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已有 88 次阅读2022-1-26 23:09 |个人分类:创意

蚂蚁过河  Ants cross the river

亲爱的胡主席,您对我的三个代表解释,有什么异议吗? 如我说的不对请原谅.江泽民更非凡的一点,是他面对世界上西方强盗嚣张又无孔不入的反华势力对中国的排挤,打压,欺辱,非常有智慧地把人力资源分成不同的部分。一部分卓有成效地在界面上遵循邓小平的韬光养悔,以柔软的方法备受屈辱,却能消化,阻止外来势力对中国刚刚起步的改革开放新兴势力的灭绝企图.另一部分励精图治,埋头苦干,默默无闻,却为将来的一鸣惊人而努力奋斗.这就像蚂蚁过河,一个蚂蚁是没有办法过河的,他们只有紧紧地抱成团,因为里面千百只蚂蚁的呼吸空气可以让整个蚂蚁团浮在水面上过河,但是代价是外层的蚂蚁无可避免地会被水流冲走。冲走外面一层里面还有里面一层,直到大部分的蚂蚁可以达到彼岸我们这些过河的卒子,和很多回不去的人生坎坷,颠沛流离的海外游子们,我们就象那些外层的经受波浪冲刷,而生命时刻处于危险的的外层蚂蚁呀蔡奇有没有口里揣着60美金,人生地不熟只会几个英文单词,只身到国外去挣扎过呀?如果没有,那就少写这种去掉江泽民的文章.胡锦涛的科学发展观是为蚂蚁过河指导正确的方向,不然进了漩涡,逆流而上,或许永远也过不了河如果没有那些前辈为马克思主义在中国的应用所做的贡献,就不可能有习近平的中国梦。蔡奇现在在哪里都还不知道呢习近平的中国梦和一带一路的倡议,实际上是在用马克思主义原理更进一步地优化社会的结构,并以此来分析,调整,协调,优化全世界的政治体制!亲爱的主席,蔡奇的文章对你不泛赞美之词前两天你们还说自己是the great我是你们的朋友,当然为你们的成就感到骄傲,我感到了不起,我大声喝彩但是,彼得大帝,叶卡特琳娜的伟大那是别人说的,不是他们自己说的。那是他们有一番成就之后,历史给的定位一带一路现在才刚刚起步,大家都还在起跑线上,万事俱备只欠东风,现在就说你们自己伟大是不是有一点太早了?拿破仑第三帝国加冕的时候,他很狂妄地自说自话,将加冕之皇冠从教皇手上接过来,是自己戴上去的.不过几年,拿破仑就败走滑铁卢,以后他孤零零在圣赫勒拿岛终老亲爱的主席,如果你想做另一个拿破仑,或者被别有用心的人引入拿破仑的命运,尽可以让蔡奇他们多写一些这样的文章蔡奇的文章是针对江泽民的上海帮吗?


Dear Chairman Hu, do you have any objections to my "three representatives" explanation? If I am not right, please forgive me. Jiang Zemin's more extraordinary point was that he faced the exclusion, suppression, and bullying of China by the arrogant and pervasive anti-China forces of the western robbers in the world, and very intelligently divided human resources into different parts. Some of them have effectively followed Deng Xiaoping's low key strategy on the interface, withstand the humiliation in a soft way, but they can digest it and prevent foreign forces from attempting to exterminate the newly emerging reform and opening up forces in China. The other part was to  change management, hard work, obscurity, but hard work for the blockbuster in the future. This is like ants crossing the river. There is no way for an ant to cross the river. But when they only hug tightly, because the breathing air of thousands of ants inside can make the whole ant group float on the water and cross the river. But the price is that the outer ants are inevitably washed away by the current. The outer layer is washed away, but there is an inner layer, until most of the ants can reach the other shore. We soldiers who have crossed the river, and many overseas wanderers who can't go back, our lives are rough and uprooted. We are like those outer ants that have been washed by the waves and are in danger of life at all times. Does Cai Qi  ever have $60 in his pocket and only speak a few English words,  is he struggling alone in a foreign country where he is unfamiliar? If not, then write less articles that remove Jiang Zemin. Hu Jintao’s scientific development concept is to guide the correct direction for ants to cross the river, otherwise they will enter the vortex and go upstream, maybe they will never cross the river.

Without the contributions of those predecessors to the application of Marxism in China, there would be no Chinese dream of Xi Jinping. Then Cai Qi doesn't know where he is now. Xi Jinping's Chinese dream and the Belt and Road Initiative are actually using Marxist principles to further optimize the structure of society, and use this to analyze, adjust, coordinate, and optimize the worlds political system! Dear Chairman, Cai Qi’s article is not a compliment for you. You said you were the Great two days ago. I am your friend, and of course I am proud of your achievements. I feel you great and I applaud. But, Peter the Great, Catherine the Great were said by others, not by themselves. That's the positioning that history has given them after they have made some achievements. The Belt and Road Initiative has only just started. Everyone is still on the starting line. Everything is ready and only the opportunity is waiting. Is it a bit too early to say that you are Great? When Napoleon's Third Reign was crowned, he arrogantly  took the crown from the Pope and put it on himself. But in a few years, Napoleon was defeated in Waterloo, and later he was alone in Saint Helena Island. Dear Chairman, if you want to be another Napoleon or be introduced to Napoleon's fate by someone with ulterior motives, you can ask Cai Qi to write more articles like this. Is Cai Qi's article aimed at Jiang Zemin's Shanghai Gang?






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