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已有 60 次阅读2021-5-7 23:09 |个人分类:全球化

有两类人的人心是最要抓住的,一类是孩子,还有一类是决策者.   There are two types of people whose hearts are the most important to grasp, one is children, and the other is decision makers.

Sep 14, 2016 at 5:21 PM


亲爱的主席,88, Jackie今天早上说有人手搭凉棚问我要短文还记得上次她告诉我,有人曾手搭凉棚在找她 “Jackie , 快出来,你妈把你藏哪儿了?” 当然是藏到孙悟空的耳朵眼里了,亲一下! 今天早上去了Jackie以前的学区,那位秘书小姐还认识我她说我可以因为工作关系 Jackie 转回去读书。她们对Jackie印象挺好的,那个学校的校长也挺喜欢Jackie,好像Jackie卖画当时还捐了学校近一千块钱了我想让Jackie去问一下StevenJeff 他们我们现在的学区让周边城市的孩子可以上学到今年年底,以后就不知道会怎么样了,要等明年一月份才会有新法案出来, 或者到时有改善的方案不过学区的这方面负责人还是让我11月份先去申请lottery , 可能她觉得应该会通过吧!想想一半学生人数要走掉老师学生都要造反了他们学区的拨款也会砍一大笔据说他们还要一家一户地去查看学生是不是住在那儿这些人真是吃饱了没事做啊,有钱不知道怎么花!那么多好学生跑到你们学校来求都求之不得还赶好学生走!学区要保持好的水平,这才是他们真正的工作,好学区房价才高,人们才会来,城市才发达,而不是把眼睛放在这个学生住不住在学区里,如不是就把你赶出去这是无聊白痴和脑子有病的人做的事! 这帮拉丁裔政客玩政治已经玩到荒谬绝伦的程度了!按同样逻辑,那是不是应该把几千万的拉丁非法移民先赶出去再说!其实在这个世界上,有两类人的人心是最要抓住的,上次说过一类是孩子,一定要在成长中给他们灌输正确的观念,不然他们接受错误的观念长大用错误的眼光去看世界,那会制造越来越多的谬误,害人害己闹得世界不安宁的还有一类是决策者我小时候因为妈妈自己比较胆小,所以总是对我说,“外面很多坏人,不要出去”如果孩子不去外面经风雨,怎么能增长经历,怎么能认识世界呢一出去不是被人宰的吗就像现在来的一群小留还有傻逼大陆人今天网上说很多留学生来美国,在机场虽然有美国的签证还被遣返讲有人因为带了6块月饼,就被罚几百块我是知道以前有人回国妈妈辛辛苦苦腌了一包咸蛋让他带回来结果在海关被没收还有人带好多钱,因为没有申报所以被没收的在美国没有这种法律的,是海关执行的人随心所欲欺人太甚,就像以前存心跟我搞的律师,是有人存心让他们这么去做的他们的这个存心,就是祸害之根.


Dear President, 88, Jackie said this morning, someone put a hand in forehead looking for my  essay. I remember  last time she also told me that someone has put a hand in forehead looking for her  "Jackie, come out, where did your mother hide you?" "Of course it is hidden in the eyes of Monkey Sun Wukong's ears!”  Kiss! I went to Jackie's former school district this morning, and the secretary still remembered me. She said that I could transfer Jackie back to this school because of my work relationship. They had a good impression of Jackie. The principal of the school also liked Jackie. Jackie sold the painting and donated nearly a thousand dollars to that school. I want Jackie to ask Steven, Jeff who are now in the school district. They said children in the surrounding cities can go to school till the end of this year. I don’t know what will happen in the future. I will wait for the new bill to come out in January next year, or there will be an improvement plan. However, the person in charge of this area still let me  apply for lottery in November, maybe she thinks it should pass! Think about half of the number of students have to leave, teachers and students would definitely rebel, their school district funding will also cut a large amount. It is said that they even would go to the household to see if the students really live there. These people are definitely eat too much having nothing to do, have too much money and don't know how to spend it! So many good students come to your school,  can not even looking for nor ask for them, but you keep the students away! The school district should maintain a good academic level. This is their real job. So the house prices in good school district are high. So people would come and the city will be developed. It should not to  put their eyes on this students see if they really live in the school district, or kick them out if not. This is something only those boring idiots and sick people do! This group of Latino politicians have played politics to the point of ridiculous! According to the same logic, should it be said that tens of millions of Latin illegal immigrants should be driven out first! In fact, in this world, there are two types of people whose hearts are the most important to grasp. Last time I said one of them is  children, we must instill the correct values in their growth, otherwise they accept the wrong values and grow up with mistakes. Looking at the world, it will create more and more fallacies, harming others and making the world uneasy. Another type is also a class of decision makers. When I was young, because my mother was timid, she always said to me. "A lot of bad people outside, don't go out." If the children don't go outside because of the wind and rain, how can they grow their experiences, how can they know the world? Isn't it going to be slaughtered once out? Just like a group of young international students here, and those stupid mainlanders. Today,  online it said students are coming to the United States. Although they have a US visa,  at the airport they have been repatriated. Someone was sentenced to a few hundred dollars for bringing six moon cakes. I knew that someone had returned to China before. His mother had worked hard pack a bag of salted eggs and let him bring  back to the United States. The result was all eggs were confiscated at the customs. Some people brought a lot of money and were confiscated because they did not declare. It is the execution of the customs free will. It’s too much to deceive, just like the lawyers who used to give me trouble. Some people were willing to let them do it. Their deliberate heart was the root of the scourge.






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