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已有 85 次阅读2022-6-24 21:34 |个人分类:全球化

印度要花大力气去改变人的意识,和国家的社会结构  India must make great efforts to change people's consciousness and the social structure of the country.
印度和中国一样都是人口大国,这个国家负担深重。中国在中国共产党的领导下,走出了一条自己的道路, 印度还在摸索挣扎。前几天讲到中亚,俄国,加拿大,阿拉伯半岛可能的移民,对于聪明的印度人来说,这也是一个不坏的选项啊。你看印度的软件工程师到美国来,创造了非同寻常的一片天地呀,印度人有犹太人的创意,欧洲人的英文背景和工程头脑,东方人的智慧,阿拉伯人的生意情商,但印度人缺一点大的战略的规划设计,缺中国文化中的政治经验和智慧。我觉得,印度需要的不光是巨大投资的资金,还需要花大力气去改变人的意识,和国家的社会结构。

India is a populous country like China, and the country is heavily burdened. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China has embarked on its own path, and India is still struggling. A few days ago, I talked about Central Asia, Russia, Canada, and Arabian Peninsula for possible immigration in these areas. For smart Indians, this is also not a bad option. You see Indian software engineers coming to the United States to create an extraordinary IT world. Indians have Jewish creative ideas, Europeans' English background and engineering minds, oriental wisdom, Arabian business intelligence. But Indians are lack of a big strategic planning and design, are lack the political experience and wisdom in Chinese culture. I think that India needs not only the funds for huge investment, but also the efforts to change people's awareness and the social structure of the country.






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