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已有 85 次阅读2021-12-2 23:57 |个人分类:全球化

Jun 23, 2017 at 5:39 PM

贝聿铭的设计对空间的感知能力有特别之处,既有西方的现代化和文化特色,又有中国文化的天人合一理念 I M Pei's design has special features for the perception of space. It has both Western modernization and cultural characteristics, as well as the concept of harmony between man and nature in Chinese culture.

亲爱的主席,88昨天Jackie一连看了两场电影,而且跟这边加州最大电力公司CEO世界闻名的建筑师贝聿铭,以及她以前曾有交集的两位美国电影导演见了面!托你们的福,谢谢Steven, 我看她快成世界小达人了!哈哈 贝聿铭是世界著名的建筑师,一百岁了,真想不到!他现在住在香港,香港是有名的长寿之城虽然那么拥挤弹丸之地,我想可能因为是文化丰富,和人之间的交集足够频繁,所以老年人能够保持他们的青春常在头脑活跃再加上弹丸之地没法开车,出行非得步行不可,所以长寿以前交大的老师,留美的张煦教授也是活到105岁,看来大城市对老年人长寿是有益处的再者和志同道合的人在一起经常聊天,和调皮捣蛋小孩子在一起脑力激荡,也是长寿的好方法希望你们的世界论坛,能够招天下之英才,一直开下去,谈笑有鸿儒往来无白丁,青山不腐流水不滞我看贝聿铭的设计,觉得他对空间的感知能力有特别之处,而且他的设计既有西方的现代化和文化特色,又有中国文化的天人合一理念,将建筑融入周围的环境南加爱迪生公司的CEO是理科出身,告诫Jackie做电力这行一定要有很好的数学你看遍布世界各地地表的高压电架,还有各种高压电线,以及电厂变电所,这种有super power的行业是与上帝最近的,当然得需要很好的数学如果Jackie只想做一个社交达人,充其量就是曝光率高但是如果她要举足轻重一言九鼎的话,那要跟上帝在一起才好,她的价值才powerful!记得我当博士研究生时,老板香港人特别看不起大陆人可是当我把论文设计的理念,以及数学解决方法讲给他听时,他是正襟危坐洗耳恭听的我知道他敬重的不是我的出生,而是我所讲的东西,那是属于上帝的亲爱的主席,88千万不能眼光短浅而妨碍她学数学的,要鼓励她学文科有情感魅力万千,也要鼓励她平衡学数学有头脑不受人欺而powerful是不是,亲爱的爸爸?

Dear Chairman, 88, Jackie watched two movies in a row yesterday. And she met with the CEO of California's largest power company, the world-renowned architect I M Pei, and the two American film directors she had met before! Thanks for your blessings, thank you Steven, I think she will soon become a world socialist! Haha I M Pei is a world-famous architect, one hundred years old, I really can't believe it! He lives in Hong Kong now. Hong Kong is a famous city of longevity. Although it is such a crowded projectile place, I think maybe because it is rich in culture and the intersection with people is frequent enough, so the elderly can keep their youth always having an active mind. In addition, there is no way to drive in a projectile place, so you have to walk, so they live long. My teacher at Jiaotong University, Professor Zhang Xu who studied in the United States, also lived to 105 years old. There is a benefit. Also, chatting with like-minded people often, brainstorming with mischievous children, is also a good way to longevity. I hope that your World Political Forum will be able to invite the best of the world leaders to keep going, to talk and laugh with knowledgeable people, not to communicate with ordinary people, the green mountains are not rot, and the water is not stagnation. I see the design of I M Pei, I think his perception of space  is something special, and his design has both Western modernization and cultural characteristics, as well as the concept of the unity of nature and Chinese culture.  He can integrate the building into the surrounding environment. The CEO of Southern California Edison is a science background, he admonishes Jackie that there must be good math in doing electricity. Look at the high-voltage electric racks all over the world, as well as various high-voltage wires, as well as power plants and substations. This industry with super power is the most being close to God, of course, requires very good math. If Jackie just wants to be a social expert, at best it ’s high exposure. But if she wants to be a decisive person, she needs to be with God. Then her value is powerful! I remember when I was a Ph.D. student, the Hong Kong adviser especially looked down on the mainlanders. But when I told him the idea of ​​thesis design and mathematics solutions, he was very serious and listened carefully. I knew that what he respected was not mine birth and family background, but what I was talking about, it belonged to God. Dear Chairman, 88, you must not be short-sighted and hinder her from studying mathematics. Encourage her to study liberal arts, which is emotional and charming. You also encourage her to balance the subject and learn mathematics with a strong mind and not being deceived by others. Is it right, dear fathers?






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