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已有 274 次阅读2022-11-5 22:53 |个人分类:创意



The same time, we noticed that most residential buildings in Singapore are empty on the first floor. While Turkey has the similar building structure but shops on the first floor. There are a lots of remote villages in large wild areas, commercial shipping is a big problem. These stores in remote areas have limited  space to cover all the necessary products. Is it possible to combine the AI solid warehouse store with VR shopping center? People can select goods from screen or Holographic projection, either pick up right there or get delivered to home later? Can Apple, the most advanced GUI manufacturer create some new technology in this field? This will not only create new market selling more, but change peoples lifestyle as well!   And, Thank Tim so much come to see Jackie almost every week!  I’m also glad to hear that IKEA’s CEO also likes to meet Jackie! Jackie loves Swedish meatball and vacuum cleaner, hahaha! Yet, what these two person are going to bring me any benefits? The pain is still there from previous hurt and my life is still not integrated. Where is the promised compensation and payment for my work? I don’t really care Swedish meatball nor vacuum cleaner........ 






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