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已有 59 次阅读2022-9-25 20:49 |个人分类:全球化


哈里发和凯撒都非常热切欢迎Jackie访问他们的国家,借此机会,我希望Jackie更多地了解这些国家的不同方面,除了现场看到的。我希望今年年底或明年我能把Jackie带到拉丁美洲。这就是我今年选择希腊和埃及的原因。我还想谈谈旅游行业。我记得很多年前,当我在中美洲旅行时,旅行社安排了一段一段的旅行。 在旅行开始时,他们给了我一个优惠券小本子.  当我们到达一个新的地点,来接我们的导游会撕下一张优惠券。所以这次旅行就像一次接龙,一个接一个,我们轮流由导游接送。当然最后一个让我们回到了回程航班上。那些中国人以封闭的方式经营旅游业务,这意味着你开始游览,你必须始终跟随旅行,与同一导游。你不能说,哦,我想停在一个中间城市,然后加入另一个旅游团。你不能指望会有另一位导游接你去另一条路线。不,不是这样的。如果你想去套餐外的某个地方,你必须回到原来的城市预订另一个旅游。那不是很好!一点也不!因为中国这么大,假如一位来自上海的旅行者说,想去东北省份,然后去内蒙古甚至中西部地区几个星期,然后回到上海。但是没有这样的旅行。要么您必须以非常高的价格定制,要么您只需购买当地旅游套餐并自行前往不同的目的地。我认为联接系统提供了更多的灵活性。


And both Caliphate and Cesar are so eager so warm welcoming Jackie to visit their countries, take this chance I would like Jackie to know more about The different aspects of these countries, besides the site seeing. I hope end of this year or next year I can take Jackie to Latin America. That is the reason I choose Greece and Egypt this year. There is something more I would like to talk about the tourist business. I remember many years ago when I traveled in Central America, The travel agency arranged tour One section by another. In the beginning of the trip they gave me a book of vouchers,  When we arrived the new site location, the tour guide Who picked us up would tear a piece of voucher down. So the trip is like a rally, One section by another, we are taking turns handed over by tour guides. Of course the last one put us back on the return flight. Those Chinese run tourist business in enclosed way, which means if you start the tour, you have to always follow the tour, with same tour guide. You cannot say oh I want to stop at a middle city, then join another tour. You cannot expect there will be another tour guide pick you up go for another route. No, not the case. you have to go back to the original city to book another tour if you want to go somewhere outside the package. That is not very nice! Not at all! Because China is so big, say a traveler from Shanghai , would like to go north East Province, then Inner Mongolia or even central Western area for a few weeks, then come back Shanghai. However there are no tours like that. Either you have to customize with very high price or you just buy local tour packages and commute from different destinations by yourself. I think voucher system provides much more flexibilities. 






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