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已有 75 次阅读2022-7-3 21:03 |个人分类:全球化

真诚面对,胜过一大堆聪明的患得患失谋略回避! 如果有误失,承认就好了 。 有爱才让人心依附的呀  Sincerely face, better than a lot of self-made cleverness, suffering and loss, strategy to avoid! If you make a mistake, just admit it. It’s the love that makes people feel attached.
亲爱的习主席再次当选,外国元首发来的贺电中,不见欧美等发达国家的领袖。亲爱的习主席,88,也许你们这次开两会,在国际上的政治宣传还不够道地。Jackie太小了,虽然见了那么多的领袖和精英,她没有这个水平来解释。这些不是在中国长大的领袖精英,没有这些文化的背景和中国改革开放的亲历过程,不太会感同身受中国的政治气氛,自然而然会对这样子的结果和政治运作产生负面观感的. 亲爱的习主席,88,我觉得中外在意识形态和政治价值领域,还有很大鸿沟的!因为价值观和标准不一样,一方会对另一方某些事情产生强烈的道德缺失感,而另一方面会感情用事故意对抗的。这些都是像小孩子呕气,没啥意思的,这样下去不会有任何好结果,徒增误会不信任和对抗。88,怎么觉得T&B做事莽撞。比如王岐山否认自己的儿女,欧美文化里,这会让人不耻,让人感到虚伪,让人觉得冷酷无情,让人觉得不可信任,让人怀疑其所相关联的一整个后面,以后还有多少猫腻. 中国人讲究面子,不能只讲你看到的关注的小面子, 全世界看到你的大面子,也许会让你亲爱的习主席丢面子啊. 不同文化,价值观,政治环境,得出的结果不一样,要解释啊。乔布斯后来都把自己女儿,是女儿,接过来抚养。人生,不可能没有颠跛, 真诚面对,胜过一大堆聪明的患得患失谋略回避!没有人是完人,人性是共同的,如果有误失,承认就好了,天又塌不下来。 有爱才让人心依附的呀!88,你是搞政治的呀,搞世界政治的呀!亲亲

Dear President Xi was re-elected. In the congratulatory message sent by the foreign head of state, there are no leaders from developed countries such as Europe and the United States. Dear President Xi, 88, maybe you have two sessions this time, your political propaganda in the world is not enough. Jackie is too young. Although she has seen so many leaders and elites, she does not have this level to explain. These elites who did not  grow up in China, without the background of Chinese cultures nor the experience of China's reform and opening up, they will not feel the political atmosphere of China, they would naturally have a negative perception of the results and political operations. Dear  President, 88, I feel that there is still a big gap between China and foreign countries in the field of ideology and political values! Because values and standards are different, one party will have a strong sense of moral deficiencies on the other side, while the other will be emotionally deliberately confronted. These are like children's fight, meaningless. There will be no good result, only mistrust and confrontation.  88, how do I feel that T&B is not reliable?  For example, Wang Qishan denies his children, in European and American cultures, this will make others feel him shameful,  hypocritical,  cold and ruthless,  untrustworthy, doubt the whole thing associated with it in the back, how many false things are there in the future? Chinese people pay attention to face, can't just talk about the small face you see, the world sees your big face, maybe  you let dear President Xi  lose face. Different cultures, values, political environment, the results are different, so you have to explain. Steve Jobs later took his daughter, his own daughter, to raise.  Life, impossible without bumps, sincerely  face it, better than a lot of clever tactics to avoid loss! No one is perfect, humanity is common.  If there is a mistake, then  admit it will be fine, and the sky will not fall. Love makes people feel attached! 88, you are engaged in politics, engage in world politics! Kiss

The old couple, if not rejected by Harvard, may not have the current Stanford. So dear President Xi, 88, even there is no one, no support, still no big deal. If you have the ability, just do something for everyone, not just for  "0". T&B, isn't it?







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