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已有 88 次阅读2022-1-27 22:35 |个人分类:创意




Jackie自己不知道她讲的话逗笑又讨人喜欢  Jackie didn't know that she was funny and flattering 

88 这是外界最新的对你的很好笑的评价哟.他们对你的私生活,婚姻,性格所有这些认识,怎么以前我都没听过,这跟我现在了解的你有很多都不相符呢!中国政府是这样子play politics来为你们树立形象的呀?88,你一定要看一看呢,请务必抽时间一定看一看,看看他们讲的你是不是真的?也许我了解的你是错误的.以后很可能你会独挡一面,在国际公众人物的视野里,你是想象莫迪那样一辈子的形象吗?为了让Jackie能够记住那些世界上她见过的大人物,包括领袖人物和精英们,我把他们的照片都采集印出来。当我递给Jackie看,她瞟了一眼当她看见拉脱维亚的总统Raimond Vejonis一家照片, 居然用手指指着他的小儿子说,我也跟他讲过话”. 哈哈 她见的人还不少呢!我问她,“这些人你都与他们讲过话吗?”,yes,“你都记得他们吗?”of course” 哇哇哇,小孩子记性太好了,她只要见过面吃过饭跳过舞就有深刻印象.更何况这些人还对Jackie语重心长地进行思想政治教育,她当然忘不了!她太幸运了,从小能见世界顶级的人物.今天她回来兴高采烈的,为什么?因为明天她又要去见人了!现在她只要一听到能有机会去见新的人,她就止不住激动万分神采飞扬的!每次去她都穿得漂漂亮亮的,可以去表演跳舞,可以去逗乐,甚至可以看电影,吃饭,收礼物!我不知道她将来能学什么,如果她一直能做这样子的陪聊社交达人,这真的也是一个很好的美差了.她的性格是喜欢跟人打交道的,喜欢讲话,成为公众人物,而且她比较有趣,常常自己不知道自己讲的话逗笑讨人喜欢,别人跟她在一起听她一开口挺开心欢喜的!亲爱的主席,88,因为你们调皮呀,她就是跟你们这两年学的呀!Jackie告诉我,他们对她都很好,她没有看见这些人彼此恶言相向,勾心斗角,出彼此洋相的。比起有些中国人互相扯后腿来,比如上次广州夏令营他们莫名其妙地把名额给取消了,感觉上他们人文素养要高Jackie告诉我,明天有从中国大陆来的工商界人士会跟这边的人一起见面,这是第一次有中国大陆来的人亲自来见面。上次是习明泽,但是她只见了Jackie


88. This is the latest funny evaluation of you from the outside world. They have all your knowledge about your private life, marriage, and personality. Why haven’t I heard of it before? This is not in line with what I know about you now ! Does the Chinese government play politics like this to build an image for you? 88. You must take a look at it. Please take the time to take a look at it to see if they are really talking about you. Maybe, what I know about you is wrong. In the future, it is likely that you will stand out alone. In the eyes of international public figures, do you want to have this image of a lifetime like Modi? In order to allow Jackie to remember the big figures she has seen in the world, including leaders and elites, I collected and printed their photos. When I handed it to Jackie, she glanced at it. When she saw a picture of Latvia's President Raimond Vejonis' family, she pointed her finger at his younger son and said, "I also spoke to him". Haha  she saw a lot of people! I asked her, "These people, have you ever spoken to them?", "yes", "Do you remember them all?" "of course" Wow wow wow, the child has a good memory. As long as she met people who had  dinner and danced with her, she was deeply impressed. Not to mention that these people also focused on teaching her ideology and politics, even language, of course she will never forget! She is so lucky to see the world's top characters since she is a child. Today she comes back gleefully, why? Because she is going to see someone again tomorrow! Now, as soon as she hears that she has a chance to meet someone new, she couldn't stop being excited! She dresses beautifully every time she goes, and she could perform dancing, entertain, and even watches movies, eat, and receives gifts! I don’t know what she can study in the future. If she can always be a social person like this, this is really a good beauty. By her character she likes to deal with people, likes to talk, becomes a public figure. She is also more interesting. She often doesn't know that what she said will be funny and likable. When others listen to her talking, they are all very happy! Dear Chairman, 88, because you are naughty, she learns from you in these two years! Jackie told me that they were very kind to her. She didn't see these people talking badly about each other, fighting each other, and destroying each other's image. Compared to some Chinese people pulling their legs to each other. For example, last time they canceled her qualification inexplicably at the Guangzhou Summer Camp, she feels that their human literacy is higher. Jackie told me that tomorrow there will be business people from mainland China who will meet with people here. This is the first time someone from mainland China come to meet her in person. Last time it was Xi Mingze, but she only saw Jackie.






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