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已有 70 次阅读2022-5-25 22:01 |个人分类:全球化

Feb 25, 2018 at 9:22 PM
中国人圈子, 认识了几年都不肯见面,T&B啥玩意儿?  The Chinese circle, even knew for a few years still unwilling to meet, T&B is unhuman!
亲爱的习主席,88,Uncle Vladimir, President Zeman, 谢谢你们喜欢我昨天的短文. 特别要谢谢泽曼总统,今天邀请他的三位好朋友,尤其是基辛格博士来跟Jackie见面。我让Jackie去给他跳肚皮舞。哈哈哈  结果Jackie回来说,基辛格的歌喉太棒了。下次好好听他唱。犹太人在一起欢歌笑语, 热络社交,有人群聚集的地方,就有正能量,就风水流通。听说基辛格博士要去你们那儿见泽曼,泽曼高兴坏了。中国人圈子, 认识了几年都不肯见面,T&B啥玩意儿?像这样,中国人怎么走江湖? 说起犹太人的网络,真的是无与伦比的。曾经听到过一个笑话,摩西在山洞里见到上帝显灵, 上帝给了摩西一块刻有十戒的石碑. 于是摩西问上帝 “这个要钱吗?” 上帝回答说是免费的. 于是,摩西就说 “那就多给几块” 为什么呀? 因为各地都有犹太人. 哈哈哈 也是犹太人的性格呀. 到了美国以后,才从犹太人那儿知道说,世界上最会做生意的, 其实是伊斯兰世界的阿拉伯商人. 不知道是因为阿拉伯半岛和中亚的沙漠地区不适宜耕种,所以他们才以畜牧业为主, 走经商的道路,还是因为他们善于放牧经商,放弃农耕,才会有这么大一片沙漠土地. 也许两者兼备吧. 相比较起来,伊斯兰教的社会和家庭更稳定一些,文化更精致一些。犹太人和中亚人是同一个祖先,被赶出家门世界流浪,都是异常聪慧善于经商的。丝绸之路的没落,除了几个有石油的国家暴发,总体在科学技术和社会文明进步程度上跟外界世界有落差。而遍布世界的犹太人,因为战争, 政治,发展前景来美. 比如二战以后,大批欧洲犹太人受纳粹德国排挤,移民美国. 因为有了网络优势,信息灵通,再加上善于经营,富裕的犹太人遍布世界,是各地的上层阶级。犹太人已经超越伊斯兰的阿拉伯人,成为世界上的最有影响力的商人,和经济操控者!

Dear President Xi, 88, Uncle Vladimir, President Zeman, Thank you for your love of my essay yesterday. Special thanks to President Zeman, and today invited his three good friends, especially Dr. Kissinger, to meet Jackie. I asked Jackie to give him a belly dance. Hahaha As a result, Jackie came back and said that Kissinger’s singing is great. Listen to him singing next time definitely. Jews sing and laugh together, socialize, and where people gather, there is positive energy, and Feng Shui flows. I heard that Dr. Kissinger is going to see Zeman at your place, and Zeman is happy. In Chinese circle, even  knew for years that have been unwilling to meet, what kind unhuman T&B is?This way, how can Chinese stand in front of the world? Speaking of the Jewish network, it is really unparalleled. I once heard a joke. Moses saw God in the cave. God gave Moses a stone tablet with the Ten Commandments. So Moses asked God, "Do you want money for this?" God replied that it was free. So Moses said "Then give me a few." Why? Because there are Jews everywhere. Hahaha is also a Jewish character. After arriving in the United States, it was only from the Jews that the world’s most business-oriented businessman was actually an Arabian in the Islamic world.  I don’t know is it because the desert areas of the Arabian Peninsula and Central Asia where is not suitable for farming, so they are mainly based on animal husbandry, and they are on the road of doing business. Or because they are good at grazing and doing business, giving up farming, they will have such a large desert land. Maybe both. In comparison, the Islamic society and family are more stable and the culture is more refined. The Jews and the Central Asians were the same ancestor and were driven out of the world to wander. They were all very intelligent and good at doing business. The decline of the Silk Road, in addition to the outbreak of several oil-producing countries, generally has a gap with the outside world in the degree of progress in science and technology and social civilization. Jews all over the world come to the United States because of war, politics, and development prospects. For example, after World War II, a large number of European Jews were excluded from Nazi Germany and immigrated to the United States. Because of the network advantage, well-informed, and good at business, wealthy Jews spread all over the world. The world is the upper class everywhere. The Jews have surpassed the Arabs of Islam to become the most influential businessmen in the world, and economic controllers!






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