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已有 89 次阅读2022-1-15 23:23 |个人分类:全球化

把所有的政权力价值能够进行量化,那以后就可以权衡而做优化决策 The value of all political power can be quantified, and then it can be weighed to make optimization decisions

UN,土耳其,中东代表也一起跳了舞,Jackie很是感叹,那个舞蹈男人跳起来好雄壮啊,macho macho 好有男人气呀!是啊,波斯帝国,阿拉伯帝国,拜占庭,奥斯曼帝国都是一些骑马打仗骁勇善战的战士啊,靠近俄国还有那些哥萨克,跳起舞来也是很彪悍的。如中国,土耳其,阿拉伯,这三个点搞定了,那亚洲就搞定了!厉害呀!我告诉Jackie,你还没看见那些真正的男人跳的蒙古舞,藏族舞,新疆舞呢,那才是充满阳刚之美的,同时也不乏艺术动感优美的亚洲有那么多丰富的文化呀! 谢谢亲爱的主席,88,邀请哈佛毕业的老师来教Jackie,不光是本科的历史,英文而且有科学和经济商业。你们终于霍然开窍了,不是一提到数学就去睡觉,反而是让我去睡觉,真是天壤变化呀,哈哈哈! 其实我心底里是希望Jackie学全球治理的学时装是让她明白应人而量体裁衣,做事是有步骤的.学建筑和景观那是让她明白,设计是要纵观全局从顶层的概念框架开始的,然后才是一步一步细节,既要考虑每一个空间的用途,还要考虑不同空间之间的水,煤气等管道联系,以及建筑和景观的自然融合.学习作曲是让她明白,在时域上展开operation的时候,同时有不同的因素要加以考虑,要深入了解不同因素的功能条件,如何让他们发挥作用又整体和谐就整个社会系统来说,经济只是整体的一部分,就像交响乐里边的某一组乐器,有它自身的特点,很重要但又不能过分强调! 治理是要给不同的元素足够的空间规范,让他们按比例优化发展。如果现在的工作是把所有的政权力价值能够进行量化,那以后就可以权衡而做优化决策.我希望她能学这个,世界上有很多商学院,有很多经济系,现在在发展大数据,好像全球没有几个大学有这样子的科目的。复旦国政系是偏文科的,莫斯科大学是偏理工的,高中只有四年了,我希望早替她选好目标,虽然这边90%以上的人大学毕业以后学非所用,将来也不知道她有没有这个命进入这一领域,但她如果一直跟着你们,只希望她能永远跟你们,在这领域喜欢enjoy一辈子,开开心心地干活!我曾经问过她,喜欢坐办公室呢还是愿意跟人打交道,当然是愿意跟人交流呀!,也许她可以做公众人物形象,有社交魅力。她只跳舞弹琴那可是不够的,要知道文化学会说话说笑话,她不必具体操作那些公式,但是她要了解决策是怎么出来的,那就能更好地跟别人沟通啊!

UN, Turkey, and Middle East representatives also danced together. Jackie sighed. The dancing man danced so majestically, macho macho was so masculine! Yes, the Persian Empire, the Arab Empire, the Byzantine Empire, and the Ottoman Empire are all brave and warrior soldiers on horseback, close to Russia and those Cossacks, and they are very tough when dance. For example, China, Turkey, and Arabia, these three points are done, then Asia is done! Awesome! I told Jackie that you haven’t seen the Mongolian dance, Tibetan dance and Xinjiang dance of the real men. That is full of masculine beauty, and there is no lack of artistic movement. There are so many rich cultures in Asia! Thank you Dear Chairman, 88, for inviting Harvard graduate teachers to teach Jackie, not only the history of undergraduate,  but also English science and economic business. You finally open your mind. Instead of going to sleep as soon as I mentioned mathematics, now you let me go to sleep. It’s really changing, hahaha! In fact, I hope Jackie learns global governance. Learning fashion is to make her understand how to tailor her clothes and do things. There are steps in learning architecture and landscape. That is to let her understand that concept design is to look at the overall  framework from the top. Step by step, it is going to details, not only considering the use of each space, but also considering the connection of water, electricity, gas, and other pipes between different spaces, as well as the natural fusion of architecture and landscape. Learning composition is for her to understand that when operating in the time domain, there are different factors to be considered at the same time. It is necessary to understand the functional conditions of different factors, how to make them function and overall harmony. As far as the entire social system is concerned, the economy is only part of the whole system. Just like a group of musical instruments in a symphony, has its own characteristics, it is very important but it cannot be overemphasized! Governance is to give different elements enough space to allow them to optimize development in proportion. If my current job is to quantify the value of all political power, then I can balance and make optimization decisions. I hope she can learn this. There are many business schools and many economic departments in the world. Now they are developing big data. It seems that few universities around the world have such subjects. The Department of State and Political Science of Fudan is a liberal arts department, and the Moscow University is a science and engineering department. She has only another four years in high school. I hope to choose a good goal for her as soon as possible. Has this life entered this field, but if she has been following you, I only hope that she can follow you forever, like enjoy in this field for a lifetime, and work happily! I once asked her whether she likes to sit in the office or is willing to deal with people. "Of course, I am willing to communicate with people!" Maybe she can be a public figure and have a social charm. It is not enough that she only dances and plays the piano. To know that the culture learns to speak and tell jokes, she does not have to operate those formulas specifically, but she has to understand how the decisions come out, so that she can communicate better with others!






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