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已有 91 次阅读2022-8-14 20:47 |个人分类:全球化

Apr 14, 2018 at 7:14 PM

基尼国王不怕争权夺利争风吃醋摆不平,坏了政府所谓大事,断送个人政治前程!朕即社稷  King Genie is not afraid of fighting for power, no one will be jealous and rude, broke government’s so-called big event, ruin his personal political future! He is the country!

亲爱的习主席,88,昨天半夜Jackie又神之乌之爬起来 妈妈我要洗澡了.”  这是什么状况? 今天一早问她,原来昨晚你们一大帮领袖,亲爱的习主席、88,狐狸师傅,神老爹,基尼国王,还有安曼卡塔尔阿联酋科威特的中东国王们兴致盎然酣畅淋漓话有未尽一直讲到凌晨2:00. 她听着听着睡着了半夜醒来才想起来要洗澡我非常不高兴,亲爱的习主席,88没有让你睡觉吗?有,可我坚决说NO” 可爱可亲,可恨可恶亲爱的习主席,88,首先我要感谢你们,这次终于有爱心让她睡觉了。可你们都是60岁以上的老人,已经不用多少睡眠时间,参加的又都是高贵人士,你们自己尽管酒逢知己千杯少地开会,Jackie就一孩子,做父亲怎么能够纵容她呢?下次再遇到这情况,予先警告她,应该要去睡觉,不管如何有趣,再过5分钟以后就要把她踢出去群,迫她非休息不可!亲爱的习主席,88,我跪求你们了,小孩子经常半夜睡觉,会缺少产生维生素D,对身体发育很不好呢!应该给她养成有规律的作息结果Jackie说,你们自己都去睡觉了,只有她和基尼国王在那儿聊,一直聊为什么?因为基尼太有趣了!啊,原来是这样啊,误会你们了。这一老一少,居然可以饶有兴致聊得这么投机,讲什么呢?基尼国王在介绍他的豪华宫殿呢,又在显摆他的一言九鼎国王地位呢!对呀,世界上有几个人可以像他那样政教合一呀,别人是国家给予的地位和权利,不能随心所欲为所欲为,连见一个天天连线说话的小女孩,都受到壁垒森严的阻挠,都要推脱躲避生怕惹恼后面的掌权者,怕争权夺利争风吃醋摆不平,坏了政府所谓大事,断送个人政治前程!嗤!基尼国王才不怕,朕即社稷!爱干啥干啥!


Dear President Xi, 88, Jackie crazily climbed up in the middle of the night. "Mom, I want to take a shower." What is the situation? I asked her early this morning, it turned out that you had a big group of leaders last night, dear President Xi, 88, Fox Master, God Daddy, King Genie, and Amman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwaiti Middle Eastern Kings, full of enthusiasm, non stopping, chatting till 2:00 in the morning. She listened and fell asleep, then woke up in the middle of the night, thinking about taking a shower. I am very upset, "did President Xi, 88  not let you sleep?" ". "Yes, but I firmly say NO!" Lovely, hateful, dear President Xi, 88, first of all, I want to thank you, this time you finally have love, let her sleep. But you are all elderly people over the age of 60. You don't have to  sleep long time. They are all noble people. Even though you have a meeting with thousands of people, Jackie is a child. How can a father be able to condone her? Next time if encounter this situation, you should  warn her first, You should go to sleep, no matter how interesting, after 5 minutes, we will kick you out of the group!, forcing her  to rest! Dear President Xi, 88, I beg you, if children often sleep in the middle of the night, there will be a lack of vitamin D, which is very bad for the body! She should be given a regular routine. As a result, Jackie said, you all went to bed, only she and King Genie were chatting  in group, keep talking. Why? Because Genie is so interesting! Ah, it turned out to be like this, misunderstanding you. This both old and young, could actually be so interested in such speculation, what to say? King Genie is introducing his luxurious palace, and he is showing his status as a king! Yes, there are several people in the world who can be like him combining politics and religion. Others status and rights are given by the state. They can’t do whatever they want. They can not even see that  little girl they talk every day one the internet. They are all obstructed by the strict barriers. They must evade and escape. They are afraid of angering the powers behind them. They are afraid that someones jealous and arrogant struggle for power will ruin the government’s so-called major events and ruin their personal political future! laugh!  King Genie is not afraid, that is, he is the country! Do whatever he wants!






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