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已有 90 次阅读2022-1-15 23:16 |个人分类:领袖精英

世界各地总归有可能的资源,可以为这些领袖提供一些特殊的服务  There are always possible resources around the world that can provide some special services for these leaders


世界上有很多的领袖,社会精英,因为维护其形象,牺牲了人性中的某些部分  There are many leaders and social elites in the world who sacrifice some parts of human nature because they maintain their image

亲爱的主席,88Jackie跟他们见面回来,这次又是高高兴兴的,说John, Tim跟你们一起跳 Zumba了,真棒!这是第一次你们跟这边的商业矩子和专业精英,除了Steven, Jeff 他们以外,随Jackie一起见面咯那以后Jackie每次在这边,跟这边各行各业精英见面,亲爱的主席,88,你们是不是也可以露露脸?跟国外的各个社会层面精英搞好关系,有一面之缘彼此熟悉,以后要做事不就能够呼风唤雨吗?也是为Jackie背书啊!Jackie好有面子的!借你们的光以后影响力大大的可能因为语言,年龄关系,在一起跳舞运动锻炼是最好的选择,可是每个人应该会有每个人的兴趣爱好呀,美国人这边从小一般比较喜欢体育运动,每个城市有他们自己的球队,有自己从小崇拜的电影明星偶像,有些比较喜欢玩乐器,有钱了会收藏物件,也可以把他们不同领域的人拉进来一起见面,比如电影明星,体育明星偶像啊,除了跳舞,给他们空间找兴趣相投的人做他们一直喜欢的东西,或者大家一起气味相投聊天,效果会更好呢!好比说,亲爱的主席,88,我跟你们在一起,可以就很多事情发表意见,很谈得来,你们喜欢听,可以一直到老,做闺蜜有话可谈的,很难得的,世间不容易找到的投缘的人呢.这些世界领袖和社会精英,也许高处不胜寒,内心深处也是很寂寞的,是希望能找到志趣相投的人谈笑言欢的吧,是希望多一点精神上的共鸣的吧这次安倍到中领馆来参加国庆活动,下车以后一路小跑过来的,一定是有什么大的突破了,连日本人对中国国庆都这样趋之若鹜了. 于是我又在想了,世界上有很多的领袖,社会精英,因为有其形象,牺牲了人性中的某些部分.亲爱的主席,88,你们能不能想个办法,因为中国人资源多呀,世界各地总归有可能的资源,可以为这些领袖提供一些特殊的服务.你看像苹果的Tim, 印度的Modi,日本的安倍可不可以找人为他们生养后代呀?如果有这样子的服务也许默克尔,梅姨什么也可能早有后代呀.我知道国内有一些大龄熟女,也许工作忙还单身,也许对现在的伴侣不怎么满意,都到美国这边来冻卵,肯定是想以后有人来代生孩子吧.有些国家有特别的好的医疗方法和设施,也可以分享啊.为人民服务啊,让大家生活健康长寿多好!应该有专门人负责来安排这些活动才好,看电影喝茶跳舞去果园摘水果农场摘蔬菜,大海去钓鱼,玩音乐体育运动什么的.亲爱的主席,88T & B,我挺愿意做这个的

Dear Chairman, 88, Jackie came back to meet them, and this time it was happy again, saying that John, Tim and you guys in video danced  Zumba, awesome! This is the first time you have met with business elites and professional elites here. Besides Steven Jeff and they have met with Jackie, since then, Jackie has met with elites from all walks of life here, Dear Chairman, 88 , can you also show your face? Having a good relationship with the elites of various social levels abroad, they are familiar with each other. Will you be able to do anything in the future? Endorsement for Jackie too! Jackie has a big face! The influence will be great after borrowing your light. Perhaps because of language and age, you are the best choice to dance and exercise together. But everyone should have everyone's hobbies. Americans generally like sports from an early age. Each city has its own sports team and movie star idols that they have admired since childhood. Some children prefer to play musical instruments. When they have money, they will collect objects. You can also bring people from different fields to meet together, such as movie stars and sports star idols. In addition to dancing, give them space to find people with similar interests to do whatever they have always liked, or everyone to share the same topic and chat, then the social effect will be better!  Dear Chairman, 88, when I’m with you, I can express opinions on a lot of things. It’s very talkable. You like to listen. We can talk like my old girlfriends. It’s very rare, people in the world who can share interests  with are not easy to find. These world leaders and social elites may be very isolated at the top, and they are lonely in their hearts. Are they hoping to find people who share similar interests? Do you want a little more spiritual resonance? This time Abe went to the Chinese Consulate to participate in the National Day event. After getting off the bus, he trots all the way. You must have made a big breakthrough. Even the Japanese are so eager for China’s National Day. So I am thinking again. There are many leaders and social elites who sacrifice some part of human nature because they want to maintain their image. Dear Chairman, 88, can you think of a way, because there are so many Chinese people, there are always possibilities around the world Resources can provide some special services for these leaders. You see, like Tim of Apple, Modi of India, and Abe of Japan, can you find someone to raise offspring for them? If there is such a service, maybe Merkel and Teresa May may have descendants  long time ago. I know that there are some older mature women in China, maybe they are busy working and single, maybe they are not very satisfied with their current partners, and they all come to the United States to freeze eggs. They definitely want someone to give birth to babies in the future, right? Some countries have special good medical methods and facilities, and they can also share it serving the people. How good it is for everyone to live a healthy and long life! You should have a dedicated person responsible for arranging these activities. Watching movies, drinking tea, dancing, picking fruits in the orchard, picking vegetables on the farm, fishing in the sea, playing music, sports or something. Dear Chairman, 88, T & B, I'm quite willing to do this. 






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