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已有 158 次阅读2022-1-28 22:31 |个人分类:北美生活

在白人有钱人主流的社会,黑人要想出头就一定要有与众不同的个性  In the mainstream society of white rich people, blacks must have a distinctive personality in order to get ahead

我对其他的常委个人不太熟悉,无法评说.但是如果这些常委将来有可能要在世界上四外出击独档一面的话,可是因为很多国外的民众对中国领导人的名字和形象都搞不清楚,如果以卡通般的形象来包装这些领导人,那别人一看就记住了.只要他们一出面,全世界就知道有可能会发生哪些方面的事儿,这是最最有效的广告和宣传我还想建议,新的常委这次除了穿西装一字排开,是不是可以挑选适合自己的戏剧人物的服装,比如大李哥可以穿成包公,88可以成张生,会后也娱人娱己站在台上一起亮相一下,那有中华文化的几千万党员一定是乐于相见的.国外都已经知道亲爱的主席,88,活泼调皮会跳舞讲笑话,而且在亲爱的主席打腰鼓的时候,他们也可以换成演出服,在边上敲鼓啊!不知道他们个人有什么才艺,那也可以趁机表演呢!Jackie告诉我,她所见过的所有的黑人精英,每一个人都是很有趣很幽默的.我告诉她,因为在这个白人有钱人主流的社会,黑人要想出头就一定要有与众不同的个性中国的政治文化是讲低调的,可是你们要走向世界,就一定要有与众不同的个性和包装,这是文化形象,是软实力的一部分啊,这才容易让别人接受啊.说实在话,就是到现在,我都不太分得清张德江和张高丽,何况外国人呢。T & B,你明白我在说什么吧?我提醒一句,韩正和汪洋,他们长得很像的而亲爱的主席和88,形象上和性格上都是有差别的。一上国际政坛,就因为这个反差有戏剧效果,再加上Jackie,更增添了老和小的对比,及青春活泼能动性,所以她才让人印象深刻,才会吸引别人来看呢还有,当我看你们这次会议各个省份的小组讨论,我还是觉得你们开会需要有更现代的通讯传播工具。会议房间里连一个荧幕都没有,每个人都是用手在写,然后讲一些零零散散的东西.


I am not very familiar with other members of the Standing Committee and I cannot comment on it. But if these Standing Committees may have to go out in the world in the future, it is because many people abroad are not sure about the names and images of the Chinese leaders, if you pack these leaders in a cartoon-like image, others will remember it at a glance. As long as they come forward, the world will know what is likely to happen. This is the most effective advertising and promotion.  I would also like to suggest that in addition to wearing a suit to line up this time, is it possible for the new Standing Committee to choose costumes suitable for his theatrical characters, for example, Brother Li can be dressed as Judge Bao Gong, 88 can be scholar Zhang Sheng, and also entertain after the meeting standing on the stage to make an appearance together. The tens of millions of party members with Chinese culture must be happy to meet each other. Dear Chairmen are known all over the world. 88, lively and naughty can dance and tell jokes, and play with Dear Chairmen. They can also change into costumes when playing drums and beat the drums on the side! I don’t know what talent they have, so they can also take advantage of it! Jackie told me that all the black elites she has seen, everyone is very funny and humorous. I told her, because in this mainstream society of white rich people, black people must be unique and different personalities if they want to get ahead. China's political culture is low-key, but if you want to go to the world, you must have a unique personality and packaging. This is a cultural image and part of soft power. This is easy for others to accept. To be honest, even now, I don't know the difference between Zhang Dejiang and Zhang Gaoli, let alone foreigners. T & B, do you understand what I am talking about? Let me remind you, Han Zheng and Wang Yang, they look alike. Dear Chairman and 88, there is a difference in image and personality. Once in the international political arena, because of the dramatic effect of this contrast, coupled with Jackie, it also adds the contrast between old and small, and youthful and active, so she is impressive and attracts for others to see it. And now, when I look at the panel discussions in the provinces of this meeting, I still feel that you need more modern communication tools for the meeting. There is not even a single screen in the conference room. Everyone writes by hand, and then talks about scattered things.






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