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已有 94 次阅读2021-5-4 23:00 |个人分类:全球化

中国智库的经验是最好的最适合印度的选择 The experience of Chinese think tanks is the best and the most suitable choice for Indian

印度是个贫穷的国家,印度要走向富裕,一定要经过一个有效的挣扎奋斗期我前两次讲的中国智库的经验,是我迄今能想到的最好的最适合印度的选择但是印度的国情和中国又不一样,中国的经验只能作为参考,可以作为尝试实验,成不成功还要看具体的应用结果印度有很多聪明人,也许印度可以走一条不同于中国的自己的也许更快更有效发展道路看看他们能不能拿出一个新的方案,看看他们是不是已经找到人在等米下锅,有人比如日本已经准备投资也许这些新的方案对中国来说也是一个新的路径,可以拿来应用,改善中国自己的经济状况跟中国合作,利用中国的资金和经验,对印度有什么伤害吗? 何乐不为呢? 你们最近接见了一些西方国家的首脑,我心里还在纳闷,其实你们一带一路,是改善世界经济的重要开启项目而要保证一带一路的成功,就非解决亚洲的政治动乱不可而且美国人在亚洲趟浑水,干了一大堆损人不利己的坏事儿,去帮他们揩屁股也是件很头疼的事亚洲是伊斯兰文化占统治地位的地区我想首要任务是先把在全球制造恐怖的ISIS给灭了,接下来应该尽量让伊斯兰教两派,逊尼和什叶派交好和睦相处,看有什么项目可以把他们的共同利益联系在一起,以此为桥梁让大家共同来为这个地区的和平稳定出力当这个地区和平稳定安宁到来时,大规模的建设就可以展开,伴随着建设而来的亚洲欧洲非洲和美洲的大交流就会来临.  而如果以UN的名义去灭ISIS,不但不会造成更多的冤仇相报,而且师出有名,而且可以从各种资源来派遣不同的功能性团队而不会只是从某一个霸权国家的利益出发,只想混水摸鱼而不是甘露济民.  赋予UN的应有的权力,UN可以做很多事!


India is a poor country. To be rich, India must go through an effective struggle period. The experience of the Chinese think tank I talked about twice before is the best and best choice for India that I can think of so far. But India’s national conditions are different from those of China. The Chinese experience can only be used as a reference. Successful or not depends on the specific application results.  There are many smart people in India. Maybe India can take a different path from China that may be faster and more efficient. See if they can come up with a new plan, to see if they have found someone waiting for investment opportunities, and someone like Japan is ready for  investment. Maybe these new programs are also for China. A new path can be applied to improve China's own economic situation. Cooperation with China, using Chinese funds and experience, what harm is it to India? Why not? You have recently met with the heads of some Western countries. I am still wondering, in fact, all of you along the Belt and Road are important opening projects for improving the world economy. To ensure the success of the Belt and Road, it is necessary to solve the political turmoil in Asia. Moreover, Americans are making troubles in Asia and doing a lot of bad things that harm others. It is also a headache to help them clean up.   Asia is the dominant region of Islamic culture. I think the first priority is to destroy the ISIS that has created terror in the world. Next, we should try to get the Islamists, Sunni and Shiites to live in harmony and see what projects can link their common interests. Together, use this as a bridge to let everyone work together to contribute to peace and stability in this region.  When the peace and stability of this region comes, large-scale construction can be carried out, and the great exchanges between Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas will come with the construction. And if ISIS is destroyed in the name of UN, it will not cause more enemies, but also have the name of justice, and can send different functional teams from various resources. It is not just from a certain hegemony whose interests  only wants to fish in troubled water instead of helping the people. To give UN the proper power, UN can do a lot of things!






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