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已有 235 次阅读2022-1-17 00:06 |个人分类:全球化


欧美文化都是从法律角度出发,而不是从基本人性  European and American cultures are from a legal perspective, not from basic human nature

亲爱的主席,88,我在网上看见一篇报道觉得挺有趣的。再怎么样,这个捐精男人还是不如肖建华哈哈哈。从自己家里生养孩子,负完全的责任,到捐精让不同的女性来抚养自己生物上的孩子,而没有任何情感上的经济上纠葛,这中间可以有很多的情况!不同的情况,也可能需要不同种的服务.如果以后法律完善了,个人政府又有足够资源,能够皆大欢喜,那该多好凭良心说,这个艺术家还是运气挺好的,因为他有对这些儿女的探视权,虽然他几乎没有尽养育的责任,而且那些替他生孩子的,自己已有家庭,女子也没有红杏出墙。更没有背景强大的为其生子的女子,因为是儿子,其后面势力气势汹汹要将他招婿入门,或一定要让女子上位那么多儿女来看他,多开心的事儿.在外边世界这是很正常的,中国人文化中有很多偏颇传统观念,却偏走死胡同,不能开放接受,让蛮好的事情变得纠结,怪怪的,讲不清楚中国女孩子表面上看起来妇女能顶半边天,但是事实上不其然.现在社会工业化专业化信息化,有很多工作其实心思敏捷头脑聪明的女孩子来做,那是更适合的如果中国能够把这一部分的生产力,像北欧那样开发出来的话,那中国会很了不起的.只是很多时候有很多中国女性受传统观念束缚,自己都看不起自己呢,还帮助欺压别的女性,Shame. 88,你觉得呢? 我怎么觉得,这些年有人把我当作心理实验对象,一直到现在还在施行像这种国家花钱,给社会造成负能量的东西,伤天害理,那就是罪恶,应该早点去除才好!欧美文化,人从小培养想事做事都比较直线条,都是从法律角度出发,而不是从基本人性,因为法律太严大家都害怕受到严惩,所以循规蹈矩,而且法律之绝对让人根本没有办法申诉和辩解尤其遇到政府单位这个不是中国女孩到国外遇见男朋友有观念出入,而是文化背景和社会制度不同,也是这个男孩子从心底里并不怎么爱这个女孩子,或者说在美国这个社会长大的男孩子,大多数不知道怎么去爱一个人,不知道如何去经营一段亲密关系吧.这边男女分分合合不要太频繁了,刚来美国时,亲戚就告诉我,对面那家小夫妻,刚结婚不到一年就离婚了,还是中国人呢。也许这也是为什么Jackie小小年纪对很多事情淡然的原因吧.

Dear Chairman, 88, I saw a report on the Internet and found it quite interesting. No matter what, this sperm donating man is not as good as Xiao Jianhua. Hahaha. From having children in their own homes and taking full responsibility, to donating sperm to allow different women to raise their biological children without any emotional financial entanglement, there can be many situations in between! Different situations may require different kinds of services. If the law is perfected in the future, and the individual and the government have enough resources to be able to rejoice, it would be great. Conscience says that the artist is still lucky, because he has the right to visit these children. Although he hardly fulfilled his parenting responsibilities, the women who gave birth had her own family. The woman does not have affair with him. There is no woman who gave birth to a son, because of her strong background, forced  to recruit him as husband, or she must marry him. It is so happy that so many children come to see him. This is normal in the outside world. Yes, there are a lot of biased traditional ideas in Chinese culture,  many Chinese people take a dead end and cannot open up to accept, so that good things become entangled. I think it’s weird, it’s unclear. Chinese girls seem to be able to stand up to half of the sky on the surface, but they are not. Now that the society is industrialized, professionalized, and informationized, there are a lot of jobs that are actually more suitable for agile and clever girls to do. If China can develop this part of women’s productivity like Northern Europe, then China will be amazing. It’s just that many times, many Chinese women are constrained by traditional ideas, they look down on themselves, and help bully other women, Shame. 88, what do you think? How do I feel that some people have treated me as a psychological experiment object all these years, and they are still conducting tests. Things like this country that spend money and cause negative energy to the society are really harmful, that is evil, it should be removed as soon as possible! In European and American cultures, people cultivate things when they are young, and they do things in a straight line. They all start from the legal point of view, not from basic human nature. Because the law is too strict and too rigid, everyone fears severe punishment, so they all follow the rules. Moreover, the law absolutely makes people unable to appeal and justify, especially when encountering government units. This is not a Chinese girl’s mis-conception of meeting a boyfriend abroad, but the cultural background and social system are different. Maybe it’s the boy who doesn’t really love the girl from the bottom of his heart, or the boy who grew up in the American society, most of them don’t know how to love someone well, how to manage an intimate relationship. Men and women on American side are going to divide and join too often. When I first came to the United States, my relatives told me that the young couple cross street had divorced less than a year after they were married. They were still Chinese. Maybe this is why Jackie was so indifferent to many things at her young age.






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