choices also with self-enclose. Many people are ignorant of the outside country, culture and the world. Still others are malicious that is because of prejudice, such as stereotypes of certain ethnic groups from traditional views, or from unpleasant experiences. But the worst, most intolerable, many of them are caused by humans, they are malicious,  and planned, step-by-step suppression of smearing. For example, the Western countries have consistently promoted the negative propaganda of China. For example, these people have bad attitudes toward the Chinese people. To change the attitude of the top decision-makers is to use overwhelming power, because human nature is yielding to power. But the effect of forcing is limited only in the short term. However, giving children a correct world view and values has a long-term effect, so that children can benefit endlessly. In comparison, Chinese culture is more tolerant, more human, not so strong and angular, not so rigid as rigorous as mathematics.  I have been to Chinese three eastern provinces , Shaanxi, Northern Xinjiang, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guangxi, There are Manchu, Hui, Uygur, Miao, Zhuang, Tibetan, and from the mouth of the local tour guide, they had good relations with the Han. In Urumqi Grand Bazaar, we had not seen the shadow of soldiers with guns. At that time, some people in Shanghai said that it was dangerous to go there, don’t go! And when I was in Israel, there were soldiers carrying guns everywhere on the street. Soldiers stood outside the restaurants and malls, and even female soldiers patrolled on the dead sea. There, the sharp contradictions of the ethnic groups, the tension of the people, let people live in horror all day. These were all man-made! Last time I talked about how to design a global education system, one-on-one individualized training can be used to educate children. There are different stages of child growth, infants and toddlers, walking, learning literacy, talent, youth, etc. For different stages, the courses offered by  education system should be different. Today I start with children's education. I am now looking for information for Jackie's winter camp, summer camp. Because she doesn't speak other languages, so it is possible to go to school just to learn language and understanding of culture. But for children in Europe, they lived in a multilingual and multicultural environment from an early age. When Swedish children grew up to study in Germany, they have no problems at all. 


Jackie以前的俄国犹太大朋友出生在中国的呼伦贝尔,很自然会说中文俄文因为父辈是从美国过去,所以他还会说英文他太太家是德国人,所以也会说德文,他再学些拉丁语,那走遍世界都招人喜欢,一点也没问题的只有那些有偏见的,恶意的,无知的,对俄国人政治上排挤的人,才会把他们俄国人赶出去但是他们犹太人的家族遍布全世界,在文化上融会贯通,哪来仇恨啊?你看,教育那就要从娃娃抓起啊如果Jackie从小也有这个环境,就不必去学语言直接入他们的艺术和音乐夏令营就好了希望能找到一个! 按照小孩子的生理发展,口欲期,肛门期,在孩子小的时候要让孩子的五官感觉神经和小脑的运动控制神经发育我曾经在YouTube上看到一个视频,当把一个婴儿放到水里时,他自己就会在水里屏住呼吸挣扎着反身,然后仰卧在水中自由自在的因为婴儿就是从液体的环境中生长出生的,所以他们应该不怕水会本能控制呼吸让自己平衡的小孩子出生时对人生是没有多少体验的,而人生体验所带来的情感就是在生理上对不同神经区域的刺激反应我们在教小孩子美术音乐的时候,好的老师会把颜色所附带的情感色彩,比如暖色冷色代表不同感觉,或一段乐曲所表达的情感内容讲解给孩子听,让他们的演奏更有感情和动听当小孩子在移动的时候就会感觉到重力,所以上下和水平都要平衡,那小脑就要控制肌肉眼睛要观察周围的空间层次,以及物体的边界,还要感觉到速度,等等小孩子皮肤多接触很重要,因为小孩子一开始是通过接触来认识世界的,触觉给小孩子不同的感受这些感受联同色彩音乐会在脑子某一部分留下印记所以很多年长者在听古典音乐时,音乐触动到脑子那一部分有着情感的记忆于是泪流满面小孩子去接触这些事物就像厨师给食物准备各种各样的 ingredient,  那这样烧出来的菜才有滋有味的,才能体会人生丰富的情感


Jackie's former Russian Jewish friend was born in Hulunbeier, China, it is natural to speak Chinese and Russian. Because his father is from the United States, he still speaks English. His wife’s family is German, so he will also speak German. He will learn Latin in addition, so it’s okay for him to attract people all over the world. Only those who are biased, malicious, ignorant, and politically excluding Russians will  rush out  Russians. But their Jewish family is spread all over the world, culturally integrated, and where is hatred? You see, education should start from baby. If Jackie has this environment since childhood, she doesn't have to learn the language, just enter their art and music summer camp. I hope to find one! According to the child's physiological development, oral desire, anal period, when the child is little, let the child's facial nerve sensory nerve and cerebellar movement control nerve development. I once saw a video on YouTube when putting a baby in the water, he will hold his breath in the water and struggle to reflexively, then he will be free to lie on his back in the water.  Because babies are born from a liquid environment, they should not be afraid of water, and they will instinctively control their breathing to balance themselves. Children have little experience in life when they are born, and the emotions brought about by life experience are physiologically stimulating responses from different neural regions.  When we teach children's art music, a good teacher will put the color, the accompanying emotional color, such as warm color, represents different feelings, or the emotional content expressed by a piece of music is explained to the child, so that their performance is more emotional and pleasant. When the child is moving, he will feel gravity, so the upper and lower sides and the left and right will be balanced, and the cerebellum will control the muscles. Their eyes should observe the spatial level around them, as well as the boundaries of the objects. They also need to feel the speed, etc. It is very important for children to have more skin contact, because the child first knows the world through contact, and the touch gives the child different feelings. These feelings, together with color and music, will leave a mark on some part of the brain. So when many seniors listen to classical music, the music touches the part of the brain with emotional memories, and the tears are down. Children touch these things, just as the chef prepares a variety of ingredients for the food, the dishes that are cooked in this way are fascinating, and the children can experience the rich emotions of life later on.






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