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已有 77 次阅读2022-1-17 23:40 |个人分类:全球化

整个社会眼睛都放在年轻的漂亮女性身上  The eyes of the whole society are on young beautiful women

亲爱的主席,88,对不起很不好意思,每天都好像都为赔偿的报酬的事纠结.你们不愿意听,其实我也不高兴去提.可是这个事情没解决,就像鞋子里有一个小石头,走路总是硌脚疼因为我看不到光明的将来呀,我害怕老无所依呀.你们的所有注意力都在Jackie身上,对我弃之一旁,如果有些事情定了,有光明前程,有安全感了,放心了,就不会日夜噬心了.谢谢你们对我们关爱, 只是关爱是要有一个平衡的方式,至少能够让我们过日子啊.我现在,为你们做力所能及的事,为什么你们不把它当作事儿,(这观念很奇怪)一定要我开好远的车子,去找我工程背景工作上日班,而没法顾及Jackie.这边美国不安全,而且一直有人跟我们搞,我不放心她呀你看像我们这些人,女性年纪又大过气了,孩子还没长大,将来的路怎么走呢?你看韩正太太万明,还有普京大帝的前妻,川普的前妻,希拉里等的这些人,好像都默默无闻没有办法发挥作用整个社会眼睛都放在年轻的漂亮女性身上.我觉得,年轻女性有年轻人的特色,年长的女性有成熟韵味,他们是可以做不同事情的.也许可以组织她们做什么事儿了,让这些蕴藏着的宝藏散发光芒.这些过气女性都不是没有本事,有些人还相当有财力和影响力,她们也需要服务是一个市场,比如说帮她们寻找小鲜肉,既满足她们的心理生理需要,也是为小鲜肉寻找一个可能的工作服务机会呀如果在事业中是专家,可以请她们去做演讲和教学呀他们有人生经验也许可以教年轻的女孩们怎么样持家怎么样带孩子怎么样穿衣打扮如果有很多的人脉,可以聘请她们做企业的顾问啊.如果有财力可以把这些金钱汇融起来投资啊.我父亲去世了,我妈妈一个人就把很早以前的编织重新拾起来,用毛线编织各种各样可爱的小动物啊,围巾啊帽子什么的,我们这些孩子看见了都抢,还可以拿去当礼物送人,现在我妈妈每天忙忙碌碌的,事情都做不完,心情好多了有很多退休的人,心灵手巧的,还可以用各种方式发挥他们的余热呢.而且他们人生有经验,老小老小,让他们来跟小孩子在一起,教小孩子知识语言,大人小孩都获益的.


Dear Chairman, 88, I’m sorry, I’m so embarrassed. Every day I seem to be entangled in the issue of compensation. You don’t want to listen, but I’m not happy to mention it. But this matter is not resolved, like there is a small stone In the shoes, it always hurts my feet when I walk. Because I can't see the bright future, I'm afraid of being old and helpless. All your attention is on Jackie, but I have been abandoned. If some things are fixed, I have a bright future and a sense of security, rest assured, things will not bother me day and night. Thank you for caring for us, but caring is to have a balanced way, at least let us live a life. I am doing what I can do for you now, why don't you take it as a thing. Your idea is very strange that I must drive my car far away and go to my engineering background to work on the day shift, and I can’t take Jackie into consideration enough. The United States is not safe here, and there are always ghosts engaging with us. I don’t worry about Jackie. You look people like us, caring elders, but the children haven't grown up yet, how will I go in the future? You see   Han Zhengs wife Fang Ming, and Putin’s ex-wife, Trump’s ex-wife, Hilary, etc. It seems that now they are obscured and have no way to function. The eyes of the whole society are placed on beautiful young women. I think, Young women have the characteristics of young people, older women have a mature charm, they can do different things. I may be able to organize them to do things, so that these hidden treasures shine. None of these exhaled women are without skill, some people are still quite financial rich and influential, and they also need services, which is a market. For example, helping them find handsome guys not only meets their psychological and physiological needs, but also finds a possible job service opportunity for the young handsome guys. If they are experts in their careers, they can be invited to do lectures and teaching. They have a life Experience may teach young girls how to stay at home, how to take children, and how to dress. If they have a lot of connections, they can be hired as consultants to the business. If they have the financial resources, they can remit the money  to invest. My father passed away. My mother picked up the knitting from a long time ago and knits all kinds of cute little animals with wool, scarves and hats. We kids grab it , which can also be used as a gift. Now my mother is busy every day, things can’t be done, and she is in a better mood. There are many retired people who are clever and  their residual heat can be used in various ways. And they have life experience, old people like children.  Let them come with the children and teach the children knowledge and language. Both adults and children will benefit.






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