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已有 65 次阅读2021-5-5 22:41 |个人分类:全球化

给印度女性创造更多的工作机会  Create more job opportunities for Indian women

 无论什么宗教都是为了让人过好日子的,而真正让人过好日子的,是科技是资源是生产力我在想,印度肯定有比阿拉伯更强烈的改变经济的欲望吧.  这次去印度,就连旅馆里饭店里送菜的,基本上都是男的我在想如果旅游业发展起来的话,是不是应该雇用更多的女性服务人员随着在精神层面的文化交流的增多,如果有合适的工作机会,娱乐业教育界,翻译,甚至很多电脑操作都可以有女性来担任我在美国看到的很多印度来的女孩子,她们学习都是很聪明的,家里也应该是有点钱的.  在南加大的时候,我看见有些从阿拉伯国家和中亚来的学生,当然他们更富裕,读博士生的基本上都已有家有孩子,女生还是把全身都包起来,可是孩子们却像美国人阳光灿烂到处奔跑甚至还有在草坪上定时铺地毯脱鞋下跪礼拜的锡克族人,我们都觉得特别奇怪的,我想他们如果以后在这边找工作定居下来,也不见得是件容易的事儿. Jackie小学同班同学,是伊朗来的,妈妈读的教育硕士却没有工作,家里开Persian restaurants. 有很多国外来的高智在美国只能做低下的跟教育背景不配的工作呀小学毕业以后,那位女孩去了他们伊朗人自己办的私立学校,平时要带头巾过伊斯兰生活方式,学他们自己的语言那是为他们将来嫁给同族的男孩子做准备呀你看他们对自己的传统宗教保护得多好所以我觉得如果让伊斯兰教的女孩子们出来工作,一定要非常小心,要专门设计适合她们的工作内容解放妇女生产力也不可以是像中国那样的,大规模群众运动应该先给穆斯林男子灌迷魂汤,让他们对女生出来工作睁只眼闭只眼,一步一步地改变,等到形成了潮流,又不违背宗教,那才好中国智库是最擅长做人的思想工作的,你看不到一年,Jackie就成你们的小跟屁虫了!哈哈哈哈哈 所有孩子都有一颗好奇的心,都希望自己有价值,请给天下孩子创造机会吧


 No matter what religion that is for people to live a better life, what really makes people live a good life is  science and technology, resources and productivity. I am thinking that India must have a stronger desire to change the economy than Arab. India, even those delivery food in the hotel restaurant are basically male. I wonder if the tourism industry develop more, should hire more female service personnel. With the increase of cultural exchanges at the spiritual level, if there are suitable job opportunities in entertainment industry, education, translation, and even many computer operations can be held by women. I see many Indian girls in the United States, they are very smart academically, the families also have money. When I was in USC, I saw some students from the Arab countries and Central Asia. Of course they were richer, basically, all Ph. D. students had their own families and  children. The girls still wrapped their whole body, but the children were running around like the Americans in the sun. There are even Sikhs who regularly laid carpets and took off their shoes on the lawn. We all felt particularly strange, I thought it’s not easy to find a job here and settle down here. A classmate of  Jackie in elementary school was from Iran. Her mother got a  master's degree, not working. The family has opened a Persian restaurant. There are many high professionals  from abroad can only do low-level work that is not worthy of education in the United States. After graduating from elementary school, the girl went to a private school run by their Iranians. They usually wear a headscarf to live an Islamic way of life and learn their language. It is for them to marry the boys of the same religion  in the future. You see how much they protect their traditional religion. So I think if you let the girls of Islam come out to work, be very careful. It is necessary to specially design the work content that suits them. The liberation of women's productivity cannot be a large-scale mass movement like China. Muslim men should be first enchanted, so that they can close their eyes when women come out to work, make changes step by step, wait till the trend is formed, and do not violate religion, then it is good. Chinese think tank is the best at doing ideological work, you  see less for a year, Jackie becomes your little "follower"! Hahahahaha, all children have a curious heart,  hope to be valuable, please create opportunities for the children of the world.






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