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已有 80 次阅读2021-12-4 00:52 |个人分类:创意

大数据分析可以采用不同的行业汇聚在人的不同层次需要上 -- 轮状多层模型  Big data analysis can use different industries to converge on different levels of people's needs-wheeled multi-layer model

最近开始,全面接触社会各行各业的顶尖人士我告诉Jackie社会里所有行业,所有活动的最终目的,都是为了服务人类,为人类提供更好的生活而她所见的这些人,以后要见的这些人,他们的行业,都可以在人的需要中,找到对应的那部分他们可能是在行业的上游中游或者下游他们就是一个功能体,有输入和输出有些可能是线性的产业链,有些可能是树枝分叉的有些甚至可能是纠结的巡回的但是最后1公里都是直接服务人的最赚钱的行业就是最后那1公里的市场,人越多利润越大奥巴马相比于做流行音乐的David Geffen ,  奥巴马地位天高,所赚的钱不及大卫的一个零头的嘿嘿 亲爱的主席,88你看我这是在给她洗脑做职业选择呀!而这些行业基本上都有上家和下家,如果有一方出了事儿,整个行业就会受到牵连一个国家的金融出了毛病,整个世界都跟着遭殃如果你们进行大数据分析,也可以采用这个条条大路通罗马-不同的行业汇聚在人的需要 -- 轮状多层模型,对每一个企业,企业所属的产业链,以及产业链所属的行业进行模拟分析,那正常运作应该是产出和注入下家基本平衡如果有哪一个节点出现问题,如果不及时解决的话,就会产生负影响我想经济危机就是要么市场没法支持,要么那些产出和输入比例不对还有,在比较分析不同国家的社会模型的时候,看对相同的需要,所有满足这些需要的产业拥有的资产是多少,在全社会的产业中所佔的比重是多少,是什么样的产业,这样就可以看得出,比如说发达国家,他们在哪些方面发达发展中国家如果要在某些方面提高生产力,尽快地获得财富,应该在什么地方增加投资,引进什么样的产业和高科技设备比如昨天的建筑师,是衣食住行中的,是行业中的上家,负责设计产业链下家是建筑商,与之交集的是各类建筑材料的供应商,是政府的城市规划基础设施管理部门,产出是完成的建筑,或直接投入房地产市场,或交给房地产经纪,最后一里就是需要买卖房子的客户再有,今天她要见的空中巴士和汉莎航空公司,在航空业空中巴士是属于中上游的飞机制造厂商汉莎是下游面对客户,购买大飞机而提供旅行服务的商业集团.  飞机制造和用飞机来提供服务一定要有一个适合比例,不然要么产能过剩,要么供不应求机票贼贵,反正都会出麻烦把这些介绍给让她能够清醒地理解社会的行业结构,亲爱的主席,88希望你们能够以此模型,清楚地无误地完整地设立社会各行业运作的模型,以便以后可以实时地模拟监管分析优化,避免危机! 模型一出来,各种比例,各种欠缺,优点,运作情况一目了然你们明白我在说什么吗? 88最近网上很多耸人听闻的事儿,孩子怎么样了?你们是跟小夫妻住在一起?还是他们经常带孩子来看望?他们还有一个大一点男孩子怎么样啊?是一直这样下去吗?我多嘴了.  中国卫星出事没有入轨,调离刘国梁中国男乒罢战很明显这些变化的曲线不够平稳如果是虚职,随时拿走都没什么大的影响,是实干的人,贯性很大的,慢一点,合理一点,才不突兀,才少出状况,那才是美的. Trillion and Billion, 对我已经不近人情,对很多事为什么还那么冲?我很不舒服的,代价那会很大的,蠢!


Recently, she has been in full contact with the top people in all walks of life. I told Jackie that the ultimate purpose of all activities in all industries in the society is to serve humanity and provide a better life for human.  In the future, these people and their industries can find the corresponding part in the needs of people. They may be in the upstream or downstream of the industry. They are just a functional body with inputs and outputs. Some may be linear industrial chains, some may be bifurcated like branches. Some may even be tangled connecting. But the last  km is directly serving people. The most profitable industry is the last  km market. The more people, the greater the profit. Compared with David Geffen, who makes pop music, Obama has a high status, and the money he earns is less than that of David. Hehe Dear Chairman, 88, you see, Im brainwashing Jackie to make a career choice for her! These industries basically have superiors and subordinates. If something goes wrong, the entire industry will be implicated. If a country s finances go wrong, the entire world will suffer. If you do big data analysis and all roads lead to Rome, you can also use this to bring different industries to meet people's needs. It is a wheeled and multi-layer model. You can simulate and analyze each enterprise, the industry chain to which the enterprise belongs, and the industry to which the industry chain belongs. For normal operation, there should be a basic balance between upstream output and downstream injection. If there is a problem with a node, if it is not resolved in time, it will have a negative impact. I think that the economic crisis is either that the market cannot support it, or those products The ratio of outgoing and outgoing is not correct. Also, when comparing and analyzing the social models of different countries, you have to look at certain needs. What are the assets owned by all industries that meet these needs? What is the proportion and what kind of industry, so you can see, for example, where they are developed in developed countries. If developing countries want to increase productivity in some areas and obtain wealth as soon as possible, then where they should  increase investment? What kind of industries and high-tech equipment are introduced? For example, yesterday s architect I M Pei was engaged in living in the clothing, food, housing, and transportation industry. He was responsible for the design.  The next member of the industrial chain is the builder, who intersects with various building materials suppliersgovernment's urban planning and infrastructure management department. The output of the industry is the completed construction, or directly investment in the real estate market, or handing over to the real estate agent, and the last mile is the client who needs to buy and sell the house. Furthermore, the Airbus and Lufthansa CEOs she will meet today are in aviation industry, Airbus is a mid-to-upstream aircraft manufacturer. Lufthansa is a business group that provides customers with large airplanes and provides travel services for downstream customers. Aircraft manufacturing and aircraft services must have a suitable ratio, otherwise there will be overcapacity either it is in short supply or the tickets are too expensive. Anyway, it will cause trouble. Steven introduced them to Jackie so that she can clearly understand the industry's  structure. Dear Chairman, 88. I hope you can use this model to clearly and completely set up the society models for the operation of various industries so that they can be simulated, monitored, analyzed, optimized, and avoided troubles in real time in the future! As soon as the model comes out, various ratios, various deficiencies, advantages, and operating conditions are clear at a glance. Do you understand what I am talking about? 88. Recently, there are many sensational things on the Internet. What happened to your child? Are you living with the young couple? Or do they often bring their children to visit? How about they have a bigger boy? Is it going on like this? I'm talkative. The Chinese satellite hasn't gotten into orbit, and moved away Ping-pong tutor Liu Guoliang. The Chinese Men's Table Tennis Team strikes. Obviously the curve of these changes is not stable enough. If it's a futile job, it doesn't have a big impact at all. But if it is very big, you have to be slower and more reasonable, then things will not change abruptly, only the situation will be less, that is beautiful. Trillion and Billion, you are not humane to me, why are you so rash about many things? I am very uncomfortable, the price you pay will be very big, stupid!






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