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已有 88 次阅读2022-1-26 23:15 |个人分类:全球化


不按法律来做事,官民关系是永远无法改变的  If you don’t follow the law, the relationship between the government and the people will never change

这是王歧山讲话录像.你看他面对大众眼光闪烁,虽然心里边有人给他底气撑腰,可你看湖南团大多数代表,对他都是另眼相看的像他这样再去做工作怎么树立威信的?他是不是应该站出来发表一下声明,比如说当时是政府的某些特殊行为,因为政府没有办法出面,而由他家人出面的.没有,他什么也没有做,只有姚依林的一百岁诞辰纪念.“Lin再有上帝的power,也不能违背天地逻辑道理呀,他不能够不声不响遮盖的,是要出来讲明的!不然Lin怎么服众呢,以后怎么样领导别人让众望所归呢?为什么什么都要依着Lin呀?请你们给个解释.是不是有人在abuse power如果有一天我的短文和为你们的宣传,都可以按法律程序拿到正常的报酬了,那这个社会就秩序正常了,权力实施正轨了别人就不会看着你有一大堆负面的想法,敢怒而不敢言了亲爱的主席在报告中说,要改变官民关系你们这么对待我,可见很多事情是不按法律来做,官民关系是永远无法改变的蔡奇话音刚落,北京就有事儿.你们现在基本上常驻阿拉斯加,从阿拉斯加看中国,北京和其他城市是不是也没有多少差别?是不是北京因为没有获得应有的重视而就此不满?你们开启全球治理,要从世界各地选拔国际化人才,过去团派的培养系统不太适合新的人才需求,所以共青团势力式微,是不是因为这个胡主席对三个代表有所表示啊?那又怎么办呢?该不是要亲爱的主席,88,去负荆请罪吗?这边网上有一大堆对十九大不怎么样的视频啊文章啊我们的蔡奇大人,除了写去江泽民化的文章,是不是可以实事求是地对这些文章也来一个反驳呀?如果蔡奇去江泽民指的是去除海外的恶势力,那靠你写几篇文章就能成功了吗?我觉得国内各种势力有些人鼠目寸光的.


This is a video of Wang Qishan's speech. You can see that his eyes are moving fast when facing the public, although some people give him confidence to support him, but you see most representatives of the Hunan regiment, they look at him differently. How can he  still establish prestige if he is keeping working? Should he stand up and make a statement, for example, it was some special behavior of the government at that time, because the government had no way to come forward, but his family did it. No, he did nothing, only Yao Yilin’s 100th birthday  he showed up. "Lin" no longer has the power of God, nor can it violate the logic of heaven and earth. He can’t cover it silently, he needs to come out and explain it! Otherwise, how can Lin convince the crowd, how can he lead others to let the public respect in the future? Why should everything depend on "Lin"? Please give me an explanation. Is anyone  abusing power? If one day my short article and publicity for you can be paid according to legal procedures, then the society will be in order and the power will be on track. Others will not look at you with a lot of negative thoughts, dare to be angry and not dare to speak. Dear Chairman said in the report, to change the relationship between the government and the people. If you treat me like this, you can see that many things are not done in accordance with the law. The relationship between the government and the people can never be changed. Cai Qi's voice just fell, and Beijing had something to do with it. You are basically resident in Alaska now. From the perspective of Alaska, seeing China, is there no difference between Beijing and other cities? Is Beijing dissatisfied because it has not received the attention it deserves? You start global governance, and you want to select international talents from all over the world. In the past, the training system of the Youth League was not suitable for the needs of new talents. Therefore, did the Communist Youth League weaken because of Chairman Hu's expression of the "three represents"? What then? Shouldn’t it be Dear Chairman, 88, to apologize? There are a lot of articles and videos on the Internet that are not good for the 19th National Congress. Our senior Cai Qi, in addition to writing articles to Jiang Zemin, can he also refute these articles realistically? If Cai Qi went to Jiang Zemin to refer to the removal of the evil forces overseas, would it be successful if you wrote a few articles? I think some people in the domestic forces are conspicuous.






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