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已有 157 次阅读2022-1-17 23:35 |个人分类:领袖精英

 Jackie与吴敬琏柳传志交流  Jackie communicates with Wu Jinglian Johnand Liu Chuanzhi Sam


Oct 4, 2017 at 11:19 PM



中国的官场政治,那么黑  China's official politics is so dark

亲爱的主席,88这是今天我在网上看到的,有点吃惊. 明明上次Jackie跟韩正讲话的时候,不是说他已经有个主播老婆,7岁儿子了吗?现在又跑出来一个夫人,还有一个年长的女儿?可是他亲口对Jackie说他没有孩子呀!就跟88,你一样,说自己没有孩子!难道国内政府高层,都是这样子吗?这不是自毁形象吗?完全可以用外交辞令推脱一下呀,是诚心要让别人不信任自己?后面策划多奇怪呀郭文贵爆料说中国政府高层,现在有600多个私生子,是啊,这些红二代都佔据好位置的! 哈哈,记得以前看过一个报道,印尼政府为了灭鼠,就按民众上缴的老鼠尾巴来奖励结果呢,你们可能猜不到,有些民众为了获得奖励,抓到老鼠以后,把尾巴剪了,将老鼠放生,有的还特地养老鼠,让他们多生小老鼠,就可以剪尾巴.你看这个政策是不是变态起了反效果? 我不知道是谁定的法律,是限制谁的?每一个私生子都需要国家财力来抚育培养啊,长大以后也可以名正言顺继承管理上万亿的资产那些千百万上不着天下不着地的平民子女要出头,太不容易了,势必要超出常人勤奋努力,还要盼望社会时事造人,才有机会呢觉得中国的官场政治,那么酱缸,天下乌鸦其实一般黑的,大概跟权沾边的,都不会太纯净亲爱的主席,88,这么多年,你们也有很多秘密吧?88,你还有多少事情藏在里面的,我能知道一些吗?  现在Jackie在你们身边,在世界顶层领袖的圈里,我心里是替她捏一把汗的,不知道她将来会过什么样的生活,会不会有危险.如果别人对中国政府,对你们有不满,会不会发泄到她身上来,(比如以前我去国内,都把脏水泼在我身上),因为你们是受到特别保护的,我们孤伶伶在大庭广众之下的.前天你们请了吴敬琏和柳传志,一个是经济理论泰斗,一个是电脑的硬件昨天又请了Gates Bloomberg一个是金融大亨一个是电脑软件,感觉上怎么觉得有两个方在pk呢?还是在讨价还价瓜分抢占领域呢?


Dear Chairman, 88, this is what I saw on the Internet today. I was a little surprised. When Jackie talked to Han Zheng last time, didn’t he say that he already had an anchor wife and 7-year-old son? Why is there now another lady and an older daughter? But he told Jackie that he had no children! He is like 88, like you, saying he has no children! Is this the case with high-level domestic government officials? Isn't this a self-destructive image? He can completely use a diplomatic rhetoric to evade it. Is he sincere to make others distrust himself? How strange is the planner behind? Guo Wengui broke the news that the top Chinese government now has more than 600 illegitimate children. Yes, these red second generations all occupy a good position! Haha, Haha, I remember reading a report before that the Indonesian government rewarded the according to tails of the rats in order to eliminate the rats. As a result, you may not guess, that some people cut the tails after catching the rats to get the rewards. Then release the rat. Some even raise mice specially, so that they can have more mice, so that they can cut their tails. Do you think this policy has an abnormal effect? I don't know who made the laws and who restricted them? Every illegitimate child needs national financial resources to nurture. After they grow up, they can inherit and manage trillions of assets justifiably. It is not easy for those millions of civilian children who cannot reach the sky nor reach the ground. They must work harder than ordinary people and look forward to social affairs. Then they may have a chance. I think China’s official politics , so dark. The crows in the world are generally black. Probably nothing will be too pure as long as it is tied to power. Dear Chairman, 88, so many years, do you have many secrets? 88. How many things are you hiding behind, can I know some? Now Jackie is by your side, in the circle of the top leaders of the world, I'm squeezing a sweat for her, I don't know what kind of life she will lead in the future, will it be dangerous. If others are dissatisfied with the Chinese government or with you, will they vent their hatred on her? For example, before, I went to China, they all splashed dirty water on me. Because you are under special protection, we are lonely in the large public. The day before yesterday, you invited Wu Jinglian and Liu Chuanzhi, one is a great economic theorist, and the other is making hardware for producing computers. Yesterday, you invited Gates, Bloomberg, one is a financial tycoon, one is to do computer software. How do I feel there are two in pk? Or are they bargaining and dividing up the field?






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