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已有 79 次阅读2021-12-2 23:51 |个人分类:创意

有精神的需要才会产生宗教,才会有各种艺术文学哲学  Only spiritual needs can produce religion, and there can be various artistic literary philosophies


Jun 22, 2017 at 10:05 PM

有了宗教,人类的很多活动就有了名正言顺的目的  With religion, many human activities have a justified purpose

亲爱的主席,88,今天Jackie还跟中东地区的领袖们谈宗教我问她你听得懂他们讲的这些抽象的宗教啊,哲学啊,话题吗?” 她说“ yes, I understand哇哇哇,太厉害了吧!不知道是真是假,但她绝对是有兴趣的如她有兴趣,那就好,是进入这些领域的最原始动力.  因为她接触了宗教的话题,于是我试探性地问她,以色列中东地区,有哪些宗教呀,都是啥时候啊?” “公元3500BC的犹太教,一世纪的基督教,还有700AD的伊斯兰教”. 她还告诉我伊斯兰教的五个Pillar。她不错呀,居然了解的这么详细我问她知道吗这三个宗教的崇拜对象都是耶和华呀是同一个上帝呀!怪不得他们那边解决宗教问题还是底气十足的,因为他们都是耶和华的好信徒啊她若有所思的点点头我很想知道为什么在中东地区会有那么多的大宗教产生,是因为那边的犹太人特别聪明吗?我觉得犹太人对人的心理了解,对人的精神需要是特别有探究的中国也是文明古国,中国人在精神领域的文化发展也是很早就有了但是中国却一直没能形成宗教,只有像孔子那样的哲学家中国有诗经,有神话,有吕氏春秋和有有历史和生活哲理的论语”. 中国古代人也有对神明的敬畏,夏商周朝有很多的祭祀活动,可是却没有形成一个有组织的,有系统的,有圣经的宗教为什么呀? 因为有了宗教,人类的很多活动就有了名正言顺的目的比如说在西方的音乐和绘画,大型建筑,早期都是为宗教服务的呀人类很多的文化活动,也因为宗教而开发创立起来比如很多的集会,庆祝,为孩子提供的教育,形成网络散播信仰,建立联络沟通的渠道宗教是满足精神生活需要一种综合的方式,但是精神生活不一定要通过宗教来进行人类从很早以前就已经不再是行尸走肉只限于动物的需要,因为有精神的需要才会产生宗教,才会有各种艺术文学哲学,才会把民众的精神以宗教的名义,用神作为众心所向的目标而凝聚统一起来有力量,才可以干大事儿但是中世纪宗教走入歧途,人性受到压抑封闭,人得不到真正的舒展呼吸文明的发展为人类打开了一扇更广阔的天地,科学一点一点地取代了宗教在人类社会中的地位,文艺复兴又为提供更高级的丰富多彩的精神产品创造了条件现代社会有那么多的可能性,那么多的方式,产生越来越多的精神产品教会已经不是唯一人们可以获得精神满足的地方.  但是,世界上还有一定数量的人们生活在宗教的约束之中,这是他们生活的环境和统治者对他们进行管理的结果,他们可以选择过现代社会生活,享受各种各样的先进的精神产品,而不一定拘泥于某一宗教我们也可以选择在宗教里,并有选择地享受宗教外的精神食粮!这是一个多寡和内容的差别,目的都是满足精神需要.

Dear Chairman, 88, today Jackie also talks about religion with leaders in the Middle East. I asked her "Do you understand the abstract religions, philosophy, and topics they talk about?" She said "yes, I understand" Wow wow wow, that's amazing! I don’t know if it’s true or false, but she’s definitely interested. If she’s interested, that’s good. It’s the most primitive motivation to enter these fields. Because she was exposed to religious topics, I asked her tentatively, “Israel in the Middle East, what religions are there, and when? " "Judaism at 3500BC, Christianity in the first century, and Islam at 700AD ". She also told me five Pillars of Islam. She’s not bad, she knows it in such detail. I asked her if she knew that the worship object of all three religions is Jehovah, the same God! No wonder they are still confident in solving religious problems because they are all good believers of Jehovah. She nodded thoughtfully. I wonder why there are so many big religions in the Middle East, because are the Jews over there particularly smart? I think the Jews have a special understanding of people ’s psychology and their spiritual needs. China is also an ancient civilization, and Chinese people ’s cultural development in the spiritual field has been very early. But China has never been able to form a religion, only  philosophers like Confucius. China has the Book of Songs, there are myths, there are "Lu's Spring and Autumn" and "The Analects of Confucius" with history and life philosophy. The ancient Chinese also had awe for the gods, Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties had many sacrificial activities , But did not form an organized, systematic, biblical religion. Why? Because of religion, many human activities have a justified purpose. For example, in western music and painting, large-scale buildings, early service were all  for religion. Many human cultural activities, but also developed and founded because of religion . For example, many gatherings, celebrations, education for children, forming a network to spread faith, and establishing channels for communication. Religion is a comprehensive way to meet the needs of spiritual life, but spiritual life does not have to be carried out through religion. Since long ago, humans have ceased to be limited to the needs of animals, because there is spiritual need to produce religion, there will be various artistic literary philosophies, and the people ’s spirit will be in the name of religion. With God as the desired goal of all the hearts, it is possible to do great things by consolidating and having strength. However, medieval religion has gone astray, human nature has been suppressed and closed, and people have no real breath. The development of civilization opens for human a wider world, science has gradually replaced the status of religion in human society, and the Renaissance has created conditions for providing more advanced and colorful spiritual products. Modern society has so many possibilities, there are so many ways to produce more and more spiritual products. The church is not the only place where people can get spiritual satisfaction. However, there are still a certain number of people in the world who live under the constraints of religion, which is the environment in which they live as a result of managing them with the rulers. They can choose to live a modern social life and enjoy a variety of advanced spiritual products, not necessarily confined to a certain religion. We can also choose to be in a religion, and selectively enjoy spiritual food outside religion! This is a difference between quantity and content, the purpose is to meet spiritual needs.






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