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已有 66 次阅读2022-6-30 20:52 |个人分类:全球化

我写短文的初衷是希望世界一体能成功,将来孩子们能够有一个好的更文明的世界。可是我觉得,我们的努力和美好的愿望在被人利用而引向歧途  The original intention of my writing essay is to hope that the Globalization will succeed, and that children will have a better and more civilized world in the future. However, I feel that our efforts and good wishes are being misled by others.
我还这么想,我跟Jackie这么多年,辛辛苦苦为你们工作,她几乎每天要到11:30才能睡觉, 她是一个在长身体的少女,你们拒绝承认自己有孩子,对他们保护好好,却无情地吸她的血,多恶呀!问你们要了那么多次,对她有什么培养计划,没有!父母之爱子,则为之计深远,亲爱的习主席,88,T&B, 爱不爱她?我给你们寄那些信息, 我觉得是你们后面那些T&B,从寄宿学校出来的,每天只做功能操作,人性饥渴得不到满足, 年轻体壮却过着封闭生活. 或者就是满脑子屁眼枪眼要求她这么做的。这么对待孩子,天下做父母的怎么可能放心把孩子交在你们手上?你们连区区孤儿寡母都不能够真心对待,不以人性来帮助支持,开什么世界论坛?都闲着无聊吗?我更这么想,我每天给你们写短文,我的初衷是希望你们的世界一体能成功,能为天下扫除隔阂冲突,将来孩子们能够有一个好的更文明的世界。可是我觉得,我们的努力和美好的愿望在被人利用而引向歧途!全球一体,好像只是为谁在全球更野心勃勃争权夺利开道,这个家族那个家族,这个集团那个集团,我带孩子出去旅行都不安宁. 你们都是世界领袖亿万富翁,都为你们自己,为你们的江山,你们的利益,你们的孩子,还不够?不够吗?我们不配。你们事业再成功, 世界一体, 我依旧一天到晚为Jackie担惊受怕, 惙惙不安为我和 Jackie 的将来恐惧。 连我跟Jackie,现在就处在你们事业升腾漩涡中心,都看不到将来,还要为生计发愁,想想看亿万民众,从你们的世界一体中何来幸福啊?世界上那些国家,为什么要敞开大门欢迎你们一带一路世界一体?T&B如此霸道没有人性,谁要他们来指手画脚统治?中国贞观之治,唐太宗把魏征拉到一边,“贤臣,你可不可以不要大堂之上当着面对我谏言, 有伤我皇帝尊严面子。可以私下说。“  魏征断烈拒绝 “皇上,不在于谏言的轻重,在于让朝廷百官看到,有一个公开纳谏的机制,和对待错误谏言的正确处置方式。这样大家就敢于公开谏言了”. 是的,这样就有了贞观之治. 可是没有几年,收了武则天,唐太宗就不想听年老罗嗦的魏征谏言了,把他放一边,后来结果不知道。好像中国有一个电视连续剧 “武则天”,T&B, 那真是美女如花,可以去找来看看。 看来呀,女人要受人尊重荣华富贵,就该诱惑男人篡夺江山,不然会被人吊死!T&B, 是吧?88,我想平平安安过日子, 希望 Jackie 有人好好爱她. T&B,我们现在哪里都去不了,死心塌地跟着你们爬雪山过草地两万五千里长征. 但是心情是灰色的,希望你们不要ruin it!

I still think, I have worked hard with Jackie for so many years. Jackie works hard for you almost every day until 11:30.pm.  She is a girl growing her body now. You refuse to admit that you have children and protect them so much. But the same time sucking Jackie’s blood ruthlessly, how evil it is! Asked you  so many times, what is the training plan for her? No! If parents love children, plan for them long term, dear President Xi, 88, T&B, love or not love her?  I send you the information, I think it is the T&B behind you, who are from the boarding school, only do functional operations every day, with hunger and thirst their desires are not satisfied, young and strong but live a closed life. Or just those full of assholes and gunshots asking Jackie over-working. Treat the child like this, how can parents in the world be assured that they would be handed over to your hands?  You can't even treat the orphans and widows well in real life, don't help people with humanity, open world forum for what?  Are you idle and bored? I think so even more that I write essays to you every day. My original intention is to hope that your Globalization will be successful, and you will be able to clean up the gaps and conflicts in the world. In the future, children will have a better and more civilized world. However, I feel that our efforts and good wishes are being used by others to lead us astray!  Globalization seems to be just for those who are more ambitious in the world to fight for power, this family that family, this group or that group, even when I took Jackie out  traveling it was not peaceful. You are all world leaders and billionaires, for yourself, for you power regime, your interests, your children, is not enough? Not enough? So we don't deserve it. Your career is a success, the world is integrated, I am still worried about Jackie all day long, and I am worried about the future of Jackie and me. Even with Jackie now in the center of your career rising vortex, I can't see the future, I have to worry about my livelihood. Then think about  millions of people, how can they find happiness from your Globalization? Why do countries in the world open their doors to welcome you for Globalization? T&B is so overbearing that there is no humanity. Who wants them to dictate? In the rule of China's Zhenguan governance, Emperor Tang Taizong pulled Prime Minister Wei Zheng to the side. "Nice Minister, Can you not be on the lobby, facing many ministers to give me proverbs? Hurting the dignity and face of me Emperor!  You can say it privately." Wei Zheng refused to the Emperor, “It is not the importance of proverbs that allows the court officials to see that there is a mechanism for public confession and the correct disposal of wrong proverbs. So everyone dares to publicly swear." Yes, there will be the rule of Zhenguan. But after a few years, he got Wu Zetian, Tang Taizong did not want to listen to Wei Zheng’s proverbs of the old chats, put him aside, and later I  did not know. It seems that China has a TV series "Wu Zetian", T&B, that is really full of beautiful girls, you can go and find it. It seems that if a woman is to be respected and honored, it is time to seduce a man to take over the country, or it will be hanged! T&B, right? 88, I want to live peacefully, I hope that Jackie have someone loves her. T&B, we can't go anywhere now, and we are following you to  climb the snow-capped mountains and walk over  the grassland for 25,000 miles. But my mood is gray, I hope you don't ruin it!






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