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世界领袖和精英们聚会的目的 三

已有 199 次阅读2022-9-27 22:20 |个人分类:全球化

体育锻炼有助于他们放松并更快地相互了解。那些人非常忙碌,通常他们没有机会与其他人一起锻炼。也许Jackie可以接受训练成为领舞者。每次找到一个宽敞的地方,所有的客人都可以跳舞15分钟到半个小时。上次你参加方块舞时,Jackie将一生记住谁是她的一起跳舞的舞伴。除了聊天之外,还有很多种活动,游戏,小型项目可以在聚会现场进行。娱乐,科学,动手等。 我知道有很多适合孩子的游戏套餐,也许有人可以设计为了大人的套餐,不只是宾果游戏,哈哈哈哈,打牌都行。脸书只会把人们在网上聚集在一起,也许对整个社会来说,他们可以设计一些东西来为大多数中产阶级提供更好的社交生活,这是一个巨大的市场谈到国际化,也许他们还可以把各种文化宗教带到聚会上。它可以是小规模的个人,甚至可以让一些专业团体大规模展示。我真的很想看格鲁吉亚舞蹈,Dabke甚至是拉丁舞。上次墨西哥总统夫妇,巴西总统夫妇去了中国,跳莎莎探戈桑巴,太美了!Dear Steven你是一位伟大的导演,我喜欢看到更多有趣的聚会。


Physical exercise help them to get relax and know each other faster. Those people are very busy, normally they don’t get a chance to do exercise with other people. Maybe Jacky can be trained to be a dance leader, every time find a spacious place that all of the guests can dance for 15 minutes to half an hour. Last time you had square dance, Jackie will remember all her life that who is her partner then dancing hand to hand. Besides talking, there are many kinds of activities, games, small projects can be done at site for the gatherings. Recreational, scientific, hands-on , etc. I knew there a lot of packages for kids, maybe someone can design package for adults, no no no no bingo, ha ha ha ha, playing cards is OK. Facebook only bring people together on line maybe for the whole society they can design something to provide better social life for the majority middle class, it’s a huge market.  When it comes to international, maybe they can bring culture religion varieties to the gathering. It can be small scale personal, or even bring some professional groups to show in large scale. I really like to see Georgian dances, dabke, even Latin dance. Last time Mexican president couple, Brazilian President couple went to China, The dance salsa tangle Samba, So so so beautiful! Dear Steven, you are a great director, and I like to see more interesting gatherings. 






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