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已有 83 次阅读2022-5-27 21:09 |个人分类:北美生活

警察执法,是要以人为主的,脱离人的执法,伤害生命的执法,是没有人性没用的执法。Police law enforcement is to take people as the mainstay. Law enforcement is free from human nature and hurts life. It is lawless without humanity and uselessness.
伊拉克战争的总体死亡人数。最恶劣的是战争,而且是以子虚乌有的大规模杀伤性武器为藉口,进行的杀害几十万无辜百姓的大屠杀!估算下伊拉克战争总共死了46万人!不光是人死亡,还有千万亿的战争代价呢? 上面所说的还只是用武器去伤害生命,更有用信号操控,破坏能量传输,电子控制系统,散发生化细菌,制造地震海啸,等等。这些是比用枪杀人更不见血呀!我不知道这些制造灾难的还算不算是人。军队是应该用来保卫国家的,不是为了制造战争大规模杀戮的!这种无法无天的军队大规模暴力活动,以及在军队支持下的各种恐怖活动,是人类文明发展的阻碍,是反人类的罪行,这种凶残暴行是要加以束缚绳之以法的. 希特勒, 穆索里尼,东条英机,这些战争贩子,都是被送上历史审判台受人类千百年鞭挞的。不管你再强大,我当初对他们说的 “我知道你powerful,可以不费吹灰之力把我置于死地,但我知道你不是上帝,你的所作所为违背上帝的意志!” 如果这些人被收服,那这个世界和平就有望了。警察是用来维持治安的,不是来误杀民众的。恐怖活动鬼魅横行只给社会带来负能量,是人类社会的罪恶活动. 警察如果再跟黑帮连结在一起,社会还允许公开拥枪,那一定造成社会的不安定!警察执法,是要以人为主的,脱离人的执法,伤害生命的执法,是没有人性没用的执法。至今我对美国政府的法律系统咬牙切齿积怨甚深,恨不得砸了它。

The total number of deaths in the Iraq war. The worst is the war, and it is the massacres of killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people under the pretext of a devastating weapon of mass destruction! It is estimated that a total of 460,000 people died in the Iraq war! Not only is human death, but also billions cost of war! The above mentioned is only to use weapons to hurt life, more people use signal control, destroy energy transmission, damage electronic control system, disperse bacteria, create earthquake and tsunami, and so on. These are more bloodless than killing people with guns! I don't know if these people who make disasters are really human. The army should be used to defend the country, not to create a mass killing of war!  This lawless mass of large-scale violent activities, as well as various terrorist activities supported by the military, are obstacles to the development of human civilization and crimes against humanity. This brutal atrocity is to be tied to justice. Hitler, Mussolini, Hideki Tojo, and these war-mongers were all sent to the historical trials and would be whipped by humans for thousands of years. No matter how strong you are, I said to them at the beginning, "I know that you are powerful, you can put me to death without any effort, but I know that you are not God, what you do is contrary to the will of God!" If these people are conquered, then this world peace is hopeful. The police are used to maintain law and order, not to kill the people. The horror of terrorism only brings negative energy to society, and it is a criminal activity of human society. If the police are even linked to the gang, the society will allow the public to hold guns, which will definitely cause social unrest!  Police law enforcement is to be people-oriented. If law enforcement is free from human nature or hurts life, it is lawless without humanity and uselessness. So far, I hate the American government's legal system, and I have a deep grievance. I can't wait to smash it.


We pay so much tax every year, what do the police do?






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