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已有 117 次阅读2022-1-26 23:07 |个人分类:创意

有能人,才能做有效的事儿! Only capable people can do effective things!


Oct 20, 2017 at 9:36 PM



亲爱的主席,88,你们开会累吗?可能累得不是体力上的,是精神上的,因为每天黑压压的人群,说不定又有一些鬼魅在里面的呀.我希望你们释怀,从正面去想这是这两天我在网上和同学群里边,看到的北京政府蔡奇写的文章,完全抹煞江泽民胡锦涛的贡献,感觉到文革的味道又出来了.我觉得,按照他的逻辑,中国的历史从元朝以后一直到毛泽东习近平时代,中间都不能算作历史。多简单,那该省掉多少麻烦屈辱事情.中国共产党人这么大的官,难道可以这样把历史当儿戏吗?北京人对亲爱的主席这么的追捧,赞美,我们再说都说不过他们的,请让他们给我们以后称赞亲爱的主席业绩时也留点空间吧嘿嘿嘿 我个人的想法,就理论上来说,马列主义是以数学为基础提出的对人类社会的一种综合社会资源以获取最大利益,可以尽大可能惠及社会各个阶层的社会政治制度结构.毛泽东思想,就是以马列主义为基础,应用到中国的社会实践,因为当时中国人口众多,一盘散沙,受外强侵略,国家的工业基础底子又薄,人口素质差,马列主义是最适合中国能够救中国的.而毛亲爱的主席最大的贡献,就是凝聚中国人民的人心,尤其是人口中占绝大部分的工农兵成分的民众,建立起新的社会制度,为工业化打下基础,是中国能够快速发展.但是因为整个中国政府对官员的思想素质知识水平不够高,没有完全透彻地理解马克思主义的精髓,陷于意识形态教条,违反自然规律,才会有以后的文革,使中国政权几乎灭亡.邓小平打破了思想意识形态上的教条禁锢,以实事求是的科学态度对待问题解决问题,改变现有的社会主义制度结构上的弊端,给发展经济更多的空间和人民更多的机会!江泽民的中央集权是针对中国经济落后的现状,在现有的邓小平调整过的政治结构基础上,将重要的权力集中在中央,就可在全国范围内调动集中资源,做大事情.三个代表是扩展人力资源成分,将更有知识有文化有其他资源的三个代表容纳入以前主要以工农兵为主的就业大军中,并给予应有的地位!有能人,才能做有效的事儿!


Dear Chairman, 88, are you tired of meeting? May be tired not physically, but mentally. Because every day the crowds are black and black, maybe there are some ghosts in it. I hope you can relieve your thoughts and think about it from the positive side. This article is written by  the mayor of the Beijing government Cai Qi, that I saw on line and in the classmates these two days. This completely obliterated the contribution of Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, and I felt the taste of the Cultural Revolution came out again. I think that according to his logic, China’s history cannot be counted as history from the Yuan Dynasty to Mao Zedong Xi Jinping era. How simple it is, how much trouble and humiliation should be saved. Can such a big official of the Communist Party of China treat history like this? Beijingers are so praising  Dear Chairman, we can’t say enough about him, please let them leave some space for us to praise the performance of Dear Chairman in the future. Hey, hey, in my personal opinion, in theory Marxism-Leninism is a comprehensive social resource allocation for human society that is proposed on the basis of mathematics to obtain the maximum benefit, and it can benefit the social and political institutional structure of all levels of society as much as possible. Mao Zedong Thought is based on Marxism-Leninism applied to China’s social practice was because at that time China had a large population, like scattered sand, aggression by foreign powers, the country’s industrial foundation was thin, and the population quality was poor. Marxism-Leninism is the most suitable for China to save China. And Mao’s biggest contribution,is to unite the hearts of the Chinese people, especially the majority of the workers, peasants, and soldiers in the population, to establish a new social system and lay the foundation for industrialization. China can develop rapidly. But because the entire Chinese government’s ideological quality of officials, their level of knowledge was not high enough, and the essence of Marxism was not fully understood. They were trapped in ideological doctrine, violating  the nature laws, there would be the subsequent Cultural Revolution, which would almost wipe out the Chinese regime. Deng Xiaoping broke the ideological  restraint, treated the problem with a scientific attitude to solve problems and changed the existing socialist system structural flaws, giving more space for economic development and more opportunities for the people! Jiang Zemin’s centralization of power aimed at the then situation of China’s economic backwardness. On the basis of the existing Deng Xiaoping’s adjusted political structure, the centralization of important powers in the central government can allocate centralized resources nationwide and do great things. "Three Representatives" is to expand the human resources component, to include three more knowledgeable, cultural, and other resources into the former employment army mainly based on workers, peasants, and soldiers, and gives them the status they deserve! Only capable people can do effective things!






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