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已有 65 次阅读2022-7-4 21:24 |个人分类:全球化

这是大统战部。 你们也可以试着从世界联邦政府的公共关系部门角度, 来组织构造这样一个大的统战部。不是从中国发出的星状结构,是从世界一体出发的网络结构! 亲爱的习主席,88,昨天 Jackie 告诉我,他们学校的顾问推荐她去找学校的乐队老师选修音乐课,于是她就给音乐老师发了一个邮件,吹嘘自己通过了英皇最高级的考试,并去了卡内基礼堂表演. 当她亲自去跟音乐老师见面的时候,音乐老师的眼睛一亮!可能学校里钢琴好的学生不多,老师让她带一本书去面试一下,看看她的读谱速度如何,如果没问题,可以让她跟乐队一起演奏协奏曲,并且过两年和乐队一起去纽约演出!Jackie高兴坏了。今天她回来说,在学校里遇见一位其貌不扬的朝日混血儿,已经弹了11年的钢琴,对音乐是相当熟悉的. 于是让她明白两个道理,一是人不可貌相;还有做事情只要把心放进去了,坚持做就会有成果的。也许他们可以来一个合作,也希望她能一辈子一直坚持弹钢琴呢!

This is the Department of Great Unification. You can also try to organize such a large unification from the perspective of the public relations department of the world federal government. It is not a star-shaped structure issued from China, it is a network structure starting from top of  the world! Dear President Xi, 88, yesterday Jackie told me that their school counselor recommended her to go to the school's band teacher to take a music class, so she sent an email to the music teacher, boasting that she passed the top exam of the ABRSM, and she went to the Carnegie Hall to perform. When she personally went to meet the music teacher, the music teacher’s eyes lit up! Maybe there are not many good piano students in the school. The teacher asked her to bring a book to the interview to see how fast she is reading music. If there is no problem, let her play the concerto with the band, and after spending two years with the band, go to New York to perform! Jackie was happy. Today, she went back and said that she met a seemingly ugly North Korean-Japanese mixed-race, who has played the piano for 11 years, is quite familiar with music.  So she understands two truths, one is that you can not judge people by appearance . Even more, put your heart in, and stick to a thing will be fruitful. Maybe they can come to a duet, and I hope she can keep playing the piano for the rest of her life!






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