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已有 68 次阅读2022-7-4 21:22 |个人分类:全球化

中国要打造一个平台给世界各国出来发声,让他们轮流上节目来介绍他们的国家、经济、未来的规划、对外政策、地缘政治  China wants to create a platform for the nations of the world to speak out and let them take turns to show their country, economy, future planning, foreign policy, geopolitics.
亲爱的习主席,88,看你们两会以后大刀阔斧改革,撤销央视三大台,建中国之声巨型媒体. 不给那些PG-13,38们机会! 哈哈哈!亲爱的习主席,88,在这里我又要多一句嘴。我们在世界各地旅行的时候,到旅馆里打开电视,最想看的就是CNN还有BBC, 因为那里面有讲世界各地当时发生的事情,和经济形势. VOA是以美国人的眼光来看世界的,我们从来不听也不看这个频道的,因为有偏见,而且没有影响力. 我觉得中国要做的,是要建立一个像CNN, BBC这样子的世界级的媒体, 可以叫”world voice and vision (WVV)”, 打造一个平台,给世界各国出来发声. 中国之声,只是其中一部分而已。比如说,一带一路世界一体,可以向各国政府首脑邀请,对他们进行单独采访,用英文采访,下面有中文字幕,让他们各抒己见。又比如你们每天让我评论的对各国的印象和经济,不同地区发生的大事, 可以变成一个专题的系列评论节目. 甚至可以对每个国家列举一个题目表,然后邀请他们国家不同的精英们轮流上节目,来介绍他们的国家、以及他们的经济、未来的规划、对外政策、地缘政治,等等,我还可以做主持和策划,这一定比我一个人唱独角戏来的精彩。同时也可以向土耳其学习,定时地将不同国家的领袖,宗教人士,文化界人士,反正有影响力的,邀请上电台,就像你们现在的世界论坛一样,就某些国际上问题,比如说,中东的库德族人的问题;或一带一路遇到的问题,比如如何制定政治结构,分配资源,建立军队,等等;或者就某些国家的政治事件,比如亲爱的习主席解除主席任期限制,普京大帝继任总统对国际政治的影响,大家来讨论商量。

Dear President Xi, 88,  after the two sessions you have major reforms, cancelling the three major CCTV stations, build the “sound of China” giant media. Do not give those PG-13, 38 opportunities! Hahaha! Dear President Xi, 88, I have more words here. When we travel around the world, we turn on  TV in the hote, the best channel we want to see is CNN and the BBC, because there are things that happening at the time and the economic situation around the world. VOA sees the world from the eyes of Americans. We never listened to or watched this channel because of prejudice and no influence. I think what China needs to do is to build a world-class media like CNN and BBC. It can be called "world voice and vision (WVV)", to create a platform for countries in the world to speak out. The Voice of China is only part of it. For example, the Belt and Road Globalization, can invite the heads of governments, and to conduct separate interviews with them in English with Chinese subtitles below to let them express their opinions. For example,  you ask me to comment on  impressions  and economies on diifferent countries every day, the big events happening in different regions, all can be turned into a series of special commentary programs. You can even give a topic list for each country and then invite different elites from different countries, taking turns on the program to introduce their countries, their economy, future plannings, foreign policies, geopolitics, etc., I can also do hosting and planning, which must be more exciting than my singing a one-person show. At the same time, you can also learn from Turkey and regularly bring leaders, religious figures, and cultural figures from different countries into the radio station in any way. Just like your current world forum, some international issues, such as the problems of the Kurds in the Middle East; or the problems encountered in the Belt and Road, such as how to formulate political structures, allocate resources, build troops, etc.; or political events in certain countries, such as dear President Xi’s termination of the term of office, the influence of Putin the Great on the success of the president on international politics, everyone can participate to discuss the consult.

又可以就特别的领域,比如说能源,新科技等,让大家一起来探讨可能的应用领域,讲各自不同看法。以这样子的方式来向全世界宣传,可以跨越国界让不同地方的代表性人物上台发言,而不是只有中国共产党领导的中国政府出面的宣传媒体声音,就更显得公平有号召力,更易于被广大世界民众信任和接受。有了这个平台,各国政府和民间就会培养准备一批可以出头的专业人才,可以是各行各业的专家、代表人物,可以站出来介绍自己的领域. 他们可以在专业的高度就国际上某些领域某些事情,发表有价值的意见,并共同寻求解决办法,会消除很多不必要的误解,又
开阔人们的思想。这些人以后就成为你们“党”的思想贡献者。嘿嘿嘿 应该是世界一体化管理中的文宣marketing, 宣传意识形态、价值观、文化、项目动员等等,是在世界各地的散布宣传网络的中坚力量呢. 他们出来一开口, 可是比我和 Jackie几千字文章和优美的钢琴音乐, 以及那些超高颜值的华人美女主播,可能要有功效得多。当然也可以请不同的文化文艺团体来演出,文化人来做演讲,这就给每个国家更多的机会和空间在世界舞台上展现他们的地位和文化. 比如朝鲜的女子乐团、韩国的现代艺人互访,凝聚统一民心,得到世界的认同,比文在寅和金正日的同性恋效果要好多了,哈哈哈! 这也是一带一路世界一体,深入人心,唤起全世界民众的能动性的一个好办法。如果埃尔多安总统也可以出面,讲土耳其未来如何发展经济,开发黑海地区的计划,以及对中东地区共同合作发展经济的愿景,我想愿意听的. 不光是土耳其人,中东地区国家的人,甚至全世界都愿意听. 大家会想着可能的投资机会, 和对自己地区的影响呀。伊朗、沙特阿拉伯、以色列三国就会仔细讨论研究各种可能性,就不会只打自己的小算盘想掌控这一地区了,就有可能坐下来大家共同谋事儿了。T&B,不能老站在中国立场想事情,要站高一点,先把主框架搭建起来的,以后的事情就方便了。

In addition, for special fields, such as energy, new technology, etc., let everyone discuss its possible application areas and talk about their different views. In this way, it can be promoted to the whole world, and it is possible to let representatives of different places come to the stage across national borders, instead of only propaganda media voice of the Chinese government led by the Communist Party of China, it is even more fair and appealing, and more likely to be  trusted and accepted by the  majority people of the world. With this platform, governments and non-governmental organizations will train and prepare a group of professionals who can be selected. They can be experts and representatives from all walks of life. They can stand up and introduce their own fields. They can be internationally professional in these areas, publishing valuable opinions, and jointly seeking solutions,  eliminating many unnecessary misunderstandings, broadening people's minds. These people will become thoughtful thinkers of your "party" in the future. This platform should do marketing for Globalization management, propaganda, ideology, values, culture, project,  movement, etc. It is the backbone of information dissemination network around the world. These people  come out talking, much better  than my housands of articles and  Jackie’s beautiful piano music, as well as those high-profile Chinese beauty anchors, may have much more effect. Of course, you can also invite different cultural and artistic groups to perform, and cultural people to give speeches, which gives each country more opportunities and space to show their status and culture on the world stage. For example, North Korean women's dancing group and  South Korean modern Artists exchange visits, unite the people's hearts, get the world's acceptance, and is much better than homosexual love of Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong Un!  hahaha! This is also a good way for the Belt and Road Globalization to be integrated into the hearts of the people and to arouse the initiative of the people of the world. If President Erdogan can also come forward to talk about how Turkey would develop its economy in the future, develop plans for the Black Sea region, and develop a vision for the Middle East to work together to develop the economy, I would like to listen to! Not only the Turks, but also those from countries in the Middle East, even the whole world is willing to listen. Everyone will think about possible investment opportunities and the impact on their own regions. Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Israel will carefully discuss and study various possibilities. They will not only use their own small abacus to calculate the region. It is possible to sit down and work together. T&B, you can't just stand on the Chinese standpoint and think about things. To stand higher, first build the main frame, and the future things will be easier.






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