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已有 86 次阅读2022-8-6 22:26 |个人分类:全球化


社会应该提供一定的资源来支持不同女性  Society should provide certain resources to support different women

就这两天沙特举行了时装秀。对于女孩子来说,会穿衣服是给自己增值,是让社会赏心悦目。女孩子是社会的鲜花,和厨师。在中亚的吉尔吉斯坦学校里,女孩子是要学如何缝纫烹饪的。女生将来是要维持家庭的现代社会有钱可以去买漂亮的时装,不要求所有女孩子都学这些,但是大多数女生都要为人母为人妻的,要做饭给家人吃,要挑选时尚打扮自己,要布置美化家庭所以女孩子从小学理家穿衣烹饪,是为将来能够维系一个好的家庭打基础的很多欧美的,伊斯兰教的家庭出来孩子,都很干净,有条理,能自理,这些从小都应该有特别的课,或者能干的父母来教。这个社会大多数的家庭是要靠女生来维系的,维系家庭关系是要靠情感的交流女孩子生来比较敏感,在情感上比较善于表达控制现在社会上有很多的单亲,很多孩子生长在不正常的家庭,缺少足够的人文关怀,社会应该营造一个环境,多让女孩子在情感上丰满成熟,为社会带来稳定现代社会分工,也给很多女生不同的工作机会,不是所有的女生都待在家里相夫教子的,因为不同的工作,会使某些女孩子对工作付出更多,那社会应该提供一定的资源,来支持这些女生,无论对孩子的教育还有个人情感。女生成长过程中不同的年龄段,又有不同的感情需要。好像看过这么一段历史故事,金屋藏娇的刘彻妹妹,因为觉得做哥哥的皇帝可以三宫六妾,于是为自己争权利,开口问哥哥要男宠!女人除了生孩子功能,不同年龄,有不同需要啊应该为女生提供多一点选择和机会,比如为适龄女生提供遇见合适男子的舞会,一起工作,组队搞活动,创造共事机会,性向配对,国内相亲角就不用那么非比寻常壮观了,PG-13, T&B 就不会乔太守乱点鸳鸯谱一直围着老大难的我转了哈哈 昨天基尼国王说阿拉伯半岛的男子都很aggressive, 想想看一个社会中大多数男子平日都看不到优雅的女性,看不到各种行业的优秀女性,所到之处女生从头到尾都裹在黑袍里,男士们的欲望和情感得不到满足,只能去看肚皮舞,那当然要找机会发泄呀。相比起来,丹麦北欧国家不但午夜放A片,还提供合理合法公共性交场所,让民众释放能量,减少积累负能量给社会造成灾害的机会人口众多国家推崇那么多的影视明星歌手和偶像,好莱坞宝莱坞,日本那么多种类的动漫,David Gerffen Jackie送小霉霉的CD,那就是大禹治水,让情感有一个合理的宣泄处减少全社会性犯罪啊!应该可以有很多也为女生们提供的不同的服务吧比如对情感养成和满足给孩子的各种教育资源提供机会分享心里的愉悦等等宗教也有这样的功能吧。生儿育女是人生大事,而完成这个功能的很大部分在女生。男生可以7-80岁照样生孩子,女生在这一点上没法平等。是不是应该提供早年冷冻卵子,基因测试,还有代孕的服务,代为养育孩子的服务。人是全世界的特别的资源,培养下一代也不光是家庭和女性的责任,应该是全社会的一个功能。我想办全球轮转的教育系统,按每个社会不同的需要培养专门的人才。不是每一个孩子都需要修教育大纲里边要求的科目,艺术音乐数学类的孩子,需要很早启发天分的。社会不但需要脑子从没的人才,按照产业结构,更需要一大批会动手的智能型人才, 整个社会结构高精尖的孩子,毕竟少数,大部分只要符合某一些要求能做适当的工作就可以了。为啥要浪费孩子的时间精力和资源了。


In the past two days, Saudi Arabia held a fashion show. For girls, wearing clothes is adding value to them, which is pleasing to the eye in the society. Girls are social flowers, and chefs. In the Kyrgyzstan school in Central Asia, girls are learning how to sew and cook. In the future, girls will have to maintain their families. Modern society has money to buy beautiful fashion. It does not require all girls to learn these things, but majority girls have to be mothers and wives, to cook for their families, to choose fashion dress herself up,  make family beautify. So girls from the primary school to learn dress up and cook, is to lay the foundation for a good family in the future. Many European and American, Islamic families come out, children are very clean, organized, able self-care, these should have special classes, or able parents to teach. Most families in this society is up to women to maintain. And maintaining family relationships depends on emotional communication. Girls are more sensitive and emotionally better at expressing and control.  There are many single parents in the society, many children are growing up in an abnormal family lacking sufficient humanistic care. The society should create an environment that allows girls to be emotionally mature, bringing stability to society. Modern social division of labor also gives many girls different job opportunities, The division of labor in modern society also gives many girls different job opportunities. not all girls stay at home helping her husband and educating their children. Because different jobs will make some girls pay more for their work, the society should provide certain resources to support these girls, regardless of their education and personal feelings.  Girls have different ages and have different emotional needs. It seems that I have seen such a historical story, the sister of Han Emperor Liu Che,  because she felt that the emperor who was her brother can have three palaces and six wives, so she fought for her own rights and asked his brother to have a male lover! In addition to the function of having children, women have different needs at different ages. There should be more choices and opportunities for girls, such as providing girls with suitable men’s dance parties, working together, teaming up activities, creating opportunities for collaboration, personality matching, so that domestic matching corner would not  have to be so spectacularly crowded! PG-13, T&B will not be Joe's arbitrarily  arranging marriage always around me  who is old big and difficult! Haha, the King Genie said that the men in the Arabian Peninsula are very aggressive. I think that if most men in a society can’t see elegant women normally, they can’t see the outstanding women in various industries, and the girls go from up down all wrapped in black robes, the men's desires and emotions are not satisfied. They can only go to watch belly dances. Of course, they look for opportunities to release. In comparison, the Danish Nordic countries not only allow A rated films at midnight, but also provide reasonable and legal public exchange places, let the people release energy, reduce the accumulation of negative energy to cause disasters to the society. The populous countries praise so many movie star singers and idols, Hollywood Bollywood, Japan's many kinds of anime, David Gerffen gave Jackie Taylor Swift CD, which is to control the flood, let the emotions have a reasonable catharsis, reduce social crimes! There should be a lot of different services for girls, such as emotional development and satisfaction, giving children various educational resources, providing opportunities to share their joy, and so on. Religion also has such a function. Parenting is a major event in life, and a large part of this function is done by girls. Boys can have children as they are 7-80 years old, and girls can’t be equal at this point. Should we provide early frozen eggs, genetic testing, and surrogate services, on behalf of the services of raising children. People are a special resource of the whole world. It is not only the responsibility of the family and women to cultivate the next generation, but also a function of the whole society. I want to run a global rotation education system and train specialized talents according to the needs of each society. Not every child needs to take the subjects required in the education syllabus, art, music, mathematics, it needs to inspire talent children very early. The society not only needs talents with super brains, but also needs a large number of intelligent talents that will be hands-on according to the industrial structure. The children at top  social structure are, after all, a small number, most of them can do proper work as long as they meet certain requirements.  Why waste your child's time, energy and resources?






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