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已有 64 次阅读2022-10-1 22:37 |个人分类:全球化

欧盟成员国的头几年继续增长。 2007  -  2010年金融危机的信贷部分对捷克共和国的影响不大,主要原因是其稳定的银行业在20世纪90年代末的小规模危机期间吸取了教训,并变得更加谨慎。 作为GDP的一小部分,捷克公共债务是中欧和东欧最小的公共债务之一。此外,与许多其他后共产主义国家不同,绝大多数家庭债务 - 超过99 - 以当地捷克货币计价。这就是为什么这个国家没有受到美元萎缩货币供应的影响。捷克共和国的经济高度多元化,在2016年经济复杂性指数中排名第七工业部门占经济的37.5%,服务业占60%,农业占2.5%。主要产业是高科技工程,电子,汽车和机械制造,钢铁生产,运输设备,化学品生产和制药。主要服务包括研发,信息通信技术和软件开发,纳米技术和生命科学等。主要农产品有谷物,植物油和啤酒花。


Growth continued in the first years of the EU membership. The credit portion of the Financial crisis of 2007–2010 did not affect the Czech Republic much, mostly due to its stable banking sector which has learned its lessons during a smaller crisis in the late 1990s and became much more cautious. As a fraction of the GDP, the Czech public debt is among the smallest ones in Central and Eastern Europe. Moreover, unlike many other post-communist countries, an overwhelming majority of the household debt – over 99% – is denominated in the local Czech currency. That's why the country wasn't affected by the shrunken money supply in the U.S. dollars. The Czech Republic has a highly diverse economy that ranks 7th in the 2016 Economic Complexity Index. The industry sector accounts for 37.5% of the economy, while services for 60% and agriculture for 2.5%. The principal industries are high tech engineering, electronics, automotive, and machine-building,steel production, transportation equipment, chemical production and pharmaceuticals. The major services are research and development, ICT and software development, nanotechnology and life sciences among others. Its main agricultural products are cereals, vegetable oils and hops.






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