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已有 75 次阅读2022-7-5 21:38 |个人分类:全球化

巴西是一个充满热情的民族,那些满脑子礼教的人是些伪君子  A passionate nation in Brazil, those who are full of rituals are hypocrites


Jackie说你们要我写巴西。我们巴西总统特梅尔虽然年过七旬,可是充满朝气呀,因为身边有如花似玉的年轻美女和活泼可爱的小儿子。Jackie说,上次他们去北京开会,特梅尔夫妇一起跳探戈,跳得好极了!PG-13 一定最喜欢特梅尔的选择了,公众人物吗,最重要就是有颜值的吸引力的,我们的川普总统也是这么想的呀。老来得子,有助于青春永驻呢!哈哈哈 88,是吧? 巴西是资源丰富的大国, 也是在南美洲工业化基础最完整的国家. 是拉丁美洲面积最大、人口最多、经济实力也较强的国家. 巴西铁矿砂的储量排名全球第5大,是全球第2大铁矿砂出口国,铝土的出产也仅次于澳洲,有较强工业潜力,铀、锰、镍等矿产也有潜在巨大存量,淡水资源约占全球淡水资源12%,因此也充分利用水资源发展水力发电,水力发电总量占全国发电量高达86.5%。巴西工业居拉美之首。70年代建成了比较完整的工业体系,主要工业部门有钢铁、汽车、造船、石油、水泥、化工、冶金、电力、纺织、建筑等。核电、通讯、电子、飞机制造、军工等已跨入世界先进国家的行列。在第二次世界大战后, 为改变单一的经济结构, 政府加快了工业化的步伐。巴西的铁矿储量大,质地优良,产量和出口量都居世界前列。在现代工业方面,钢铁,造船,汽车,飞机制造等已经跃居世界重要生产国家的行列。巴西的农牧业发达,是世界蔗糖、咖啡、柑橘、玉米、鸡肉、牛肉、烟草、大豆的主要生产国。

Jackie said you want me to write about Brazil. Although our Brazilian President Temer is over seventy years old, he is full of vigor, because there are young beautiful women and lively and lovely young son. Jackie said that  last time they went to Beijing for conference, the Temers danced tango together and danced very well! PG-13 must love to have chosen Temel's the most, public figures, the most important thing is the attractiveness of face value, our President Trump thinks so as well. Get  son at older age, this will help to stay young foreve! Hahaha 88, isn't it? Brazil is a resource-rich country and also the country with the most complete industrialization in South America.  It is the largest, most populous and economically strong country in Latin America. Brazil's iron ore reserves rank fifth in the world, and it is the world's second largest exporter of iron ore. The production of bauxite is second only to Australia. There is strong industrial potential, and minerals such as uranium, manganese and nickel also have potential huge stocks. Freshwater resources account for about 12% of global freshwater resources. Therefore, water resources are also used to develop hydro-power The total hydro-power generation accounts for 86.5% of the national power generation. Brazilian industry ranks first in Latin America. In the 1970s, a relatively complete industrial system was established. The main industrial sectors were steel, automobile, shipbuilding, petroleum, cement, chemical, metallurgy, electric power, textile, and construction. Nuclear power, telecommunications, electronics, aircraft manufacturing, and military industry have entered the ranks of the world's advanced countries. After the Second World War, the government accelerated the pace of industrialization in order to change the single economic structure. Brazil's iron ore reserves are large, with excellent texture, and both production and export volume are among the highest in the world. In modern industry, steel, shipbuilding, automobiles, and aircraft manufacturing have leapt to the ranks of important producers in the world. Brazil has developed agriculture and animal husbandry and is a major producer of cane, coffee, citrus, corn, chicken, beef, tobacco and soybeans in the world.






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