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已有 269 次阅读2022-11-5 22:58 |个人分类:创意

今年夏天,我带着Jackie以最低预算去了四个国家,地中海的两个国家和东南亚的两个国家。我们看到了差异,然后,就有了比较和对比。新加坡是最小,最富有,完全现代化的花园城市。埃及可能是最不富裕和人口最多的,但它拥有丰富的文化和丰富多彩的用品,Jackie对埃及拥有最深刻的记忆和难忘的印象。在新加坡,导游告诉我们,新加坡的法律是不合情理的,但你必须遵守! ” 在埃及我们看到马骆驼,汽车在同一条高速公路上行驶。真难以置信的!在全球权力集中化方面,全世界都在密切关注各国被一个一个黑化。成熟完善的政治应该是,政治和谐,国家繁荣。用负能量给社会带来创伤,这是斯巴达的蛮鲁,时间绝不会持续很长。真正了解和运作政治的人,都是本地的,经验丰富的,充满血性的爱国政治家。最佳地将这些积极能量整合到全球顶层,这是全球化成功的关键。老实说,我欣赏雅典的美丽曲线,欧洲雕塑, 那些建筑装饰,更胜过新加坡那尖锐,多刺,现代花的几何直线!吉米,马蒂斯?哈哈哈

This summer I took Jackie go around four countries with the minimum budget, Two countries in the Mediterranean and two in Southeast Asia. We See the difference, then, there is a comparison, and contrast. Singapore is the smallest, richest, fully modern garden city. Egypt may be the least rich and most populated but it is so rich in culture and colorful varieties that Jackie has the deepest memory and unforgettable impression. In Singapore the tour guide told us, “The laws of Singapore are unreasonable, you have to obey! “ And in Egypt we saw horses, camels cars running at the same highway. Unbelievable!  On global power centralization, the whole world is watching countries been “blackened” one by one. Mature perfect politics should be, political harmony, prosperous. Bring negative energy to wound society, it's Sparta's rudeness, will not last long. Those who really know and operate  politics well , are local, experienced , Full of blood Patriotic politicians. Optimally Integrate these positive energies to global level, that is the key of successes for globalization. Honestly, I appreciate the beautiful architectural curves of Athen , artistic sculptures of Europe, those decorations , more than sharp, prickly, modern geometric straight lines in Singapore! Jim Mattis ? Hahaha  






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