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已有 86 次阅读2022-1-28 22:34 |个人分类:全球化

跨省市的讨论 Inter-provincial discussions

我更希望的是,每一个省份都有自己准备的视频,甚至可以有一份立体的全省的大项目建设分布模型,就像房地产展示的整套项目的模型一样,可以将这些都放在同一个展览厅。那每一个代表都可以去了解和知道,再过几年他们回来看有什么新的建设,那就有明显的对比呀.而且我觉得除了各省市自己讨论,是不是也应该有一些跨省市的讨论,因为他们彼此了解就可以互相借鉴,可以合作,可以交朋友啊很多代表都很年轻,手中都有一定的资源,在一起交朋友应该兴致很高的吧。除了国家安排的,也许他们以后自己可以出创意亲爱的主席,88Jackie用的iPhone 7,听耳机时需要的adapter用了两年突然坏了。而且苹果公司的库克,现在也不来看JackieTim现在iPhone卖得不好日子一定不好过,T & B,就让他到 Jackie这边来散散心,也许说不定Jackie以后还可能帮他一把,谁知道呢,没啥不好。亲爱的主席,88,你们说呢?我也心情不舒畅,是不是有人把我也这么支开了? Jackie的朋友普京大帝,要了两次Cheetos指定要辣的,又是啥意思?88,跟你有关系吗?而且他找的音乐理论老师来露个脸,下面就没有音讯了。世界上没有免费午餐,他想从亲爱的主席,88,那边讨价还价什么呢?不是中国人,帮衬的心就会弱一些,或者你们没有done deal 所以我非常恳请亲爱的主席,88,我记得有一次带Jackie去张家界,边有一个天门山晚上的秀,声势宏大。表演秀所配的交响乐非常优美感人,余音渺渺,盘旋在群山峻岭中,让人印象深刻听了不忘!

What I hope more is that each province has its own prepared video, and there can even be a three-dimensional distribution model for the construction of large projects across the province, just like the model of the entire project for real estate display, you can put these in the same Exhibition hall. Every delegate can understand and know that in a few years, they will come back to see what new construction there is, and there will be a clear contrast. And I think that in addition to the discussions among the provinces and cities, should there be some inter-provincial cities? Because they understand each other, they can learn from each other, can cooperate, and can make friends. Many representatives are very young and have certain resources in hand. It should be of great interest to make friends together. In addition to the arrangements made by the country, maybe they can come up with ideas in the future. Dear Chairman, 88, the iPhone 7 used by Jackie, the adapter needed to listen to the headset, suddenly broke after two years of use. And Apple’s Cook doesn’t come to see Jackie anymore. Tim’s iPhone doesn’t sell well now, and his life must be difficult. T & B, let him come to Jackie to relax, maybe Jackie may be in the future can help him, who knows, nothing bad. Dear Chairman, 88, what do you say? I'm not in a good mood either. Has anyone pushed me away like this? Jackie's friend Putin the Great, asked for Cheetos twice, specified to be spicy. What does it mean? 88, does it have anything to do with you? And the music theory teacher he found for Jackie just shows his face, there is no news afterwards. There is no free lunch in the world, he wants to bargain with Dear Chairman, 88, for what? If you are not Chinese, your support will be weaker, or you don’t have a done deal. So I very much urge Dear Chairman, 88. I remember taking Jackie to Zhangjiajie once, watched Mt. Tianmen show at night, with great momentum. The symphony of the performance show was very beautiful and touching, and the tones were faint, hovering in the mountains, making people impressed and unforgettable!






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