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已有 65 次阅读2022-5-23 22:00 |个人分类:全球化

人才放错地方就是垃圾,不称职的人握有大权就会有灾难  The talent misplaced is garbage. If the incompetent person holds the power, there will be disaster.


上次911后,美国一向阿富汗继而伊拉克宣战,当时我的哈佛朋友就欢呼!我心里很不以为然,美国人出兵杀人,为什么美国精英阶层那么高兴?因为每一次战争,美国都经济向前发展。要靠战争来拉动经济,那一定是这个社会的经济结构有问题。而且美国的顶层设计理念,全世界都要为美国贡献,你连全世界各国到底是什么都不搞清楚,就想做世界领袖, 这肯定会撞南墙的。老子“六问六章”里面说“欲上民,必以言下之。欲先民,必以身後之. 是以聖人處上而民不重,處前而民不害。是以天下樂推而不厭,以其不爭,故天下莫能與之爭。” 所以想站在人民之上,就要先站在下面為人民福利著想。想處在人民之前,就要把自身的利益放在人民的利益之後才來考慮。在了解聖人和人民是生命共同體之後,聖人站在人民頭頂上,人民就不會嫌他重;聖人超在人民之前,人民就不會扯他後腿。这样,天下人都推崇他而不討厭他。因為聖人不與人爭私利,所以天下就沒有人能爭得過他。美国整一个反其道而行之,掠夺收割全世界. 话说回来美国有很好的经济基础,有很多优秀的人才,尤其充满创造力,在很多行业是世界领先的。美国有拥有许多新的高科技,比如人工智能生物技术,VR, 等等,美国有空间可以容纳更多的人,有空间可以让更多人发挥才华. 而且美国的危机,世界上的经济危机都是因为某些产业生产过多,打破了比例平衡,因为没有适当地调控,所以洪水泛滥造成的危机。世界一体美国也是系统中的一部分,是大贡献者而不是掠夺者,会持续发展重现繁荣的。

After the last 9/11, the United States has just declared war in Afghanistan and then, my Harvard friend cheered! I didn’t think so in my heart. The Americans sent troops to kill people. Why were the American elites so happy? Because every war, the United States is moving forward. It is necessary to rely on war to pull the economy. That must be a problem with the economic structure of this society. Moreover, the United States' top-level design concept, the whole world must contribute to the United States. You don't even know what the world's countries are, and you want to be a world leader. This will definitely hit the hard Wall. Laozi’s "Six Questions and Six Chapters" said that "If you want to stand on top of the people, you must stand below first and think about the welfare of the people. If you want to be ahead of the people, you should consider your own interests after the interests of the people. After understanding that the saint and the people are the life unity, the saints stand on the top of the people, and the people will not think he is too heavy; the saints are ahead of the people, the people will not pull him back. In this way, everyone in the world respects him and does not hate him. Because the saint does not compete with others for personal gain, no one in the world can compete with him”. The United States has just done the opposite and plundered the world. In other words, the United States has a very good economic foundation and many excellent talents, especially creative, and it is the world leader in many industries. The United States has many new high-tech technologies, such as artificial intelligence biotechnology, VR, etc., the United States has room to accommodate more people, and there is room for more people to play their talents. And the US crisis, the world economic crisis was because some industries produce too much and broke the balance, because there was no proper regulation, so the crisis was flooding. The United States is also part of a system of globalization. It should be a big contributor, not a predator, thus to continue to develop and reproduce prosperity.






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