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已有 82 次阅读2022-1-18 22:35 |个人分类:全球化

世界的权力机构控制者已经完成了金字塔似的组构,很多人事就不必遮遮掩掩对立冲突,可以公开常规正常进行了  The controllers of the world’s power institutions have completed the pyramid-like organization, and many personnel do not need to cover up conflicts of opposites.


Oct 5, 2017 at 11:58 PM


亲爱的主席,88,今天在网上看见沙特国王去俄国访问了.可是出了一件天大的,哭笑不得的事儿,怎么回事儿呢?是沙特国王周游列国必带的,显示珍贵王室地位的,镀金的自动舷梯出故障了!而且就是单单在国王下飞机,站在舷梯上降到一半的时候,出事儿的!卡住不动了!这不是件要命的事儿!要知道沙特老国王85岁了,走路步履蹒跚还驻着拐棍, 这个自动舷梯可是有好几吨重的,每次他出访海外,都是要专机运载这架舷梯一路而行的!世界上只有他有这样的特权和豪华,别人都是沿红地毯步行而下的! 好了,就是在前天,我们可亲可敬可爱老国王在全UN面前,潇洒自如表演了阿拉伯舞,手脚之灵活,看得出是有童子功的,好像年轻20岁呀!于是老天说,装什么老态龙钟啊,省省吧,自己走下飞机去!促刻的老天不成人之美呀!哈哈哈哈 所以你看看沙特老国王的表情啊,88,你的文学功底好,请你来帮我形容形容吧?沙特国王去俄国访问,历史上第一次,土耳其和俄国的关系已经改善了,现在沙特也在转变,亚洲大局已定.其实库尔德人独立也不是一件坏事,与其让这些人分散在各国闹事儿,还不如让他们自己独立有一个完整的国家.但顶层控制也要归于亚洲的大框架之下才好以后领袖们出去搞活动,又有一个好地方可以去了今天郭文贵开记者会,说中国政府派遣间谍到美国来,对自由世界造成威胁,在各方面对美国这会造成破坏!这不是过去几十年一直到现在,美国政府对世界各国所做的事情吗?这又有啥大惊小怪的?


Dear Chairman, 88. Today on the Internet, I saw the Saudi King went to Russia for a visit. But there was a big thing that made people cry and laugh. What's going on? It turned out to be a must-have for the King of Saudi Arabia to travel around the country, showing the status of the precious royal family, and the gilded automatic gangway failed! And just when the King got off the plane and stood halfway down the ramp, something happened! It's stuck! This was really terrible! You know that the old King of Saudi Arabia is 85 years old. This automatic gangway weighs several tons, and every time he visits overseas, he has to use a special plane to carry this gangway all the way! Only he in the world has such privileges and luxury, others are walking down the red carpet! Well, just the day before yesterday, our amiable, respectable, and lovely  old King performed the Arabic dance in a chic manner in front of the whole UN members. His hands and feet were flexible! So God said, pretend to be old, save yourself, get off the plane by yourself! Mean God does not make others beautiful! Hahahaha So look at the expression of the old King of Saudi Arabia, 88, your literary skills are good, could you describe it for me?  The King of Saudi Arabia visited Russia for the first time in history, the relationship between Turkey and Russia has improved. Now Saudi Arabia is changing, and the overall situation in Asia has been determined. In fact, the independence of Kurds is not a bad thing. Instead of letting these people scattered in various countries making  troublesit’s better to let them be independent and have a complete country. But the top level should control them under the framework of Asia. In the future, when leaders go out to engage in activities, there is another good place to go. Guo Wengui today opened press conference said that the Chinese government sent spies to the United States, posing a threat to the free world and causing damage to the United States in all parties! Isn't this what the US government has done to all countries in the world over the past few decades? What's the fuss about this?














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