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已有 87 次阅读2022-8-7 22:18 |个人分类:全球化

女性如果要跟男性平等,那就应该要有合理的法律保障  If women are to be equal to men, then there should be reasonable legal protection.

肖建华,王岐山那么多私生子,他们又不负养育的责任,对抚养孩子的女性哪里算得上公平啊? 孩子的人格及成长,怎么会完整成熟健康呢?教育是大事呢,按照人才的培训来适当安排资源,在全世界都是应该综合考量的.  女性如果要跟男性平等,那就应该要有合理的法律保障。任何一个社会,离婚对女生的伤害,绝大部分都是比男生大的。连我找工人来修房子,因为不懂,都会被他们多斩一点钱。离婚时遇见为我服务女律师,哭着告诉我,因为常年辛苦读书工作紧张一直无法怀孕,丈夫找了一位年轻的上海女性生孩子了,我看着她眼含泪水满脸愤愤不平,她自己还是一个律师啊我心里说,至少老公还没离婚吧。社会应该文明,应该有保障女性权益的法律服务吧。世界上有很多领袖,以及他们的前任配偶,川普总统的美女前妻们,基尼国王的上两个妻子,还有他们的那些女儿们公主们,也许可以有更好的地位,可以有更多的空间和机会发挥他们的影响力和功能吧。亲爱的习主席,88,如果你们喜欢听,下次我再讲工作职业,娱乐休闲,理财金融,男女关系。很多年前,外面急风骤雨,我闭门在家里指点江山激扬文字,不知如何被天上的Sir看见,我梦想多年的世界一体,居然走在康庄大道上。现在,Jackie已经在世界政坛,跟你们一带一路全球一体了,已经几乎每个周末,兴高采烈跟全球精英们相聚欢声笑语憧憬未来了。中国的一带一路初始的目的,是钢铁制造业和建筑大军的产能输出大家不觉得考虑问题的就是男性吗?产能过剩,是因为这些行业及男生没有办法转换成智能型产业和人才。嘿嘿嘿 一个社会如果多些智能型人才,那对女性的欣赏就一定不会只限于形体了。PG-13, T&B, 你们绝大部分是年轻的男性吧。如果是我,我会想中国的产业结构可不可以再多一点智能型,比如香港人贝聿铭是世界著名建筑师但是真正在建筑业非常现代派举世闻名的是伊朗人一位女生是女性建筑师。可惜天妒英才早世了.


Xiao Jianhua, Wang Qishan, so many illegitimate children, yet they do not bear the responsibility of raising children, where is the fairness of women raising children? How can a child's personality and growth be fully mature and healthy? Education is a big deal. According to the training of talents, proper allocation of resources should be considered comprehensively in the world. If women are to be equal to men, then there should be reasonable legal protection. In any society, the harm of divorce to girls is mostly greater than that of boys. Even I am looking for a worker to repair a house. Because I don't understand, I will be charged a little more by them. When I was divorced, I met a female lawyer who served me. He cried and told me that because she had been working hard all the year round, she was unable to get pregnant. Her husband found a young Shanghai woman and gave birth to a child. I looked at her eyes with tears and indignation. She was still a lawyer. I said in my heart, at least her husband has not divorced. The society should be civilized, and there should be legal services to protect women's rights and interests. There are many leaders in the world, as well as their former spouses, the ex-wives of President Trump, the two wives of King Genie, and the princesses of their daughters. Maybe they can have a better position and have more space and opportunities to play their influence and function. Dear President Xi, 88, if you like to listen, next time I will talk about work career, entertainment, financial management, and men and women. Many years ago, with outside the squally showers, I closed my door at home and letting out my crazy words of world. I don’t know how to be seen by the heavenly Sir. I have dreamed of the Globalization for many years and even actually it is now taking the Broadway! Now, Jackie is already in the world political Forum, with you all the way on one Belt and Road. Almost every weekend, she happily gathers with the global elite to laugh and talk about the future. The initial purpose of the China Belt and Road  is the production power output of the steel industry and the construction industry. Dont you think that it is mens way  to think about the problem? Overcapacity is due to the inability of these industries and workers to convert into intelligent industries and talent. hehehe If a society has more intelligent talents, then the appreciation of women will not be limited to physical form. PG-13, T&B, most of you are young men.  If it was me, I would like to think that China's industrial structure can be more intelligent. For example, Hong Kong people, I. M. Pei  is a world-famous architect, but the real modernist in the construction industry is a world-famous, an Iranian girl. Female architect. Unfortunately even heaven is jealous, she passed away early.






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