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已有 227 次阅读2021-5-4 23:04 |个人分类:全球化

不同宗教对妇女的规范有其历史和社会根源  The norms of women in different religions have their historical and social roots

Sep 12, 2016 at 6:53 PM

  印度妇女地位低  Low status of Indian women

亲爱的主席,88,今天Steven & Jeff 给了她$100,她非常高兴这是对她能力的奖赏,也是对她的鼓励!谢谢他们,更谢谢大家那么爱她! 我告诉她把钱存起来,明年夏天就可以去留学了要教她一步一步学会理财了,要让她能用经济的角度看事情. Jackie还要我写伊斯兰教妇女其实不光是伊斯兰教妇女,印度,东南亚,世界上很多国家,女性的地位都不怎么样中国在解放初期有了 妇女能顶半边天运动,解放妇女生产力,给男女平等受教育的权利,就业的权利,政治的权利,整个中国的生产力规模完全改观.  我觉得整个世界上北欧妇女地位基本上和男人一样平等,他们对男女性别的差别还是比较深入了解和区别对待的他们鼓励妇女去做一些适合妇女的行业而早期中国在“妇女能顶半边天”的口号下,在当时大多数中国人的观念里, 很简单粗暴在很多地方忽略了男女差别让女孩子去从事一些不适合的行业可能还是中国人的文化素养不够做事粗糙,就像美国这边玩表面平等但实质不公平的低级政治女生在生理构造上天生是不能跟男生比的做体力活,一般来说是做不过男生的但是女生比较细腻,在情感上在智力上,在耐久忍痛上,女性更强一些.  记得在印度旅游的时候,印度导游告诉我们一个故事,锡克教是怎么产生的呢,因为那个创始人小时候16岁时,待在家里不出去,父母让他去拜神他也不去为什么呢?他说因为印度教的规矩,妈妈在家里没地位,老婆死了丈夫还能再娶,丈夫死了老婆就一定要守活寡伊斯兰教规矩,丈夫可以娶好几个老婆,家里面不安宁,对女性也不公平所以他创建了锡克教,女人也可以平等受教育圣经上说,男人是家里的头,阿拉伯人创建的伊斯兰教是尊崇古兰经的也许因为他们经商生活比较动荡吧,所以不想让女生抛头露面,也不想让女生孤单没有依靠,放在家里面,相夫教子最可靠!而女人不跟外面接触,也少去很多花花草草的事,就尽可能地维持家庭稳定让孩子健康成长你看我什么都知道,我得尽力找一个能够保持安定让孩子可以健康成长的环境啊. 88,是不是?印度女孩子也不太出来工作,印度还有种姓制度,把一个社会分成等级印度女孩更可怜的是,出嫁的时候,不但把自己卖给婆家,还要带一大笔嫁妆,不然在婆家没地位多惨呢!

Dear President, 88, Steven & Jeff gave her $100 today, she is very happy. This is a reward for her ability and an encouragement for her! Thank you, thank you so much for loving her!  I told her to save the money for studying abroad next summer. Teach her to learn financially step by step, to let her see things in an economic way. Jackie wants me to write about  Islamic women. In fact, not only Islam women, India, Southeast Asia, and many countries in the world, women's status is not good. In the early days of liberation, China had a “women can top half the sky” campaign, liberating women's productivity, giving women equal rights for education, employment , politics rights. The rights of China as a whole have changed completely. I think the status of Nordic women in the whole world is basically the same as that of men. They have a deeper understanding of gender differences as they are different. They encourage women in the industry to do something suitable for women.  Girls are born in a physiological structure that cannot be compared with boys. Doing physical work, generally speaking, women  just cannot compete with men. But girls are more delicate, emotionally, intellectually, and endurable. Women are stronger in sustaining. Remember when the Indian tour guide told us a story about how  Sikhism came about! Because the founder was 16 when he was a child, staying at home and not going out for religious activities, his parents asked him to go out worshiping. Didn't go. Why? He said that because of the rules of Hinduism, her mother had no status at home. When wife died, her husband could marry new wife. However  if her husband died, she must stay widow.  Islam rules, husband could marry several wives, the family is restless, and  also unfair. to women So he created Sikh religion, and women can be educated equally. The Bible says that men are the head of the family. Islam created by the Arabs respect  the Qur'an. Perhaps because their  business lives are more turbulent, they don’t want to let the girls show their faces, nor want the girls to be alone with no one to  rely on. Women are placed in the house, helping husband and educating children are the most reliable! And women don't get in touch with the outside world, and they don't have a lot of things to do, so they can keep the family stable and let the children grow up healthily. You see, I know everything! I have to try to find an environment that can keep my child peaceful and grow up healthy. Ah. 88, isn't it? Indian girls don't come out to work either. India also has a caste system that divides a society into ranks. Indian girls are even more pitiful. When they marry, they not only sell themselves to their husbands, but also bring a large dowry, otherwise in new home  they have no status. How miserable!






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