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已有 94 次阅读2022-6-25 21:36 |个人分类:全球化

世界上只有一个耶路撒冷  There is only one Jerusalem in the world.
世界上只有一个耶路撒冷,我去了很多地方,没有看见象耶路撒冷这样的城市。我非常喜欢耶路撒冷的老城,那儿有四个城区,犹太区、基督教区、伊斯兰区和亚美尼亚区。因为历史悠久,老城是上下好几层的,就像一个超大的多层shopping mall. 有的时候跨过一个门槛,就去到另外一个区,卖的东西完全不一样了,人的着装也不一样,甚至讲话也不同。穆斯林区卖的都是大部分跟宗教有关的物品。犹太区比较现代化,除了卖跟宗教有关的东西,比如kippah, tallit ,居然是中国制造的,还卖很多生活用品,甚至有卖油画,水彩画。进犹太区的门外广场,是著名的哭墙,只要天气好,总会有人在哭墙边默默地祷告并不时地塞纸条。我也塞过,忘了当时写的是什么,是跟Jackie有关的,看来犹太的神真正是保佑她的。干干净净的老城,各种各样的人流熙熙攘攘,就好像是扩大了几十倍的伊斯坦布尔的大巴扎。耶路撒冷还有专门的步行街,那就好像到了美国欧洲那样的现代繁华区。

There is only one Jerusalem in the world. I went to many places and did not see a city like Jerusalem. I really like the Old Town of Jerusalem, which has four districts, the Jewish Quarter, the Christian District, the Islamic Region, and the Armenian District. Because of its long history, the old town has several layers above and below, like an oversized multi-storey shopping mall. Sometimes when you cross a threshold, you go to another district, things sold are completely different, people are not dressed same, even the speech is different. The Muslim area sells most of the items related to religion. The Jewish quarter is relatively modern, except for selling religious-related things, such as kippah, tallit, which is made in China, also selling a lot of daily necessities, and even selling oil paintings and watercolors. Entering the Jewish Quarter outside the square is the famous Crying Wall. As long as the weather is good, there would always be people who pray in silence at the Crying Wall and occasionally stuff the paper. I also stuffed it and forgot what I was writing at the time. It was related to Jackie. It seems that the Jewish god really blessed her. The clean old town, a wide variety of people, is like a bustling Istanbul Grand Bazaar that has expanded dozens of times. There is also a special pedestrian street in Jerusalem, which is like a modern downtown area in the United States and Europe.






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