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已有 83 次阅读2022-1-17 23:42 |个人分类:全球化

我可以为智库设计系统,把政治结构运作量化  I can design systems for think tanks to quantify the operation of political structures

其实我觉得有很多是属于女性的工作,比如说,你们现在的世界领袖俱乐部,如果有人专门来对这些领袖的个人生活加以关心提供优化服务的话,比如领袖的情感生活家庭生活儿女亲戚朋友金融锻炼兴趣爱好等等,保证,领袖们能够有健康安稳的心态来专心工作,那就很了不起,领袖工作一定是开开心心卓有成效的.因为像这些是人的生存因素,虽然看上去不怎么样,很多时候都是芝麻绿豆小事,但有时候会对生活起到很重要的影响,有时候大到没法想象的.不知道我能不能也做点什么? 亲爱的主席,88,谢谢你们今天又说喜欢我的短文而且一点一点的,你们对我短文的回馈比较有实质内容了,开始跟我互动对话了,开始对我另眼相看抬举我了,让我受宠若惊感恩戴德! 嘿嘿嘿 人与人之间有交流不好吗?其实如果你们收我正经为你们做事,说不定我可以有很大贡献的,试试吗?尤其可以为88,你们的智库设计系统,把政治结构运作量化的!今天Jackie一定要穿粉红色的上衣去学校,还说是你们指定的,因为你们会给她看东西.想不明白看东西和穿粉红色衣服有什么关联.回来告诉我,今天普京大帝穿粉红色的衬衫,跳舞了!她连连称赞,“ Vladimir dances pretty good!” 亲爱的主席,88,你们听得有没有羡慕嫉妒恨?没关系啦,亲爱的主席彭妈妈的腰鼓表演,可以做成保留节目,以后在拍摄中国的纪录片,片头,就可以出现亲爱的主席和彭妈妈在高山之颠,大海之畔,兴致盎然跳腰鼓舞的场面.普京今天为什么要穿粉红色,而且特别高兴的?


In fact, I think there are a lot of jobs that belong to women. For example, in your current World Political Forum, if someone comes to care about the personal lives of these leaders and provide optimized services, such as the emotional life of the leaders, family life, children, relatives , friends, finance, exercise, hobbies, hobbies, etc., to ensure that leaders can have a healthy and stable mindset to concentrate on work, that’s amazing. Leaders must be happy and productive in their work. Because like these are the survival factors of people, although it doesn’t look very good, most of the time it’s a trifle of sesame and green beans, but sometimes it will have a very important impact on life, and sometimes the impact is too big to imagine. I don’t know if I can do something? Dear Chairman, 88, thank you for saying that you like my essay today. And little by little, your feedback on my essay has more substantial content, and you started to interact with me. You start to look at me differently and lift me up. Well, I was flattered and grateful to you! Hey, is it nice to communicate between people? In fact, if you accept me to do things for you officially, maybe I can make a big contribution, don't you want to try it? Especially for 88, help your think tank design system to quantify the operation of political structure! Today, Jackie must wear a pink coat to go to school, and said that you specified it, because you will show her something special. I can’t understand how seeing something is related to wearing pink clothes. She came back and told me today Putin put on a pink shirt and danced! She praised again and again, "Vladimir dances pretty good!" Dear Chairman, 88, do you hear feeling envy  and jealousy? It doesn't matter, Dear Chairman  Peng Mama's Waist drum performance can be made into a repertoire. In the future, when the Chinese documentary is filmed, Dear Chairman and  Peng mama will dance on the high mountains and the sea, dancing  Waist drums dance scene. Why does Putin wear pink today and is particularly happy?






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