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已有 50 次阅读2022-8-13 20:27 |个人分类:全球化



想把资源和能力合起来做点事  I want to combine resources and abilities to do something.

抗议再多,又有多少效果呢?我想做点事情,比如世界政坛的很多领袖,他们有母亲妻子女儿,也许有社交的需要,可以组织他们一起活动。因为他们都有影响力,他们自己的组织也可以寻找外部资源,支持帮助她们办活动。又比如,可能不同国家的有能力的领袖的家庭朋友或者某些集团,希望在美国置产,旅游,寻求孩子的教育资源,当然不光只局限于美国,可以组成特别的机构来提供服务。还有那些有关女性的新产品,比如化妆品时装珠宝首饰什么的,或者各地的特产,或者孩子们,女眷交友情感需要,可以进行推广,帮着代购!可是不知道哪里去找资金,拉人,因为我既没有影响力,几乎什么资源都没有。不知道Fahda 王妃有兴趣,也帮着出力吗?可以把彭妈妈,伊凡娜,狐狸师傅妻子,甚至丹麦的英国的王后,那些有名的,美丽的都拉进来,看看每个人有什么资源和能力,合起来做点事,是不是挺好的?也许以后Jackie长大了,她会有人脉。哈哈哈


How much more effect will there be if there are more protests? I want to do something. Many leaders in the World Political Forum, they have mothers, wives, and daughters, maybe have social needs, and I can organize them to work together. Because they all have influence, their own organizations can also look for external resources to support them in their activities. For example, family friends or certain groups of capable leaders in different countries may wish to purchase, travel, or seek educational resources for children in the United States. Of course, they are not only limited to the United States, but can also form special institutions to provide services. There are also new products for women, such as cosmetics, fashion jewelery or something, or special products from different places, or children, women, friends, emotional needs, can be promoted, help with shopping! But I don't know where to find the money, find people, because I have no influence, almost no resources. I don't know if Fahda is interested, can also help? You can ask Peng mama, Ivana, the wife of Fox Master, and even the queen of the Britain and Denmark, those famous and beautiful, to see what resources and abilities each person has, and to do something together, is it good?  Maybe in the future Jackie grows up, she will have connections. Hahaha






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