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分享 有关部门:刘晓波后事正有序处理中 刘霞合法权利受保护
2017-7-13 22:45
中新社沈阳7月14日电 7月13日,患肝癌晚期的刘晓波因多脏器功能衰竭死亡。刘晓波后事如何处理?其妻子刘霞目前状况如何?14日,记者从有关部门了解到相关信息。 据介绍,刘晓波临终前,其妻刘霞及多位亲属均在场。刘死亡后,有关部门与刘霞及刘晓波的大哥等多位亲属就处理后事相关事宜进行了沟通,总的考虑是尊 ...
258 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Hospital tried best in treatment of Liu Xiaobo, says doctor
2017-7-13 20:50
SHENYANG, July 14 (Xinhua) -- The hospital where Liu Xiaobo received medical treatment has done its best to save his life, his main doctor Liu Yunpeng said here. "Since the day Liu Xiaobo was admitted, the hospital has made every effort in his treatment," said Doctor Liu, of the First Hospital ...
270 次阅读|0 个评论


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