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世界领袖和精英聚会的目的 二

已有 52 次阅读2022-9-27 22:16 |个人分类:全球化



2. 去看一位老朋友好好聊天。一些专业人士希望有一个朋友圈子,他们可以多多分享共同兴趣,专业或爱好的东西。当SamsungApple聚在一起时,他们可以谈论如何改进新模型,而不是争论谁是最好的。那些创意可能会引领他们新的合作。深入了解人能更好地交换有趣的想法,拥有良好的关系也可以帮助他们拓展业务,提高创造力。在见面之前,可以问他们想谈什么样的事情,或者他们是否愿意就某事发表演讲。他们甚至可以带一些东西来帮助展示。由于你在数据库中有这么大的候选人,每次你计划和组织一次聚会时,也许你可以选择一个主题,也许你可以借此机会誇耀某个人,也许你提供扩大人脉相连的机会,等等。 比如与目标相结合,有时做一些有特别目的的事情,准备有趣的有意义的愉快聚会,这样的话,客人就想更经常地回来。跳舞,用餐,聊天电影,过山车都很有趣,然而,这些精英都是高级人士,他们不是Jackie他们大多数都是有很多生活经历的老人,他们可能更喜欢智能上精神上的满足。


2. To see an old friend having a decent talk. Some professional would like to have a circle friends that they can share lots of things in the same interest, professional or hobby wise. When Sam sung and Apple get together, they can very much talk about how to improve new models instead of argue who is the best. Those creative ideas may lead their new cooperation. Know someone better help exchange interesting ideas and  have a good  relationship can also help them expand their business, improve creativities. Prior to the meeting , maybe ask them what kind of things they would like to talk about, or if they like to give a lecture on something. They can even bring stuffs to help demonstrating. Since you have such a big candidates in database, every time when you plan and organize a gathering, maybe you can select a topic, maybe you can provide a chance for someone to show off, maybe you provide opportunity to get something connected, etc. To get together with a goal, it is good sometimes do something with a purpose. If you prepare an Interesting meaningful enjoyable gathering, then guests would like to come back more often later on. Dancing, meal, Chat movies , roller coaster are fun, however, these elites are high-class people, they are not Jackie, most of them are old with a lot life experiences, they may need more intellectual  satisfaction. 







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